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Don?t Just be a Real Estate Agent, be a Professional!
Buyer Broker Agreement? What's that? Most agents don't ask their potential buyers to sign anything. It is too?well?you know?uncomfortable. Hmmmmmmm. A professional is viewed as a professional for a reason. They value their own time and energy as well as their clients. Of all the paperwork required, I often wonder why the Buyer Broker Agreement isn't required. Personally, I take anywhere from 40 to 50 phone calls per day from my listing signs. Most of these individuals do not have an agent or they are not happy with their agent's performance. When someone calls without representation, I also extend an offer of my services, but there is a catch, they must be willing to sign a buyer broker agreement. Why? It is the right thing to do. I often hear agents griping about how people run them ragged and use them up and then go and buy from someone else from a sign or perhaps a for sale by owner. In my opinion, this is the agents lack of educating their clients on the value, they, the agent, bring to the deal. Even though I have a high energy level and run at high speed most of the time, there are times when it can still catch up to me. Prioritizing, organizing and actually roping in time, is certainly a challenge. One of the ways this can be done is to fully commit to my clients and like a good marriage, why would the commitment only be one sided? After all, if I was committed to my husband and he was not committed to me, it seems a bit unequal, unfair, and even unhealthy to continue in such a relationship, doesn't it? Many people talk about commitment as if it is stomach gas. First they feel committed, then they don't feel committed. I don't think commitment is a feeling at all! True commitment is a conscience decision to follow something through to completion and give it your all to make it work. I met a man once that wanted to do business with me. He continued to talk about his high level of commitment and integrity. He didn't talk about it in a way of saying he valued integrity, he talked about how he just had integrity. Integrity, like any character trait is not something we have?.people don't just have patience. These traits must first be recognized and then developed. When it came time to do business with this same man I asked for the terms we had agreed to in writing. He became angry and said his word was his word and he didn't need to put it in writing. He said I was questioning his integrity and he didn't like it. In return, I simply stated that everyone that I knew that had integrity, didn't have a problem putting it in writing. Hmmmmmmm. This didn't make him happy. But of course, it is not my job to make other people happy is it? The next time someone asks you to look for a home?take a minute and say, I have a slot open to help you find a home?and?let me tell you how I work?at this point, explain the buyer broker agreement to them in depth?tell them it is not about obligating them?it is about YOU committing to them fully. Professionals protect their clients and want what is in the clients best interest. If you are not giving your buyers your commitment in writing, you are not doing them any favors. Buyer Broker Agreements also protect your clients from the wolves out there that will hound them and beat them up. Do what is right and best for everyone and take control of your business. Be a professional! Use a Buyer Broker Agreement with all of your clients. Michelle Shelton lives in Gilbert, Arizona on horse property with her husband Paul and their five children. Michelle is an author, educator, recruiter and licensed Arizona REALTOR. If you would like Michelle to assist you in purchasing or listing a property in Arizona, please visit her website: http://www.askmichelleshelton.com
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Home Owners: Disclose the Facts! One of the most common causes for disputes occurring after the sale of a home arise from the buyer finding defects in the property, defects which were not disclosed to him by the owner before the sale of the property. If you are the owner of a home that you are looking to sell, please be aware that you may be held liable for not disclosing any known defects in your home. FSBO - How to Prepare Your House to Sell Did you hear that? Prices of houses in Phoenix have been jumping 5% each month for 2005 according to market experts! Some even predict that the price of housing could jump an additional 10% for the upcoming year. The shortage of houses for sales and the still relatively low interest prices are causing the price of homes not just here in Phoenix but nationwide to escalate. What does this mean? If you are thinking about selling your home, there is no better time than the present. Jump on the bandwagon! Quality of Life in Sussex County Delaware. Facts, Statistics, Observations and even opinions! We Sussex Countians are fortunate in many ways as we have a wonderful quality of life here. The Letting Agents Role Letting agents play an important role in the buy-to-let industry and a good agent can help make or break your lettings experience. So what should you expect from your letting agent? Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers Branding can be done to any product, or any person. Before undertaking an exercise in personal branding, however, consider your distinctive strengths and abilities and what they offer the market place. Traditionally personal branding was for sporting celebrities who gained enormous coverage and following through their sporting prowess. Movie stars have also had celebrity status and association since movies began. Condos Vs. Condo Hotels For Vacaton Home Ownership Condo hotels, also called condotels, are a relatively new concept in vacation home ownership. Rapidly gaining popularity, numerous condo hotels are now being built in Florida, Las Vegas, Chicago, Toronto, the Caribbean and many other locales around the U.S. and the world. To help illustrate the unique qualities of condo hotels, here's a look at how they compare with traditional condos. A Simple Step by Step Aproach to Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars If You want to be Financially Successful you need to Learn to Fail Buying Real Estate Thats Not For Sale Buying real estate can start with a look in the newspaper, a visit to a broker, or a search online. These are all good ways to find your next investment property. You're looking at the same properties as every other investor, of course, so it's not always easy to beat the competition to a great buy. Home Not Selling In Todays Hot Market? Tips and Ideas to Help You Sell So, your selling your home. Prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the agony of the endless phone calls and interruptions to your daily schedule. But more importantly, prepare your home for the ever critical eye of each person walking through the door. For it is not their goal to see the good in your home, but to see each and every flaw that has ever been. What can you do as a seller to minimize these flaws and highlight your homes best features? Let's take a look at several reasons why your home may not be selling and some easy-to-do remedies. Equity Equity is the value of your home minus what you owe on your mortgage. For example, If Joe's home is worth $200,000 and Joe still owes $170,000, then Joe's Equity is $30,000. Investing In Commercial Property Investing in commercial property is well beyond the financial means of most people. Few can afford the large sums of money involved in buying commercial real estate. For most of us our investment in real estate is limited to where we live - our home. Property Investment: Spoiled for Choice in Europes Emerging Markets You could be forgiven for thinking that property is the new dot.com. It seems that anybody with a few extra bucks to spare is trying to get in on the current boom. Pushed along by the many television programmes selling hot new property destinations, newspaper articles regularly highlighting the returns to be made in foreign property markets, and the abundant websites offering property all around the world, would be investors are rushing by the thousands into emerging markets accompanied only by the certainty of making a killer return. 4 Dangers In Flipping Real Estate If you have recently purchased some real estate for investment purposes, you are in good company. Recent reports suggest that as many as 25% of these purchases are made by those who plan on using the property for investment purposes only. If you hope to "flip" the property there are 4 things you must be aware of that can put a crimp on your profits. Preparing To Make A Zero Down Offer I'm going to focus on the Seller of a hypothetical property you have found and the offer that you are going to make. You want to write it so it has a reasonable chance of being accepted. Never offer more than you can afford to pay. Don't get caught up in the idea that you are going to make it work no matter what. Let's face it, some deals just won't work and you have to let them go. Ultimately, the person who gets the best deal is the person who is the least motivated. You have lots of potential homes to purchase... the Seller only has one home to sell. Work up the numbers. First, you need to know what the current market value of the property is. Do this by going to your title company (you can pick any one you want, just look them up in the yellow pages). Title companies have access to comparable sales of homes in the neighborhood. Look for homes that are very similar to the one you are preparing to purchase. Value the home you are going to buy based on how it compares to the homes that have sold before it. Only use comps that are twelve months old or less. There are two types of real estate we want to deal with here. The first type, is property that you can purchase for cash, for at least 15% under market value. You need to sell these contracts to an investor to complete the deal. Every investor out there is looking for these properties and will gladly pay a fee to get them. The second type of deal is purchased for full market value by taking title to the property "subject to the existing loans." I explain in detail how to make an offer on this type of property in my book. It is one of the easiest ways to purchase property with nothing down and no credit check. Selling by Owner Escrow or Closing Checklist Home sellers should keep on top of their pending sale; especially when selling without the assistance of a real estate agent. Sometimes busy real estate agents forget to monitor all aspects of a pending sale. Setting Goals for Real Estate Success The power of goal setting has been well documented and communicated so before you skip over this point because you've heard it all before I'd like you to consider how well you are doing it. I'm a firm believer that you don't truly understand something until you are doing it. How to Make Money in Real Estate Without Doing the Scrunch Work If you don't have the time to invest working on fixers or if your tired of working on fixers to make money investing in real estate, try this method. The Psyche of The Seller and The Tenant Buyer For those of you who were not psychology majors the "psyche" is someone's mind. What motivates them. What are they thinking. How can you better understand them. All of which is important to those of us in lease purchasing. In fact, it is important to any business person. The ability to know what motivates your customer, how your customer thinks, and tapping into their "psyche" is what makes some businesses successful and why others fail. Appraisal or Home Inspection? People sometimes confuse a home inspection and an appraisal when they are in the process of buying a home. How to Attract Clients in Residential Real Estate Doesn't it seem like everyone you know has a friend, relative, or acquaintance that is a realtor? How could anyone, especially someone new to the industry, possibly achieve success when faced with this much competition? ![]() |
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