Real Estate Information
Panama is Hot - A World Class Retirement Haven Thats Ripe For Profitable Real Estate Investment
If you?ve followed any of the major survey agencies around the world that rate places for retirement, Panama has been on top of the list in many, and for a few years running. So, if you're looking for a place outside U.S. borders to retire, Panama should be given very serious consideration. Panama has a lot going for it.And even if you don't plan on retiring or living in Panama, Panama has also rated the very highest in real estate investment opportunities for those of you who would like to make their money from a distance.Here's what is being said about Panama by some of the bigger players in the real estate market: "Real estate in both emerging and developed markets outside the United States offers some of the best investment opportunities in the world right now. " - Ricardo Griffin - the Offshore Guru at OMA. Ltd, international offshore consultants, located in Panama."Global real estate will be the only major asset class that could deliver double-digit returns over the next five years." - Barton Biggs, Chief Global Strategist and Chairman Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Pensions and Investments "The good news in global real estate - it's no longer exclusively for the mega-rich!" - Lief Simon - Editor, International Living and Global Real Estate InvestorOne can invest in property or buy a place for investment in any region of Panama but for Expat World its money is on properties in Panama City. We've been there more than a few times and we personally rate Panama City in the top three metropolitan cities of world that one can afford to live in and enjoy a good life in. Panama City has world-class restaurants, five-star hotels, international banks, hundreds of multinational businesses, a Manhattan-type skyline, every imaginable luxury ... all at about half the price you'd pay in Miami. AND it's only a few minutes to a few hours to the beaches, mountains, country side of Panama itself. It has all the infrastructure one might want!
AT HAND and just a short distance from the romantics idea of paradise just a short distance away.On the esthetic side, few places in the world offer spring-like weather year-round, a low cost of living, safety, security, peace of mind, beautiful landscapes. It has mountainsides covered with flowers and planted with coffee and beautiful waterfalls ... not to mention the best pensionado program (retirement program for foreigners) in the world. We'll tell you more about that later. It's a real benefit for the retired expat, making your buck stretch a long way. And we do mean bucks, for the US dollar is the official currency of Panama.PANAMA'S A BARGAINSince the U.S. military and Panama Canal personnel pulled out (in 1999), thousands of houses and apartments have flooded the market. Abundant supply ... limited demand. so prices are cheap. You'll find bargains galore. There are bargains in property, both for sale, for rental and for investment are readily available.You can find a three-bedroom, luxury apartment downtown with a deck, private parking, a pool, the whole ball of wax in the $70-$80,000 range and most properties in this range have an ocean view.EW discovered properties there that were smaller and a little away from the prime areas in the $25,000 to $40,000 range. And if you are the fixer-upper type you can find the proverbial steal. You can own your own apartment or bungalow or some investment property by heading to Panama and hitting the streets and looking for the bargains OR you can use a firm that EW recommends to look for you and offer you the best deal in properties to live in or real estate investment properties. More on that later but first let us continue with why we think Panama is THE place for the best real estate buys today.Panama is elite because of its sheer natural beauty and, most importantly to many, because of the privacy it affords in personal and financial matters combined with it's great retirement program for foreigner!
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Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers
Branding can be done to any product, or any person. Before undertaking an exercise in personal branding, however, consider your distinctive strengths and abilities and what they offer the market place. Traditionally personal branding was for sporting celebrities who gained enormous coverage and following through their sporting prowess. Movie stars have also had celebrity status and association since movies began.
Real Estate Investing Myths That Steal Profits From Your Pocket
One of the things that distresses us about our industry is the amount of wrong or incomplete information available to investors. Some myths block what otherwise would be a great deal, while others would have you believe that a bad deal is actually great. For example, we encourage purchasing homes ?subject-to? the existing mortgage as an option to finance the purchase of an investment property. This means that title to the property is transferred to the purchaser, but the loan remains in the original borrower?s name with payments made by the purchaser. Unfortunately, many myths exist around this method which could rob you of your profits. Let?s take this opportunity to dispel 5 of the most common.
Budgeting Your Log Home - Creating a Checklist
If you've read my first article, BUDGETING YOUR LOG HOME: Where do you start?, you've got a very basic overview of the process. However, there are still a number of questions I'd like to address. Again, many of these questions will come up if you build any custom home, but I'd venture to guess the log home owners find themselves deeper in the decision-making process than someone dealing with a custom builder. After all, the differences become apparent immediately as the owners have to find their own manufacturer.
Do You Want To Sell Your Rehabs Fast?
That?s an obvious question ? we all do! So what is the trick? So much time and money is spent on systems updates, roofs, and structural issues, that many times there?s nothing left for what really makes the sale: what your potential buyers see. And more importantly, what they fall in love with.
How Much Should I Pay For This House?
We probably answer this question for someone a couple times every week. The problem is that they don?t have a good formula for determining the most they can pay and still make a profit ? so they?re scared to make any offer. Here?s what we use for single family homes:
Real Estate Investment 2005 - The Hottest Countries for Investment in 2005
Whether you are a real estate investor looking for a steady and ?safe? investment in a proven market or a real estate speculator willing to gamble on the unknown and undiscovered in the hopes of gaining a significant ROI (return on investment), this article covers the real estate investment hotspots for 2005.
Real Estate Investment - Why it is Big Business?
When examining the different asset classes, real estate is generally far less volatile than shares and real estate tends to be the haven that investors flock to when other asset classes are suffering.
Tax Free Exchanges: Watch out for the New Residence Rules
On October 22, 2004, President Bush signed tax legislation that
contained a provision affecting Internal Revenue Code section 1031 (the like-kind tax-free exchange rules).
Home Inspectors - Negotiating a Lower Price
To help you negotiate a fair sale price for a home, it's best to get an appraisal and inspection report. Even if you agree directly with the home seller on a sale price, you may want these items to safeguard the value of your new investment.
Finding the Right Real Estate Agent:: A Guide for Seniors
When considering buying or selling a home, seniors have a special set of needs that may not apply to others in the real estate market. The first time home buyer has a certain set of needs. Young families with small children have another. Seniors fall into a whole different category.
Why it is Important to Hire Just One Real Estate Agent to Buy a Home
In our fast paced and frantic real estate market, buying a home takes quick action and strong representation. Some buyers decide to involve several agents in their search for a home, assuming that there is strength in numbers. However, it is the buyer who establishes a working relationship with one Realtor who really has the best chance of finding, negotiating and buying the right home.
The Professional Investors Plan
The art of using high-leveraged activities.
How to Buy a Home When Your in Your Twenties
A Single?s Game of Real Estate
(Getting started in your twenties)
Why Invest In Property?
Why property, some people ask when looking for an investment. Well, as far as I am concerned, property investment is, and always has been, the most powerful type of investment for building wealth. It has been said that over 90% of the world's millionaires got there by owning property. The reason property is such a powerful way to build wealth is due to one key concept: leverage.
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Real Estate Investing: Infomercial and Mentoring Scams
Flipping through late-night infomercials recently, I saw two real estate get-rich quick schemes, and I couldn't help but wonder why people still fall for those old scams? Has anyone really talked a seller out of his home for no money down with owner financing lately?
Real Estate Investing In Bulgaria
As Bulgaria readies for joining the European Economic Community in 2007, many investors are looking to see if there are real estate bargains to be had there.
Investment Concerns for Selling Your Home
Besides the emotional upheaval of uprooting from your home, your property is most likely the biggest investment you have ever made, and its sale causes financial stress as well. You must protect your investment nest egg and secure your future.
Closing Costs When Buying A Home
Closing costs are often the last thing a person thinks of when buying a home. While closing is the joyous moment the home becomes yours, the costs can be surprisingly aggravating.
How Home Buyer Rebates Work
In today's tight housing market, many buyers are looking for ways to stretch their dollars far enough to make that dream home a reality. One little-known strategy that's gaining popularity with consumers is the home buyer rebate. At the same time, rebates have become a hot-button legal issue for the traditional real estate industry and the U.S. Justice Department's Antitrust Division.
Do I Need A Real Estate Survey?
Getting a survey before you close on any real estate is very important.
Hassle-Free Homebuying
Perhaps you'd like to take advantage of today's great buyer's market in housing but feel a little intimidated by everything that's involved.
Understanding Opportunity Cost When Investing In Property
While most investors have got involved in property investing because they understand the opportunities to make money through leverage and capital growth or high yields, I still see and hear of many who do not fully understand opportunity cost.
Fixtures, related to real estate, are items that were originally personal property but are now attached to the property itself. This becomes the toughest issue when tenants attach fixtures to a property. These fixtures may include shelves or anything that is immovable by law.
Real Estate Investing Deals That SkyRocket Your Net Worth 10-Fold
Consider these parameters for a real estate deal:
Business Credit Card Dirty Tricks
My system teaches people that the proper use
of credit is the fastest way to speed up your profits
in real estate investing.
Seller Financing - Six Safety Tips
Why offer seller financing when you sell? A higher price, a good return on your money, a faster sale and to sell a property that is otherwise difficult to sell. Some good reasons, but how do you do it safely?
Homebuyer Heaven Can?t Possibly Last
With interest rates at record lows over the past year, there's really only one way for them to go, the only question is when. Most experts agree that rates will remain fairly stable in the short term, at least until the end of the year, and some believe they will even decrease slightly. However, the prospect of a sharp increase in 2005, continuing into the following year will have many mortgagees feeling uncomfortable.
Ten Big Mistakes That Will Lose That Property Sale
If you are serious about selling your home, you probably go to a huge amount of effort when you show potential buyers around your property. You clean the bathroom until it sparkles; vacuum the carpet; brew coffee or bake bread; maybe you even banish the kids to their grandparents, but did you make one of these Ten Big Mistakes that can lose the sale ? but are so easy to avoid.
Be Patient Screening Tenants
Rental real estate is a solid way to make money. I'm particularly fond of residential properties, because people have to live somewhere. But it's not for the faint of heart.
Real Estate Financing - Ten Ways
Do you remember when real estate financing meant you saved up enough to put 20% down on a house, and then you got a mortgage loan for the other 80%? Well, you can still do that, but there are many more options now. Here are ten of them.
Commercial Income Property Financing: Part 1 of 3
Welcome to this first portion of a three-part series about income property. In this first segment we will be discussing financing options for commercial income properties as well as the upside (and downside) of owning this type of property.
Investment Real Estate Done Right -- Your Quickest and Safest Path to Wealth
In investment real estate the quickest way to wealth is through owner financing, or lease optioning. So, let's take a look at one model transaction, involving the purchase and sale of two properties on lease-option contracts so you an apply it to your own investment real estate system.
An Often Overlooked Secret of Marketing and Negotiating for Real Estate Investors Looking for Deals
When you call sellers, what do you say? When you sit down to write a marketing postcard to find deals, what do you write? When you go to negotiate price and terms, how do you present it?
Why Mobile Homes?
There are mobile homes for sale, for much less than stick-built houses, in most areas of the country. Despite persistent predjudice against them, and sometimes the people living in them, mobile homes are the cheap housing choice of millions. The advantages are not always obvious, but they are real.