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How to Sell Your E-book - or other information product - Through Quickie SeminarsAlexis Dawes Ive been selling my own self-published information products mainly e-books online for the past 3 years. Is it profitable Definitely. But as any seasoned information marketer will vouch, it takes time to build up your name recognition online. Youll have to spend considerable effort to develop word-of-mouth web site traffic. Its rare that you start off making $1,000 a day. But offline its an entirely different story. In the real world, when people meet face-to-face, a 10-minute conversation with a prospect can lead to a $1,000 sale. I know this from first-hand experience. You see Ive been in that position several times. How Im an author who uses Quickie Seminars to sell my information products. What is a Quickie Seminar you ask Its a 3-hour talk that you give based around the topic of your information product. If you sell DVDs that teach people how to paint murals, your Quickie Seminar would in turn offer similar informational content. Quickie Seminars are delightful tools for infopreneurs because they can provide you with a same day pay day. You give a Quickie Seminar on Tuesday, you can take home $200- $5,000 on Tuesday. Best of all, your competition is slight, if any. How One Stay-at-Home Mom Uses Quickie Seminars to Make a Years Worth of Salary in 20 Days I once attended a 3-hour seminar given by a writer named Stacy Banner. Stacy only managed to herd her audience into $1,100 in information product sales that night. However this was just one night from her 10-day Quickie Seminar tour. She confided in me that by the end of her tour she expects to bring home $15,000-$20,000. In fact, she does these seminars twice a year. They allow her to be a stay-at-home mom, while only working a measly 20 days out of the year. Take Advantage of the Quickie Seminar Circuit by Following These 4 Steps... 1 Choose a topic that youve created information products around. Almost any topic will do. Arts, photography, real estate, business, travel, writing, personal development, spirituality, computers, the Internet, take your pick. 2 Pitch your talk to seminar centers around the US that are always looking for new experts. These companies provide the room, the audience, and they will actively promote your seminar. Plus youll get paid for giving the seminar. The most popular seminar center is The Learning Annex. The Learning Annex is one of the largest producers of seminars, lectures, classes and workshops throughout the United States. They have centers in San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, and Minneapolis. Altogether they produce more than 8,000 events a year. If youd like to suggest a seminar to The Learning Annex, e-mail Newcourse@LearningAnnex.com a course description no more than 1 page outlining the topic you would like to teach, the title of the class, and the city you would like to teach in. Include a current resume or background information illustrating your qualifications. You will be contacted within 4-6 weeks if theyre interested. 3 Present the seminar and sell your information products to the audience. 4 Happily take your profits home, or move on to the next city. Whoa! Take Off Those Rose Colored Sunglasses... As easy as all of this sounds, there are some major snafus that unseasoned quickie seminar initiates commit. Some infopreneurs do a hard sell. They talk about their book during the entire seminar, constantly referencing pages, and telling the audience, "Well I wont talk about that right now... but it is in my book." This makes audience members feel like they MUST buy your book. Thats no good! Audience members come for helpful, solid information. Give them what they cam for, and theyll bless you with sales. No hard sell is required. Other infopreneurs dont accept credit cards. Big mistake. One thing youll quickly discover is that most people want to pay by credit card. This is especially true if youre selling more than one item. And still others situate their sales table on a less frequently traveled path. Place your products on a table within the path of the bathroom, water cooler, or the exit. The more people are required to pass your stuff, the more likely they are to stop, look and buy. So what are you waiting for This is one marketing and business segment that isnt oversaturated with a ton of competitors. Get started today and YOU can completely dominate your niche on the Quickie Seminar circuit. But the only way to win this game is by getting out there and playing it.
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