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Ten Speech Tips for Writing Powerful and Persuasive Presentation
Have you ever had to give a speech? Do you remember that feeling? A knot in the stomach, sweaty palms and a panic attack! Not a very pleasant experience. And yet, I'm sure your speech was a success because 90 per cent of a typical audience want the speaker to succeed. Yet according to The Book of Lists, speaking in public is one of our greatest fears. Much of this anxiety is due to a lack of confidence in writing and preparing a speech rather than in the delivery. Giving a presentation can be a great way to build your business, influence public opinion or kick-start your career. It is an excellent way to stand out from the crowd and make a real difference in people's lives. What are the secrets of writing a powerful and persuasive speech for any occasion? Here are 10 tips for turning a good speech into a great one! 1. Have a plan and set some objectives & outcomes. There is nothing worse than not knowing what you want to achieve. Do you want to educate the audience, inform, inspire, motivate or touch their emotions? Always work out what you want to achieve before beginning the speech process. 2. Have a formal structure - beginning, middle and end. Audiences love structure and the best speeches stick to this tried and true rule. As they say: "tell them what you're going to say, tell them and then tell them again". 3. Avoid having too much content. Hands up those that are guilty of this sin. I know I am. I have lost count the number of technical presentations given by CEO's, managers, scientists, engineers, geologists and other professionals who have just put too much content into their presentations. Far too much for an audience to absorb - remember even the best audiences face information overload after 20 minutes. How do you overcome the content crisis? See Tip # 8. 4. Define who your audience is and use the most appropriate communication channels to reach them. Analyse how your audience likes to take in information - do they like to be visually stimulated or do they enjoy just sitting back and listening. Or do they like to get involved, to touch and feel in a kinaesthetic way. Work out the best mix of visual, audio and kinaesthetic and use this in your speechwriting. 5. Research your speech using a range of sources. Be a keen observer of the trends your audience is likely to be interested in and keep a file of interesting articles and information. If you are time poor- a few quick questions when meeting an audience just prior to a speech, such as "what are the issues facing your business/industry/association at the moment?" can really help target your presentation and build rapport. 6. Use personal stories, examples and metaphors to make intangible concepts tangible. In many cases you are trying to sell ideas and concepts in a speech. These are intangible and often difficult for the audience to grasp. Personal stories, examples and metaphors make the invisible visible. 7. Have a strong opening and closing. People remember the opening - first impressions count! The closing is important as it should reinforce the key message you want the audience to go away with in their head after they have heard the presentation. Ending with a 'call to action' can be a powerful way to get your audience to act on your message. 8. Add value and extra detail through a handout. Here's a tip: if you want to provide detail - put it in a handout! You can get far more content across in the written form than in a speech. Always refer to this in your presentation but hand it out after your speech so the audience is not distracted reading through it while you talk. There is nothing more soul destroying for a presenter to see the audience leafing through written notes rather than looking at you! 9. Use short words and plain English. The short words are always the best words. Avoid jargon. Use active words instead of passive. This has far more impact in the minds of your listeners. 10. Evaluate and review on a regular basis. There's nothing more powerful than to hear back a speech you've written. If you are writing a speech for someone else always try and hear the speech or at least get some feedback. Recording and listening back to a presentation is the fastest way to improve your skills. Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting http://www.8mmedia.com. Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at http://www.8mmedia.blogspot.com
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Poised for Success: How Developing Self-Awareness Can Improve Your Presentations There are a number of factors that determine how your audience will judge you and subsequently your message, one of the most visible being your posture. Posture is a reflection of your attitude and may at times betray your misgivings or uncertainties in difficult situations like an important presentation. You would normally not consider revealing your inner most thoughts to your audience about exactly how you feel about your new product or service; but your body language may be doing just that. A substantial part of communication is based on non-verbal aspects such as body language. When preparing a presentation much thought is given to its content yet there is far more to it than just words. Some of the best-prepared presentations can be badly let down by how you look and behave during the delivery. When Richard Nixon spoke to the American public of his involvement in the Watergate scandal his performance was received more favourably by radio audiences than those who saw a worried, hunched and perspiring president on the television. How you hold yourself, the movements you make and the gestures you use all contribute to how well your presentation is received. Getting Yourself Known What are the 5 best ways of getting known in the speaking industry? Be a Guest Speaker and Attract Business Being a guest speaker in front of the right audience can be an excellent way to attract new business. Many clubs, organizations, conventions, and trade shows seek guest speakers who can provide useful information to their audience. The opportunity to speak in front of an attentive group can certainly boost your business, whether you are a service or product provider. Fee Credibility is a Must Think of it like this: your fee credibility is as important as putting on your clothes before going to a speaking engagement. Having questionable integrity when it comes to your fee, will leave you open for attack from many different angles (as would giving a speech nude). Without question, all hiring events should receive identical fee bills, as long as they are getting identical presentations. Overcharging or undercharging an event will do nothing but get you in trouble with the speaker's bureaus and ruin your good name. Public Speaking Tips 1. No speech is ever perfect. Perfectionism creates more fear. Do your best and leave it at that. Foreign Translations of Your Talk - How Do You Ensure Your Message is Delivered Properly? There are a number of possibilities as to how this might be done. Sometimes, a conference organiser or corporation will provide a translator who sits in a sound proofed booth, simultaneously translating what you say, and feeding that translation into headphones worn by those who speak the foreign language. In that situation, little adjustment is needed, other than to perhaps briefly meet with the translator beforehand, to let them know about any unusual words or phrases that you plan to use. The Ps and Qs of Public Speaking Avoid the pain Speech Presenting - Seven Ways to Tailor Your Speech to the Audience Every speech has an audience and every audience is different. Tailoring your next speech to its audience is as important as the content in the speech. So how do you connect with an audience so your message matches their expectations, wants and needs and you get your message across effectively. Ethics in Speaking: A Practical Point of View Often managers have to deliver presentations with unpleasant content. The vice president has to announce that there is a hiring freeze or a downsizing. The human resource director speaks to the employees about a benefits package with fewer benefits. Because executives are often speaking in difficult situations, the more credibility they can develop, the more the content will be considered and accepted. Speakers will have little or no impact on audiences if audience members don't respect them and what they have to say. Speech Coach?s Tips to Public Speaking Success It is inevitable that at times during our careers or personal lives; we will be required to provide a presentation or public speech to a group of people. Perhaps the group is a group of peers; perhaps the audience will be senior or top-level management; perhaps the group will be comprised of people who wish to learn something from you. This is an opportunity that can boost or hinder your career path. When the day comes to provide a public presentation, will you know what to do to create and present an effective speech? Will you put the audience to sleep? Or will you be able to hold the attention of most of the audience? While you may wish you had listened more during that speech coach's presentation last year, you still have to get ready to hold the interest of an audience for a specific period of time. Professional speech coaches will always stress that preparation is the key to success in public speaking. Boost Your Confidence, Credibility, and Career There's one skill you can develop that will boost your confidence, credibility and career. It's public speaking. If the very thought makes you queasy, you're not alone. For some people, only death is more frightening. For others, death is preferable. Are you the latter? Avoiding the spotlight? Suffering not just butterflies but sheer panic? Dry mouth? Shaking hands? Flushed or pale face? If this sounds like you, then consider overcoming-or at least controlling-your fear. You can start by attending a Toastmaster's meeting and picking up a couple of books for additional help. 20 Tips to Becoming a Professional Speaker: How to be a Rising Star Entering the speaking industry can be both daunting and exciting. It is an excellent environment where you can make a real difference in the lives of your audience. It is a rewarding and challenging industry to be part of. If you are keen to become a professional speaker, try these tips: Find a buddy ? make a friend with another speaker who is at a similar stage to you in their speaking career to be able to share ideas, questions, frustrations and wins with them. For Speakers: Ten Tips on How to Increase Your Fees One of the most important tools speakers use is their FEE SCHEDULE. Here are ten tips to help you increase your attractiveness and income, while communicating exactly what you offer and clarify your fees for your programs, products, and services. Does Uptalk Make you Upchuck? Uptalk is invading the work place and is reaching epidemic proportions. It's that singsong speech pattern that has a rising inflection at the end of sentence. It sounds like the speaker is asking a question instead of making a declaration. Be Brief! Centuries ago great speakers often spoke two hours and more. But today when sound bytes on television news are the norm and serious problems are solved in an hour on a television drama, audiences are most interested in speakers that get their points across in a short period of time. In a speech delivered to a Women in Communication audience, Patricia Ward Brash said, "Television has helped create an impatient society, where audiences expect us to make our point simply and quickly." A Simple Guide to Writing (and Giving) a Speech Nearly as dreaded as snakes and spiders, public speaking ranks high in causing fear in many of us. Timing - Why You Should Never Go Overtime with Your Presentation or Speech In a conference setting, nothing annoys audiences more than talks that go overtime. It shows a lack of consideration for the audience, and to be frank, there is absolutely no excuse for it if the speaker has prepared well. Internet Marketing and Public Speaking: Seven Steps to a Successful Murder Board I recently posted an article providing tips on public speaking for internet marketers, and was bombarded with Emails asking me to expand on one tip in particular-how to conduct a Murder Board, a realistic simulated practice. I did so in a follow-up article providing a more detailed explanation of this practice method, which has its origins in the US military. Now, below, I provide the seven step method to conduct this invaluable practice. This is excerpted from Chapter 14 of my book, The Shortcut to Persuasive Presentations. Ten Tips on Speaking with Authority and Power No matter how good you are as a presenter, there will be times when you need to make sure you exude power and authority. If you are 'the boss' and want to be certain the staff will do your bidding you will need to come across with power and authority. You will also have to come across authoritatively when presenting at a large conference when your competitors will also be present. Equally you will need to be seen as powerful if you are wishing to make a name for yourself within your industry. However, even though you may want power and authority in these settings, you will not wish to appear arrogant or bossy. Using these ten tips you'll achieve the right balance. Using Your Natural Style On Stage We were both speakers at the same convention presenting on the same day-but what a difference. I am tall, while she's short. I am a magnetic speaker-I draw people in with stories and examples. She's a dynamic speaker- humorous and vivacious. We both were hits-the audience loved us. ![]() |
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