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Finally...The Truth About Calcium SupplementsDr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CCN, HHP Undoubtedly calcium has become a hot topic of controversy. We are bombarded with advertising telling us exactly what will give our body more calcium. Between the “Got Milk” slogans on one end and the Coral Calcium “cure-all” TV spots on the opposite end it is time that the truth be exposed. Let’s look at why we need calcium and then some signs of calcium deficiency. How the Body Uses Calcium:
Calcium DeficiencySymptoms:
“Got Milk”…Are You Really Getting Calcium No way! The damage that this one slogan is doing to the health of Americans, especially children, is tremendous. Consider the following written by Robert Cohen www.notmilk.com: A publication in the February, 2003 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 77, No. 2, 504-511 clearly demonstrates that eighteen years of milk consumption did not prevent hip fractures for post-menopausal women. How many subjects participated in the study A mere 72,337. As part of Walter Willetts Harvard Nurses Study, investigator Diane Feskanich performed statistical tests of significance for 18 years of data including dietary intake of calcium dairy and supplements to determine her findings. The conclusion reached from this observational analyses, is that dietary calcium plays little or no role in preventing bone loss. Drinking milk does not prevent osteoporosis. A total of 603 hip fractures were analyzed. Scientists determined that milk consumption was in no way associated with hip fracture risk. The same conclusion was reached for total calcium consumption. The Harvard Nurses study previously determined that there is no positive association between teenaged milk consumption and the risk of adult fractures. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87. As a matter of fact, just the opposite was found to be true. Women consuming greater amounts of calcium from dairy foods suffered significantly increased risks of hip fractures. In light of these findings, the dairy industry milk mustache campaign has been proven to be one enormous deception. Bones break because women eating the wrong foods create an acid condition in their own bloodstreams, which must be neutralized by available calcium. The body achieves balance by taking calcium out of its own bones. Ergo, people eating the greatest amount of total animal protein are the ones experiencing accelerated rates of bone loss. The same Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995; 61, 4 confirmed this truth: "Dietary protein increases production of acid in the blood which can be neutralized by calcium mobilized from the skeleton." Eighteen years earlier, as the Harvard Nurses study was just beginning, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1979;32,4 reported: "Even when eating 1,400 mg of calcium daily, one can lose up to 4% of his or her bone mass each year while consuming a high-protein diet." Why do you imagine that todays most recent study will not be publicized on tonights 6 PM news, or headlined in your local newspaper Because it lacks one critical ingredient. Cash. For a story to be released, it must be accompanied by paid dairy industry advertising. In this deceptively dangerous manner, most of us get our biased health information. Milk It does not do the body good. Coral Calcium How these people have been in business so long just amazes me! I used to get spammed at least ten times per day with advertisements suggesting that Coral Calcium cures just about everything!! I have often wondered just where the FDA police was during all of this hype. Coral calcium is calcium carbonate and is no better than the calcium that is available in most drug stores or vitamin stores. What is calcium carbonate Chalk! Put a piece in a glass of water and see how long it takes to dissolve…believe me, you will be there for longer than you care to know. Yes, you may get some benefit from it but it is not the most absorbable form of calcium and therefore not the most beneficial. Ridiculous Claims: It’s from the ocean: Not “everything” in the ocean is wonderful. Ever read about how polluted our oceans are Enough said. The people in Okinawa live longer and look younger: When doing research on this you will find that their longevity is more than likely contributed to their diet and stress-free life. There is no supplement that will ever take the place of good nutritional balancing. Disease Cure-All: This is the one that makes me cringe. There has not been one study to back up any cure from taking calcium any kind alone. Yes, the body needs calcium to function properly, but calcium, by itself, will not cure anything! I do believe in disease elimination using natural methods but there is no magic bullet and no magic supplement. If a company is selling a product claiming a “cure-all” this should raise huge red flags. Calcium Orotate—The Best From of Calcium Available According to studies conducted by Dr. Hans Nieper Germany only Calcium Orotate penetrates directly through the cell membrane, delivering calcium to the interior of the cell where it is readily utilized. Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid — used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA. Hans Nieper, a physician and dabbler in offbeat theories of gravitation, used orotates clinically prior to 1980. He thought that orotate salts, being neutrally charged, pass easily through cell membranes. In effect, orotate ferries the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, producing higher concentrations. Nieper promoted orotates as treatments for nearly every ailment imaginable and was consequently ignored; most of his medical claims were never rigorously tested. But in certain applications — such as athletic performance — where his ideas have recently received scientific scrutiny, they have been found to work. Nieper may have been on the right track after all. Dr. Niepers theoretical explanations of the mechanisms behind his stunning success in the clinical application of sophisticated mineral transporters rely heavily on the concept of the fixed pore mechanism of active transport. The theory called fixed pore mechanism suggests that a carrier molecule, in this case Orotic Acid B-13, is attached to the compound being transported. This research has lead to the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates, or orotates which offers a 20 fold increase in utilizing minerals. Calcium orotate was used by Nieper to treat bone loss and pain due to inflammation or osteoporosis, high blood pressure, angina pectoris, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, retinitis, hepatitis, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, phlebitis and colitis. In addition, it is very effective against psoriasis, a scaling skin disorder. The long-term clinical tolerance and overall value of calcium orotate is far superior to other therapeutic calcium substances and to the so-called immune depressors. Calcium Orotate is one of the three mineral transporters that is the most active in providing treatment for bone decalcification. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis, arteriosclerosis, retinitis, encephalitis and phlebitis, psoriasis, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and colitis. It can be very effective in re-calcifying the bone tissue following extensive radiation treatment of cancerous bone lesions. Calcium Orotate tablets have been beneficial in:
We use Calcium Orotate along with the other orotates magnesium, potassium, zinc and lithium at Global Healing Center in a whole body, synergistic approach to eliminating disease. The results that we see using calcium orotate conclude that it is absorbed, transported and utilizied in the body better than any other form of calcium. It is time that the public knows the truth about calcium, its many benefits, why it is necessary and the best form available. Remember that he first step in getting healthy is always education and I believe that it is your right to know the truth about every hopeful treatment and prevention option available to you.
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