Choosing the Right Web Designer
Andy Quick
Creating your web site can be a tricky process. Choosing the best web design company for your site is extremely important. Unless you run a web-based business, you probably do not have web design experience within your company. Building your web site will take time and a little homework!
To create a web site for your business, follow these 4 simple steps:
- Establish your goals
- Determine your budget
- Pick a web design company
- Pick a web hosting company
Establish Your Goals
Before you begin looking for company to help you design and build your web site, take the time to understand the goals of your web site. This will be extremely important to help set expectations with the web design company you choose.
In order to set your web site goals, ask yourself the following questions:
- Why do you want a web site
- Are you selling something
- Do you have a catalog of products that changes on a regular basis
- Who is your target market
- Do you already have a brand
- What is your industry
- Who are your competitors
- Do they already have web sites If so, what do they look like
- If youre selling something, will you accept credit cards over the internet
- How soon do you want your web site
- What happens if you never create a web site for your business
Take the time to answer each of the above questions and if you have time, write the answers down on a sheet of paper. These are the same questions most web design companies will ask you before they begin to create your site. If you have these questions answered up front, you will have some criteria for choosing the right web design company. For example, if you are a real estate agent, and want to publish listings on your web site, you should seek a web design company that knows about the real estate business and has created web pages for other real estate agents.
Determine Your Budget
How much do you want to spend on your web site. Web sites can cost you anywhere from
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