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Business Gifts for Your Clients and Employees
Tis' the season for business and corporate gift-giving! If you believe in the law of reciprocity, and if your business is the least bit successful you must; you know that giving back is not only the right thing to do, but it's very smart business as well. Let's look at some of the benefits and mechanics of Christmas and holiday gift-giving. * WHY DO IT AT ALL? Gift giving is an excellent way to not only say thank you for all the business and continued loyalty your clients and customers have shown over the past year, it help to solidify relationships and in some cases, actually tilt the playing field in your favor. A well-conceived business gift will speak volumes on your integrity, thoughtfulness and sincerity and may make the difference between you and a competitor. As for employees, the days of 50 years and a gold watch are long gone, so a token of appreciation during the holidays or other special occasions can turn a mediocre relationship into one of fierce loyalty. * WHEN TO DO IT? Obviously Christmas and the season surrounding it are the major themes here. Other times of the year, such as Thanksgiving, Easter, Labor Day etc., may also present golden opportunities as it is not expected then. Other times to consider might include occasions such as a business anniversary, marriage, births, promotions, new offices or branches, and possibly retirement (ESPECIALLY of a competitor!) * WHAT TO GIVE? This can be the most difficult part of the process. All of us have been the recipient of the cookie cutter approach, as the countless fruitcakes of Christmases past haunt our freezers. In a large company, it's difficult to avoid this, but by bearing this in mind, you'll be able to come up something unique and stand out above the rest. Also think of the nature of the business relationship. Anything inappropriate would not only be unappreciated, but could have the opposite effect of that you're trying to achieve. If you can, try to make it as personal as possible, reflecting the interests and likes of the person receiving the gift. Be mindful of religious differences, as you don't want to offend in that area either. While striving to give the nicest gift possible within your budget, take care not to appear as though you are bribing anyone for business or loyalty. * HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THIS? Start as soon as possible, and dedicate at least one person to work on this solely, as depending on the size of your list, it can become onerous. Given enough time and resource, however, it can be done quickly and efficiently. Shopping online has made things so much simpler. You can find so many more choices with the click of a mouse than you could with weeks of prospecting on foot. Many of your favorite brick and mortar merchants now have an online presence as well, as they too recognize the immense possibilities of the medium. Take advantage of web vendors, many of whom offer free shipping, corporate and bulk discounts, and many other perks to get your business. It really is a time-saver! Christmas and Holiday gift-giving isn't the gargantuan task it used to be. The internet and a smart strategy make it profitable and enjoyable! Keith Thompson is webmaster of GiftsForBiz.com, and the recipient of many BAD business gifts.
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PR Buyers Beware! It can bite you and waste your public relations budget when the program emphasizes communications tactics instead of how to make certain your key outside audiences understand who and what you are. Hispanic Media Training: How It Can Benefit You How can media training help you create a successful Hispanic market campaign? There are plenty of examples of Hispanic market campaigns with a broad range of results. Many of you have heard of the infamous airline that invited travelers to fly 'naked'. In the same way, the slogan for pork as "the other white meat" which was successful in the general market was meaningless to U.S. Hispanics. Public Relations Strategies: Announcing News on a Press Tour Gaining news coverage on a successful press tour requires planning, preparation, and follow up. Whats Stopping You From Getting Publicity? When I talk with business people, they tend to believe if they offer good service, they will automatically get "noticed". Managers: Heres a PR Template for You Let's start out with a caution for business, non-profit and association managers: the premise of public relations implies that the work you do BEFORE you use PR tactics, such as press releases, brochures and broadcast interviews, will determine the success of your public relations effort. Meet The Media Although media relations is not all there is to PR, it is a darned good, low cost way to spread the word. So here are a few media contacts to help you out. Business - How to Build it Using the Media Have you ever noticed that when someone is interviewed on radio, television or in the newspapers about a particular subject, it tends to be the same people? You may even be saying - "Why don't they ever ask me?" Crisis Management The Internet may have opened worlds for businesses and consumers, but it has also created a public relations nightmare for businesses. Forums, opinion Web sites, blogs, and anything that is publishable can smear a company's name in moments. Public Relations: Toast? Could be, when unit managers in businesses, non-profits and associations don't get the really important external audience behaviors they need to achieve their department, division or subsidiary objectives. Publicizing Your Company Got a huge need for publicity and a tiny publicity budget? You don't need to have a Madison Avenue-sized advertising budget to make your name known. Publicity: Write a Letter to the Editor for Free Publicity Ever wonder why papers devote a page or more to letters to the editor? Because subscribers love to read them! Sure-Fire Recipe for a Successful Public Relations Career Without a solid, well-designed foundation, few buildings successfully withstand the ravages of time and weather. And so it is with public relations, ever-dependent upon how well its practitioners understand the discipline. Doubt PRs Clout? Dont! Done right, it helps modify the behaviors of your most important target audiences, and that can spell S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L. Franchise Work Vehicles Should Have a Flag on Them If you own a franchise and have company vehicles, be sure you have a flag on it. First let's discuss the American flag. Franchising is the epitome of the free enterprise system. It's what makes America great. The entire United States government is a franchise system. The federal government grants powers to states to govern exclusive territories. They have the power to tax. They give royalties to the federal government in the form of tax revenue. Each state consists of counties. Again, counties are assigned geographical territories and have certain rights and powers. Each county has cities with charters and taxing authority (limited). Think of it this way: Franchisor = Federal Government; Master Franchisee = States; Regional Directors & Area Reps = Counties; Individual Franchisees = Cities; Customer = The People Mastering the Media What do Monica Lewinsky, Shoshanna Lowenstein, and even Richard Hatch have in common? Media exposure. They were ordinary people who became household names. The PR And Marketing Expert Has A Smattering Of Knowledge Regarding Nearly Everything And Is Certain PR, that is public-relations, leads the way to effective advertising; opening the channel of communication and allowing the advertising to be acceptable. Public-relations is really all the different ways of communicating that enable society and individuals and groups and organizations to better function and more understandably communicate with each other. Marketing is composed of the different forms of communications, such as words and pictures on music and shapes and colors that make a person or group more willing to receive a communication that communication usually being an advertisement. In the advertisement is to induce a consumer to purchase a good or service. The more a public-relations and marketing expert knows about various goods and services, the better that person is that marketing, advertising and selling them. Turn Your Business? New Year Resolutions in PR Revolutions As eyes look forward to a new business year, many small business owners and entrepreneurs are hoping that this upcoming year will be the one that catapults them into success. But according to Shannon Cherry, APR, businesses often overlook a key element when making their business plans and resolutions. Media Training: When Reporters Bully You UNDER FIRE Public Relations Going O.K? Yes? Tough Times, Tough Tactics When times are tough, it's no time to ignore those external audiences whose behaviors matter so much to your organization. ![]() |
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