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Get Real
Humans are born storytellers, but our education system doesn't help us develop these natural talents that we all have. Instead, society increasingly homogenizes us, covering up the things that make us unique. The media, too, bombards us with messages that encourage us to emulate the celebrity of the week, or to try the latest fad. Most of us are far from real, far from that effective communicator inside us all. In our Excellence in Speaking Institute course we try to create the mindset that you must be real to be effective. We give you a safe place to practice your natural talents until you feel comfortable using them. We give you the chance to be more you. We teach that a powerful presence is not about the accessories. It is not about emulating great communicators you have seen. To be powerful you must strip away the facade, not add artifice. Get to that real you, that vulnerable, powerful you inside. It is about finding your own voice. I don't want you to be the next Walter Cronkite or the next Oprah Winfrey. I want you to find your authentic style. How do I do that, Ty? Well, we have identified six basic styles of presenters: the teacher, the persuader, the prober, the humorist, the conversationalist and the storyteller. We developed some questions that will help you discover the real you lurking inside. Do you feel comfortable giving certain types of presentations, but not others? If so, what makes the difference? Can you make a sales pitch, but freeze up telling a personal story? Are you comfortable making a report to the board, or acting in a play? Do you tend to speak formally or more conversationally? Do you illustrate your points with jokes or anecdotes? Or is your style to rely on facts and figures? Is your strength in boiling down complex information into understandable bite-sized chunks? Are you comfortable with confrontation? Do you find that people laugh easily when you share a story? What mannerisms do you unconsciously use? The answers to these questions will help you uncover your personal style, but don't force yourself into a category. Practice and let your style discover you, the real you. Ty Boyd, CEO of Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems (http://www.tyboyd.com), is in the Broadcast Hall of Fame and the Speakers Hall of Fame. He has taught presentation skills to Fortune 1000 executives in more than 34 countries. His Excellence In Speaking Institute celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2005.
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Dont Judge an Audience by its Stare Don't Prejudge A Situation: In the areas of emotions and feelings, it is important to avoid the natural human tendency to take situations at their face value no matter how practiced one is in making presentations. Is Information Delivery Instruction? Do you work for one of those organisations whose "training" invariably consists of someone standing up in front of a group and saying something? If you answered 'yes', you're not alone. It's a common practice which leads to a widely held perception among many that it's training. It's a perception that has annoyed me over many years. I'm not against information sessions ... they have their place. What I am against is calling them 'training sessions'. Using Your Natural Style On Stage We were both speakers at the same convention presenting on the same day-but what a difference.� I am tall, while she's short. I am a magnetic speaker-I draw people in with stories and examples. She's a dynamic speaker- humorous and vivacious. We both were hits-the audience loved us. Shortcuts to Eloquence You have probably had the experience of listening to a speaker who, even if you did not agree with that person's message, caused you to think, "this is an outstanding speaker." That speaker was probably using certain rhetorical devices that touched an internal chord, that made him or her sound eloquent. The Top Four Ways To Get Audience Involvement In A Presentation In the thousands of speeches I've heard very few presenters truly engage and involve the audience. Public Speaking for Scaredy Cats Business communications researchers have studied the phenomenon of stage fright experienced by would-be public speakers. Let me summarize most of the findings in very down-to-earth terms: Most people would rather die than stand up before an audience and deliver a speech. The Little-Known Speechwriting Secrets That Won George W Bush The US Election He's been accused of "mangling the language, destroying its meaning by avoiding the use of verbs, twisting nouns into verbs, and endlessly repeating phrases until they become zombified" (Source:'Bush and Blair accused of mangling English' by Kate Kelland, Reuters.com.uk, Mon 15 November, 2004 12:50). What is Public Speaking? When we talk about public speaking, we usually think about some person in front of a large group giving an extended presentation on a difficult or technical subject. That is not usually how it is. When do we most often speak in public? Isn't it in a conversation? One on one? Eye to eye, sharing ideas, talking about the weather, or the ball game. It's not that hard. We aren't usually intimidated by that kind of conversation. When does public speaking cross the line from casual conversation to scared out of our wits?!?!? What is Toastmasters? Toastmasters.... Toastmasters....What is Toastmasters? Making Transitions Ever notice how smoothly some speakers or writers move you through their speech or memo? It seems they effortlessly take you from start to finish without making you strain to follow. Trust in Training: Societys Effect on an Audience It is important to be continually aware that a person usually will not be consciously aware of how and why they are reacting, yet even if they knew, they wouldn't tell you. Society conditions people to hide their true inner drives and motives especially from those close to them (or even to themselves). Only when they are assured - both intellectually and emotionally - that it is safe to do so, will they reveal what they really need, want, feel, or think. A trainer's job is to make a person feel as safe as possible in accepting, believing or doing whatever you want them to do. Speaking On Your Feet Your ability to communicate effectively will account for most of your success in life. As we move farther into the communication age, we are becoming more and more dependant on being able to communicate and interact effectively with others. Your ability to interact with other people effectively will determine your success far more than your level of skills in any field. Moving Key Audiences to Take Action? You know, those really important outside groups of people whose behaviors can help or hinder any business, non-profit or association manager in achieving his or her objectives? Are you persuading those key stakeholders ? especially those whose behaviors affect your unit the MOST ? to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary succeed? How To Handle Audience Questions Effectively For some reason, the prospect of having to answer audience questions fills many presenters with dread and fear. Looking at it in a positive way however, it's an ideal opportunity for you to satisfy the audience further, and you can continue to drive your main points home adding emphasis to your talk. How to Present Your Proposal at an Executive Meeting What's the worst reaction you've ever gotten when you made an important presentation? Probably, it would come in second to the one I just heard about. A woman-ironically she was interviewing me for an article about "Knockout Presentations"-told me the story of her disaster. It was early in her career as a policy analyst. She was just out of school, proud of her MBA and working in her first real job. When her supervisor praised a report she'd done, she was thrilled. She was less thrilled when her "reward" turned out to be presenting the same report to their executive team. Be Brief! Centuries ago great speakers often spoke two hours and more. But today when sound bytes on television news are the norm and serious problems are solved in an hour on a television drama, audiences are most interested in speakers that get their points across in a short period of time. In a speech delivered to a Women in Communication audience, Patricia Ward Brash said, "Television has helped create an impatient society, where audiences expect us to make our point simply and quickly." Are You Talking the Talk? "More learning occurs through emotion than through intellect" C.S. Lewis Speaking for FUN and PROFIT How do you gain contacts from a speaking engagement? Let Your Appearance Speak for You, Not Against You! Every 7 seconds another baby boomer turns 50. What does an aging workforce mean? It means that the average age of your seminar attendee if getting older. Health is becoming the most precious asset and they are having less and less of it. It means that if you are talking about reaching your dreams, achieving successful career, or making a lot of money and you are not exhibiting glowing health, you are not believable. It also means that the underlying interest of your audience, no matter what you are speaking about, is the universal search for how to deal with aging. The relation of one's age to one's appearance is more important than ever before. To look and feel younger than one's age has increasingly become a yardstick of success. Top 7 Ways to Succeed in the Business of Speaking How attractive are you as a speaker? No, your looks, but your consistent ability to provide a quality presentation, attract clients, and be irresistibly attractive to meeting planners and speaker bureaus? Below are some useful tips that I learned while owning a national, professional speakers bureau for 13 years. ![]() |
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