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Speech Making - Reasons Why People Dont Listen
Making a speech seems simple. You speak, others listen. However this isn't always the case, in fact one of the biggest challenges for speakers is getting their audience listen. If you have to make a speech - you want it to be memorable and successful. If you understand why people don't listen, you will be more successful at getting them to listen! Here are nine reasons why people don't listen to a speech. 1. Message overload. If you are at a seminar and spend most of the day listening, you simply have too much information in your brain to retain all of it. Most presenters make the mistake - myself included - of putting too much content into their speeches. 2. Preoccupation. Many in the audience are thinking about other issues - when is my pay due, what will I do on the weekend, I must finish that pressing business proposal etc. 3. Rapid thinking. How often have you sat in the audience and your mind races ahead? We think at about 600 words per minute. On average, people talk at about 140 words per minute. 4. Effort. Active listening is just plain hard work. When you're actively listening, your respiration rate goes up and your heart starts to beat faster. Remember people can't keep it up for long ? so give them a break. Use some humour and audience interaction. 5. External noise. This could be noise from another room you hear or visual noise. Take for example distracting gestures or appearance which can distract the listeners attention. 6. Hearing problems. Fifty per cent of people have hearing problems. One of the things I learnt from working with the Better Hearing Association is to start a speech with "can everyone hear me clearly". 7. Faulty assumptions. The audience assumes you said something you didn't. 8. Lack of apparent advantage. The listener does not recognise the benefits. Always highlight the benefits for the audience. 9. Lack of training. Did you ever take "Listening 101" at School or University. Like anything listening is a skill which must be practiced, whilst some people obtain the practice often others might not be used to attending professional seminars or listening intently for long periods of time. Source: Adapted from "Looking Out, Looking In", Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993, p. 253. Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting http://www.8mmedia.com Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at http://www.8mmedia.blogspot.com
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Conversationally Speaking "Would you like to say a few words?" How many of us dread that request? The thought of speaking off the cuff can terrify even veteran speakers. But what about the ability to give a prepared speech and sound natural? Speaking On Your Feet Your ability to communicate effectively will account for most of your success in life. As we move farther into the communication age, we are becoming more and more dependant on being able to communicate and interact effectively with others. Your ability to interact with other people effectively will determine your success far more than your level of skills in any field. Speech Writing Secrets Of President Bill Clinton Speaking in public can be a powerful way to build a business. It can help raise the profile of your business, generate new leads and create greater profits. But speaking in public can be nervewracking and seriously stressful for first timers. 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You're sitting in the audience waiting your turn to speak. You hear your name and start walking stiffly to the lectern. Speech Writing Tips: The 14 Speech Writing Secrets of President Bill Clinton Speaking in public can be a powerful way to build a business. It can help raise the profile of your business, generate new leads and create greater profits. But speaking in public can be nerve wracking and seriously stressful for first timers. Writing a speech can be a major challenge, especially for technical writers. The Ps and Qs of Public Speaking Avoid the pain Speak With E?s Part 2 "Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience for your audience" Top 7 Steps to Better Public Speaking Whether you want to be a part time, full time or BIG time speaker you must speak, speak, speak. At first, deliver 25-30 minute free talks to service clubs and community organizations. Consider it to be your off-Broadway tryout. A great opportunity to fine-tune your program?and maybe get some future paid business! Get Speaking On a recent Sunday evening, I watched a friend 'graduate' from a beginner's class for stand-up comedians. Getting Yourself Known What are the 5 best ways of getting known in the speaking industry? Ten Tips on Speaking with Authority and Power No matter how good you are as a presenter, there will be times when you need to make sure you exude power and authority. If you are 'the boss' and want to be certain the staff will do your bidding you will need to come across with power and authority. You will also have to come across authoritatively when presenting at a large conference when your competitors will also be present. Equally you will need to be seen as powerful if you are wishing to make a name for yourself within your industry. However, even though you may want power and authority in these settings, you will not wish to appear arrogant or bossy. Using these ten tips you'll achieve the right balance. How to Prepare your Mind/Body to Give Great Speeches Sure you have catecholamines ? all speakers do. (including Sir Winston Churchill and Presidents Kennedy, Carter, and Reagan.) Those are the chemicals that make you sweat, make your heart beat fast and make your hands shake. Get rid of those chemical and psychological reactions by becoming message-centered and audience-centered, not self-centered. ![]() |
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