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A Perfect Meeting: AKA When You Dont Want to Strangle the Speaker
Have you ever worked for weeks or even months, often far beyond normal office hours on a special meeting event only to have it turn into THE PERFECT STORM. Well, maybe your entire crew didn't perish at sea, but there were those clearly identifiable moments when it looked as if the ship was about to capsize. Although many meeting goblins can contribute to such disasters, sometimes the speaker can be one of the contributing causes. How can such terrors be avoided? The first preventative measure is to choose your speaker carefully and by this I mean, look a little deeper than usual into his or her modus operendi. Far too often when problems arise, it is because the wrong or at least incomplete criteria were used in selecting the speaker. For instance, it is not uncommon for the only questions to be asked of a professional speaker after viewing their video to be: availability and cost. However, if you want to sleep easier at night, I would suggest that the following issues also be just as carefully considered. Is the speaker a prima donna? Fortunately there are not too many of these around, but those there are give the rest of us a bad name. Whether a well known professional or a beginner, there is simply no excuse for anyone in or business to be arrogant. We are all there to serve the best interests of our clients and audiences. If not, we do not belong there at all. Any speaker that is arrogant, belligerent or just plain difficult to work with does not belong standing before your audience. Is this speaker committed to adequately preparing before speaking. More and more meeting planners are asking speakers to truly customize their presentations in order to "reach out and touch" the specific audience where they are at. To do so means that the speaker must be willing to invest into understanding the issues that are at the forefront for each unique audience. This of course is a two way street, in that you must be willing to also take the time to ensure the speaker receives the opportunity to acquire the necessary inputs. However, in the final analysis it is the responsibility of the speaker to only take those engagements that they determine to be a proper fit and customization does not mean merely updating a few old stories and jokes or sprinkling in a few local names. Coupled with the previous question is whether the speaker, given their good intentions, has the time to invest into your event? It is often possible to squeeze another few hours into an already overloaded schedule for one more "hit and run" engagement, but is that fair to the meeting planner, client and audience. Let's face it, good speakers today are well compensated for what they do. This is fair, but it is also fair that we give a good measure of effort in return and that does not mean racing to yet another engagement dog tired, speaking and running for the airport before the audience is still applauding. Unfortunately, in this day of frequent and lengthy flight delays, there are already enough unexpected delayed arrivals in the wee hours of the morning and their attendant lack of sleep. These may be totally outside of the speaker's control however, if they really want to serve, they will use their best efforts to schedule sufficient time for your engagement so that they have done what was within their power to arrive fresh, relaxed and ready mentally and physically for your event. Finally, is the speaker's content rich and current. There was a great deal of conversation at the Dallas NSA Annual Convention as to content and I have been hearing the same from speakers' bureaus and meeting planners alike. Today we are living in difficult economic times. Daily the news is rife with stories of corporate cutbacks and layoffs. Few of us are are strictly entertainers, comedians, humorists, etc. Thus as professionals and experts who speak, we owe it to our clients, audiences and ourselves to bring real value in the form of positive solutions to the perplexing problems that they face. Finally, look for the AAA approval rating: Ability, Authenticity and Attitude. With these three attributes at the forefront, you cannot go wrong in selecting your speaker! Copyright 2005 by John Di Frances. John Di Frances is an internationally recognized organizational legacy expert and motivational speaker. http://www.difrances.com
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Ten Steps to Fearless Public Speaking There is plenty of dubious material which suggests you can combat public speaking fear. Much of it includes fancy techniques such as 'visualisation' or 'breathing techniques'. Well, they might work. But this ten step system is GUARANTEED TO WORK. That's because instead of fancy tricks and techniques, this system of dealing with public speaking fear uses your body's natural defences against fear. How to Polish Your Speaking Skills: Its Time for T.I.P.S. When requested to write an article about public speaking tips, I experienced an epiphany, of sorts. Now there's a word I've never written, let alone spoken! Many people will do just about anything to avoid public speaking. Or, you may have said "Who's got the time?" or "That's not good use of my time." Therein lies the epiphany; it's all about time! Executive Public Speaking for English as a Second Language (ESL) Public Speaking is a challenging skill. It is TOUGH! For some of you, it's probably the hardest thing you will ever do; and I can sympathize. Standing in front of the employees and coworkers that you want, (or need) to impress, all the while hoping that you remain clear, memorable, persuasive, entertaining and fun isn't a piece of cake. It is TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH!! Ten Tips on Speaking with Authority and Power No matter how good you are as a presenter, there will be times when you need to make sure you exude power and authority. If you are 'the boss' and want to be certain the staff will do your bidding you will need to come across with power and authority. You will also have to come across authoritatively when presenting at a large conference when your competitors will also be present. Equally you will need to be seen as powerful if you are wishing to make a name for yourself within your industry. However, even though you may want power and authority in these settings, you will not wish to appear arrogant or bossy. Using these ten tips you'll achieve the right balance. You Too Can Be A Public Speaker Have you ever watched a speaker and said, "Wow, I wish I could speak like that"? or "That person was just so wonderful. I could never do that." Well, I've got some good news for you. You too can be a public speaker. Public speaking is a learned skill, so anyone can do it. You just need to follow some simple steps and practice, practice, practice. If you know how to talk, you can become a public speaker. For Speakers: Ten Tips on How to Increase Your Fees One of the most important tools speakers use is their FEE SCHEDULE. Here are ten tips to help you increase your attractiveness and income, while communicating exactly what you offer and clarify your fees for your programs, products, and services. Be a Guest Speaker and Attract Business Being a guest speaker in front of the right audience can be an excellent way to attract new business. Many clubs, organizations, conventions, and trade shows seek guest speakers who can provide useful information to their audience. The opportunity to speak in front of an attentive group can certainly boost your business, whether you are a service or product provider. 15 Ways for Speakers to Earn More Profits There is huge potential to create additional profits from your speeches by partnering with a professional transcriptionist to convert your audio recordings into text transcripts. How to Build Respect with Your Audience: Positive Thinking and Outhouse Eyes Do you believe in natural laws? Laws like: Pay Attention To Your Appearance! During the coffee break of one conference I attended, whispers and giggles could be heard within the conversations of small huddles of delegates. Without asking, I knew what they were all talking about because our little group were talking about the same thing. What is Toastmasters? Toastmasters.... Toastmasters....What is Toastmasters? The Top Four Ways To Get Audience Involvement In A Presentation In the thousands of speeches I've heard very few presenters truly engage and involve the audience. 10 Worst Tips To Give A Speaker 1. Learn the speech by heart or read it from a script. The Porch Light* Method to Speaking Confidence You know the feeling. Looking out at a sea of faces, you notice a few scowls, frowns, even droopy eyelids on some of your audience members. What are they thinking? Do they disagree with your points? Are they in a bad mood? Do they just not like YOU? You bend over backwards to win them over. You smile, establish eye contact. But the longer you speak the more hopeless you feel as you see your desperate attempts to please fall flat. At the end, feeling discouraged and anxious, you limp away. Giving Your Audience Great Benefits What benefit do you provide the audience? How to Present Your Proposal at an Executive Meeting What's the worst reaction you've ever gotten when you made an important presentation? Probably, it would come in second to the one I just heard about. A woman-ironically she was interviewing me for an article about "Knockout Presentations"-told me the story of her disaster. It was early in her career as a policy analyst. She was just out of school, proud of her MBA and working in her first real job. When her supervisor praised a report she'd done, she was thrilled. She was less thrilled when her "reward" turned out to be presenting the same report to their executive team. Public Speaking: Getting the Room Set-up Right I don't know why it is, but no matter how carefully I brief a hotel on the room set-up I want for my seminars, workshops and training meetings, more often than not when I arrive, they have provided a standard hotel room set up. What I find even more alarming is the number of times that I attend a meeting either as a guest speaker or audience member to find that the meeting planner or speaker has not bothered to think beyond this standard room set-up which is often quite hostile to the audience. Take The Fear Out Of Public Speaking You're a bright, dynamic executive. You've been scheduled to give a major company presentation. You're sitting in the audience waiting your turn to speak. You hear your name and start walking stiffly to the lectern. Ten Fatal Flaws Frequently Found from the Podium 1. No clear purpose for the presentation. What is the point and focus of the speech? A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from speakers today. In addition, because of the entertainment slant of most media today, audiences want a presentation delivered with animation, humor, and pizzazz. ![]() |
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