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Parapsychology: Maximizing Effectivity Of Targeted Controlled Remote Viewing Techniques
Individuals with a solid working knowledge of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) have undoubtedly encountered the "plateaus" experienced at various levels throughout the ability's development. Successful employment of CRV to identify characteristics of past, present, or future events depends heavily on the viewer's ability to transmit retrieved data between the subconscious/conscious divide. As a viewer becomes acquainted with the process long-term, he or she can begin to maximize the effectivity of their CRV sessions using the following methods: * Begin CRV sessions without the target in mind. Preconceived expectations of the target event or beacon, usually brought about by informal preliminary focus on the target, will muddle the session and oftentimes result in inaccurate data retrieval. * Differentiate between intra-personal thought and CRV target data. Increased accuracy of retrieved data is a result of the suspension of cognitive analization of the data as it is retrieved. Basic data commonly retrieved during a CRV session may include, but is not limited to, environment temperature, sounds, colors, illumination, and shapes. Advanced viewers may retrieve information including specific geographic locations, objects, text, audible words or phrases, and even knowledge, memories and emotions experienced by human beacon(s). * Expand your optics range beyond that of traditional peripheral vision. Though difficult for novice viewers to grasp initially, expanding the optics range beyond that of the traditional physical vision range is imperative to increasing the volume of useful data retrieved. Scan each visual using a broad, sweeping rhythm, first left to right, then top to bottom. Advanced viewers may also be able to zoom in on objects or actions, allowing for retrieval of more specific datum. * Reenter consciousness very, very slowly. Attempting to aggressively revert back to a conscious state (any frequency above Theta) after a session to record data will result in at least a partial, if not significant loss of the data retrieved. Do not fear losing the information during transition. Instead, "trust" the mind to retain the data retrieved after the session is complete. * Employ simplistic biochemical enhancements. Implementation of simplistic biochemical enhancements such as incense, white noise, or an optical brainwave stimulator bind the synaptic pathways, permitting for stronger cohesive relay of target data over the subconscious/conscious divide. * Maintain a healthy physical diet regimen. Diets high in alcohol, carbohydrates, or glucose (sugar) promote conditions conducive to development of free radicals, which cause cellular damage and interfere with the body's interaction with etheric energy. A solid combination of physical activity and healthy food choices will help maximize data relay potential. In addition to the above recommendations, identifying a secure, comfortable environment in which to perform CRV sessions will also ensure maximum results from each session. Development of natural parapsychological capabilities such as CRV can be achieved by anyone willing to put forth the patience and effort required to identify and harness the ability. Refinement of the skillset can lead to a greater understanding of existence in general, as well as the capacity of the human psyche. Jim D. Ray is a parapsychologist with a diverse background in multiple subject concentrations, including business, psychology and parapsychology, criminal justice, philosophy, education, internet technology, and vocal performance arts. Jim can be reached by e-mail at: jray@web-presence.net.
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Mind Over Matter - Proven THE ACTS OF CREATION: What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical condition. It is caused by genetic factors that result in certain neurological differences. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comes in various forms, and there are five or six different types of ADHD. How Big of a Problem is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - "ADD" or "ADHD" - affects between five to ten percent (5% - 10%) of all children in the United States, and three to six percent (3% - 6%) of adults. About 35% of all children referred to mental health clinics are referred for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, making it one of the most prevalent of all childhood psychiatric disorders. We are in the End Days; Oh, Really Now? Some think the world is coming to an end, they cite signs in the Revelations and current world events. The world is not going to end, in all the written history and much of course which maybe somewhat a modified version of what actually happened nothing has ever been perfect and the doom and gloomers of those past periods too were out in fill force. Most of the history we read in the history text books is certainly taken out of perspective of the reality of the time shows us that nothing ever was fine and that what we have here is working and it appears to be working quite well in retrospect. We are in a better place than we have been in any of the written historical record. The World did not end then and it will not end this time. Solution Focus Process: Solution Talk vs. Problem Talk Pt I Solution Talk vs. Problem Talk Fallacies About the Inner Child Over the past 10 years I have helped individuals who have been plagued by the memories of past events to permanently release the disruptive energy imprints of such memories from their energy bio-fields. Treatment Modalities and Therapies Narcissism constitutes the entire personality. It is all-pervasive. Being a narcissist is akin to being an alcoholic but much more so. Alcoholism is an impulsive behaviour. Narcissists exhibit dozens of similarly reckless behaviours, some of them uncontrollable (like their rage, the outcome of their wounded grandiosity). Narcissism is not a vocation. Narcissism resembles depression or other disorders and cannot be changed at will. The Attention Spanner After a long and patient wait in queue, you reached the post office counter. Just then, the peasant sauntered over and plunked himself in front of you. Your reaction was natural. Paul Ekman, the world famous emotions scientist, dedicated his career to the study of emotional reactions. "We become aware a quarter, or half second after the emotion begins. I do not choose .... to become angry. I am suddenly angry. I can usually figure out later what someone did that caused the emotion." The transit of that compelling emotion was insidious. If only you could manage its impact! No Picnic In Sight Upon being diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, I saw the reality behind the greatest myth of mental illness, the myth that The Victim Is Unaware of His or Her Own Condition. A childhood flooded with media depictions of the mentally ill had lead me to believe that the afflicted had somehow been robbed of their objectivity, thrown into a dark hall-of-mirrors beyond the realm of rational perspective. Emotional Intelligence: The Basics There's so much talk about emotional intelligence and how it can promote personal and business success. What is it really? What are its basic tenets? The Offspring of Aeolus - On the Incest Taboo Incest is not such a clear-cut matter as it has been made out to be over millennia of taboos. Many participants claim to have enjoyed the act and its physical and emotional consequences. It is often the result of seduction. In some cases, two consenting and fully informed adults are involved. Many types of relationships, which are defined as incestuous, are between genetically unrelated parties (a stepfather and a daughter), or between fictive kin or between classificatory kin (that belong to the same matriline or patriline). In certain societies (the American Indians or the Chinese) it is sufficient to carry the same family name (=to belong to the same clan) and marriage is forbidden. Some incest prohibitions relate to sexual acts - other to marriage. In some societies, incest is mandatory or prohibited, according to the social class (Bali). In others, the Royal House started a tradition of incestuous marriages, which were imitated by lower classes (Ancient Egypt). The list is long and it serves to demonstrate the diversity of this most universal taboo. Generally put, we can say that a prohibition to have sex with or marry a related person should be classified as an incest prohibition, no matter the nature of the relationship. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurologically Based Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurologically based disorder. What Causes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? The most recent models that attempt to describe what is happening in the brains of people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder suggest that several areas of the brain may be affected by the disorder. They include the frontal lobes, the inhibitory mechanisms of the cortex, the limbic system, and the reticular activating system. Each of these areas of the brain is associated with various neurological functions. Panic Attacks: Effective Ways to Cope Jill is a 21 y/o college student who used to do well until about a few months ago when she started to experience "weird" attacks almost daily. She described her experience as "horrible." When she has the attack, she feels that she's about to die or develop a stroke. You, I and We Our life in society hovers around the concept of 'You?I? We'. The first stage is 'You-You' which is called 'dependent' stage. As a child, we are dependent on others for our needs and expect help and support from others. The dependence can be either emotional or physical. The second stage is 'I ? I', where in we attain relative freedom and corresponding changes are noticeable in terms of speech, behavior, movements, preferences, interests and perceptions.In this stage we act with absolute freedom both mentally and physically. The feeling of 'Me-Mine' will be at a high point during this stage. Typical thought processes will be as follows: Narcissism, Substance Abuse, and Reckless Behaviours Pathological narcissism is an addiction to Narcissistic Supply, the narcissist's drug of choice. It is, therefore, not surprising that other addictive and reckless behaviours ? workaholism, alcoholism, drug abuse, pathological gambling, compulsory shopping, or reckless driving ? piggyback on this primary dependence. Traumas as Social Interactions ("He" in this text - to mean "He" or "She"). What?s the Problem: Introducing Solution Focus Pt 2 Again, many of us think we listen, yet we don't always "attend" to the person who is speaking to us. We are too busy doing other things! We are not being 100% attentive. The following attributes of good listening are suggestive of the skills needed. There is some overlap between the various attributes, but each suggests something different. Ericksons Theory of Human Development I'm sure you've heard the term "Identity Crisis" before. It's thought of as a conflict of self and society and its introduction came from one of the most famous psychoanalyst of the 20th century. Morality As A Mental State INTRODUCTION ![]() |
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