Achieving an Ambidextrous Mindset

History lends us an ideal of ambidexterity: Leonardo da Vinci, Harry Truman and James Garfield were all known to be physically ambidextrous, but to what does that translate? In modern times, ambidexterity isn't a hot topic, but in fact, we are all - to a degree - ambidextrous.

When we multi-task, juggle home and work, hold a phone conference and take notes simultaneously -- we are incorporating an ambidextrous mindset. No, perhaps we don't all use both hands to achieve these tasks, but we are using both brain hemispheres to accomplish our deadlines and goals.

Some of us may have heard that we're 'right-brained' or maybe we lean more toward the 'left-brain.' Funny as these terms may seem, they are inherently one in the same. Though we may possess and exhibit more qualities from one side of the brain opposed to the other, we are still integrating both hemispheres in daily applications.

Right-brain people are said to think holistically, subjectively and may possess heightened intuition. Left-brain people are more logical, analytical and tend to possess better rational skills. But what really sets the two apart? And why is it that some individuals are more adept at some thought patterns than others?

Relevent qualites of 'right-brained' persons may include an expansive imagination, artistic abilities, higher inclination toward risks, and possession of philosophical qualities. Whereas 'left-brained' individuals are more inclined toward safety first, are practical, have a sense of order, and possess good comprehension skills.

Ironically, as children, human beings tend to innately migrate toward the right-brain mode. Young kids are highly imaginative, trusting, and create limitless environments with the conceptual power of their minds. It is interesting to watch a child at play. In their innocense, and subjective thinking, they illuminate the spaces that surround them. There are no emotional battles in childrens' minds. Therefore, we can conclude that right-brained individuals are more accepting toward various cultures, races, creeds, etc., simply because right-brained persons, like children, are geared toward open-mindedness.

A nearly-perfect example of an ambidextrous mindset:

It is through the analytical minds like that of Leonardo da Vinci, (who was ambidextrous) who obviously achieved a harmonious balance of ambidexterity, not only physically, but in mind as well. Leonardo da Vinci is most reknowned for his famous paintings of The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. While his right-brain permitted him to express his exquisite talents in the arts, his left-brain mathematically and analytically went to work in his revolutionary concepts and inventions -- like the first robot, submarine and even the first mechanical calculator.

But from where did his visionary inspirations derive? Of course, the right brain. In my opinion, and by scholars throughout the world, da Vinci was by far the greatest genius in human history. His incredible integration of right and left brain hemispheres was an intellectual milestone in the history of humankind.

While we may not be Leonarda da Vinci, we do possess traits that may help us to achieve our daily routines, and overall lifestyles. The left hemisphere of our brains control our abilities to analyze and sum parts that are necessary for specific projects, while our right hemisphere amplifies our creative side, and keeps open positive expectations.

Finding and attaining the right (no pun intended) balance to achieve an ambidextrous mindset may be accomplished by funnelling problems, conditions, ideas, and concepts through our right-brains to our left-brains. Sounds easy enough, but many of us haven't discovered how to tap into our most resourceful mechanism - the whole human brain.

When we combine both thought patterns of each hemisphere, we are accomplishing the ultimate in human behaviour. Not only do we enable ourselves to exhibit and maintain peak human analytical performance, we are also allowing ourselves to receive our atmospheric conditions or situations with an open mind; which concurrently brings about resolve or ideas regarding those conditions or situations.

Reflective thinking, NLP, Human Consciousness Studies, empowerment training and meditation are all superb tools to achieving an ambidextrous mindset; also known as whole brain thinking.

Whether you're juggling a career and home, children and spouse, or merely trying to multi-task at your engineer's or computer desk, achieving an ambidextrous mindset is what enables us to effectively do the things we do. Imagine the profound potential and human resolve we could discover if we only took the extra steps to tap into our greatest resource: Ourselves.

To find an educational or personal training program that can help you achieve your life and work goals, feel free to visit our Healing Arts Schools and Holistic Practitioner directories at Holistic Junction.

� 5/2005 - Achieving an Ambidextrous Mindset by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

About the Author:
C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer for Holistic Junction - Your Source for Insightful Literature and Consiousness Studies

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