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The Nose Knows
If you plan on getting the most from the sale of your home you better be sure it can pass the "sniff" test. Let's face it your home should smell good. When it comes to selling the house, it means that there should be no noticeable odors. Make careful attempts to get rid of pet odors, cooking smells and cigarette smoke. Smell makes an enormous impact on people when they enter a home. While smokers and pet owners may not even notice the smells in their home ? having become quite accustomed to them ? they may be an overwhelming turn-off for potential buyers. Have a non-smoking, non-pet owning friend come over to perform a sniff test. Of all the impacts that your home can have on your buyer, cigarette smoke is the very last one you'd want. This doesn't just mean the smell ? which, is quite offensive to potential buyers ? but the look of ash trays (even clean ones) and smoke stains on walls, cupboards, and otherwise. This is also true for burn holes in carpeting and upholstery. Sure, you're not selling your furniture, but the furniture that is there will leave an overall impression, so make certain that they don't show signs of smoker's damage. For the majority of buyers, they won't even want to tour a home if it is currently owned by a smoker. With that in mind, make sure to get rid of any "evidence" of your habit. Store all of your ash trays out of sight; clean all of the walls, ceilings, and other places that have smoke stains, and replace or cover any fabrics, carpets, or upholsteries that have burn holes. If you must smoke, do so outside, and make sure that you're not smoking in front of an open window that will simply let the smoke back in. This article provided by the publishers of "45 Tips To Sell For More, FASTER!" A free copy is available at: http://45Tips.com Attention E-zine editors, site owners ? feel free to reprint this article in it's entirety in your e-zine or web site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed above
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4 Dangers In Flipping Real Estate If you have recently purchased some real estate for investment purposes, you are in good company. Recent reports suggest that as many as 25% of these purchases are made by those who plan on using the property for investment purposes only. If you hope to "flip" the property there are 4 things you must be aware of that can put a crimp on your profits. Preserve Equity, Build for the Future Using a 1031 Tax Exchange Thinking of trading up on an investment resort property? If so, look into 1031 Tax Exchanges (based on IRS Code Section 1031), which allow taxpayers to defer taxes on capital gains resulting from the sale of investment real estate, often a sizable sum since combined Federal and State taxes can run as high as 38 percent. The Perils of the Property Ladder: Has Anyone Noticed the Silence? There was a time when every conversation was focussed on property and every other TV programme was about property makeovers. Everybody wanted to get into property and those already on the ladder seemed fixated on becoming wealthy overnight. Remember those media-nominated millionaires who bought property for thousands and sold it for a million? How excited we all were, rich - with hardly any effort. 3 Strategies For Buying Property With No Money Down Everyone has heard a story or read about someone who bought a property without paying a single dime as a down payment. But how does this work? Selling Your Home on Your Own ? Examples of Problems and Solutions What can go wrong? About a gazillion things, but this is true if you're working with a broker, too. A broker is probably more experienced than you, and may well have confronted and solved your problem on a previous home sale. If you can stay calm and think under stressful conditions, you can be your own problem solver without the need for a broker. Plus, there is no guarantee the broker will get it right. How To Increase Your Homes Selling Price by $3,306.75 In The Next 33 Days According to the Federal Housing Finance Board:... "As of October 2004, The U.S. national average purchase price for a single-family home reached $264,540." If your house is worth at least the U.S. average and you can add an additional 1.25% in value to your home's selling price, you'd pocket an extra $3,306.75. Minor changes can really add up. Selling Houses Fast: Basics of Design & Color Psychology Fixing up houses to ready them for sale includes a design plan for needed changes. Save money on transformation costs by choosing design details right the first time. Make more money from your home sale by choosing design details that catch the attention of buyers in your price range. Buy to Let Property Investment In recent years buy to let has been a popular way of investing in residential property. Stock markets are out of favour with many investors who have seen the values of their portfolios, endowment policies and pension funds shrink, whereas property has generally continued to rise in value. Interest rates are at historically low levels and mortgage finance is readily available on competitive terms from major banks and building societies. This brings property investment within the means of more investors than ever before. In these notes we will take the example of a foreign domiciled person, a non-resident of the United Kingdom, buying a property in London with the benefit of loan finance, but the general principles can apply to many other markets. Expenses of Home Ownership Hopefully all goes smoothly when you purchase your home. In your anxiousness to become an owner it may not have crossed your mind and no one tells you, your'e not done spending money on this transaction. It may not be soon and it may not be much, but you will need to have a comfortable income above your expenses. Canal Front Homes in Venice A bit about Venice Log Homes - What is the Log-Home Lifestyle? Typical log home company advertisements in popular log home magazines talk about the "log home lifestyle" or "it's not just a home, it's a lifestyle." What does this mean? What is "the" log home lifestyle? Dead Deals and Recycled Reports Everyone knows that at the end of a home inspection, a report is generated that outlines the findings of the home inspector. But did you know that this is not intended to be a "hit list" of negatives? Us home inspectors do what we do in order to objectively describe the home. This is not the place for emotion, rather a simple stating of the facts. Homes do not pass or fail inspections, they merely describe the strengths or weakness. Do Bankers, Bubble, Discounters, & Justice Department Cloud Real Estate Industry? Once relegated to the classified advertising section of the local paper, real estate has jumped to front-page headlines and covers of national magazines. Leaders in the real estate industry are weary from interview requests for their perspectives on market conditions, the ongoing battle with the banking industry looking for entry into residential real estate brokerage, online brokerage commission discounters and investigations into their business practices from the U.S. Department of Justice. Sell your Property Faster Learn how to sell your property faster and at the best possible price. Selling your property quickly and at the highest price is the target for everyone looking to move. However, the reality can be quite different so it is important to give yourself the maximum opportunity to achieve both of these goals. Before Selling Your Home Here are some important steps you should take before you put your house on the market: Property Investing Secrets 1 When property investing, pay the seller their asking price but negotiate the terms under which you can buy property. You'd be absolutely surprised when property investing at how many sellers will help fund you into their property. Basically, you're receiving vendor finance from the seller. Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.? Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.? Dont Overpay for a House, Even in Todays Market If there's one thing American investors love, it's an over-inflated market. Which is why they keep buying houses and new ones keep coming onto the market. According to the latest data, housing starts rose an annualized 3.4% in September, matching a 17-year high. Whoo-ha! Go, baby go. Real Estate Internet Marketing Is The Way To Go Real estate Internet marketing is a booming business, along with all other forms of Internet businesses. Now, it seems that very little can't be sold over the Internet. An estimated 20 million people shop online for things as diverse as airline tickets to vacation homes. Research firms estimate that online shopping exceeded $200 billion in 2003. They predict that the number of online shoppers could double in the coming years. With such huge numbers, it only makes sense to consider real estate Internet marketing. Real Estate Value: Knowing yours is Key to Mortgage Success The value of the real estate you own, whether it is your personal residence or an investment property, is critical to your mortgage and financial success. If the balance on your mortgage is close to or higher than the value of your property, your real estate is not the financial machine it should be. Therefore, if you want to be successful in real estate ownership of any kind, you absolutely must know how to determine the value of your property. ![]() |
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