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The Tablet of Venus
In the 17th century, divination devices called The Tablets of Fate were sold on the street by fortunetellers. These were square pieces of paper which had sixteen numbers written on them and the idea is that you would go home, close your eyes, spin the paper and point to a spot on the paper to get the answer to your question. The numbers corresponded to the vibrations of specific planets and their responsibilities. For instance, the Tablet of the Moon was used to ask questions about family, friends and relationships. The tablet of Jupiter was used to consult about business, justice and legal matters. The Tablet of Venus, which was used to answer questions about love, is as below. The Tablet of Venus 5 11 1 9 14 7 4 12 8 3 16 2 6 15 10 13 To make your own Tablet of Venus simply copy the numbers you see above on a square piece of paper in the pattern shown and make sure the numbers are even spaced into sixteen spaces. Close your eyes, spin the paper and then ask a question. Wherever your finger or the point of your pencil lands - there is your answer. If the number is at all sideways or upside down then you read the number's reversed meaning. This is a bit of a parlour game but it is traditional fortune telling, fun and surprisingly accurate. By the way, no peeking before you spin the paper. 1 Upright This person is your soulmate. Reversed You are forcing this person to do something he or she does not want to do 2 Upright There will be delays and disappointments. Reversed This person knows about your deception. 3 Upright Do what your heart tells you to do. Reversed This person is a con artist 4 Upright Make sure you have all the facts before you proceed. Reversed If you knew the whole story, you would forgive. 5 Upright Everything will be ok. Reversed You will regret your hasty decision. 6 Upright It is your fault it is not working out. Reversed Your love is strong enough to withstand all obstacles. 7 Upright You are to blame for what has happened. Reversed Don't judge a book by its cover. 8 Upright Your jealousy is destroying your relationship. Reverse Your beloved is honest and true with you. 9 Upright Your beloved is faithful to you. Reverse You are unfaithful to your partner.. 10 Upright Someone is thinking about you right now. Reversed Beware of a flirt. 11 Upright This misunderstanding will blow over quickly. Reversed This misunderstanding may mean the end of things 12 Upright Some has changed his or her mind about you. Reversed You are allowing gossip to destroy your love. 13 Upright There will be love, but not with the one you think you want. Reversed Think before you act 14 Upright Your fears and suspicions are all in your mind Reversed It is infatuation, not love. 15 Upright Your friend and you will part ways forever Reversed There is no reason to be jealous 16 Upright This is a true love. Reversal Be sensible, not silly about this? Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Boston Lawyers, DC Lawyers and Individual Rights Looks like everyone wants to sue someone right? Well, I suppose you have the right. Let me tell you my point of view on a couple of interesting current issues. With the way our ethical Christianity society has progressed, challenging the gay adoption thing now on the world stage is a little disconcerting. Our society is not ready for that yet, if two gay people wish to adopt, go ahead, but do not make a scene about it. Realize there will be opposition based on how our country was founded and how it has progressed. Yes there will be people to stand in your way; yes you can sue and find a kick butt Boston Lawyer. If you choose to do adopt, do it without fanfare. It is better for the kids too that way. And then prove everybody wrong when your adopted valedictorian stands up and graduates top of the class. That is how you do it. Otherwise if everyone is watching and making a big deal about it the kid will grow up self-conscience and ridiculed by fellow class mates. If it does take a village to raise a child, then do not piss off the village and expect everything to go your way. And if you are making an issue of this simply to get headlines and make money in a lawsuit, shame on you once again for dragging kids into it. Love or Lust Do you know what the definition of love is? This is it: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, an intense personal attachment or affection, a person toward whom love is felt, a strong enthusiasm or liking. Do you know what the definition of lust is? Here it is: intense sexual desire or appetite, an over whelming desire, ardent enthusiasm, to have strong desire. So my question is, how do you know when you are genuinely in love? Is it when some of that desire is turned into more of an affection? Can someone explain this to me? When we first meet someone, what attracts us first is looks mainly, which would be more on a lustful note, as you get to know someone you find out their interests, likes and dislikes, you may than begin to form a connection or attachment which is more of a loving feeling. But when is it that the love begins and the lust ends? Does it ever? Because I know couples who have been together for years and they say they still get those butterflies as soon as they see their partner. How to Ease the Pain of a Breakup Whether you do the dumping or you are the one who got dumped, breakups are painful. If you initiated the breakup you may feel guilty, or question that you made the right decision. If you were the one who got dumped you may feel shocked, hurt, and angry. Breakups are painful for either party. There are things you can do to get through the breakup, to ease your pain. Sometimes breakups can bring a relationship closer together when both parties realize that they really were meant to be together, or they can be a blessing because you are no longer with the wrong person. How to Get Over a Breakup This is one of the most difficult parts of a love life to get over, it is how to get over a relationship break up. It is tough nursing a broken heart, and we all need a little help to get over this broken heart. The lesson here is that friends and family, basically company, is need always to get over a heart break. Read on to find out how to get over a relationship break up! I Want to Love Him... But Hes So Far Away Okay, who are we kidding. Long-distance relationships are not supposed to be easy, because then everyone would be involved in them. However, if we can manage to keep some things in mind and change our mind set just a bit, we can see that making long-distance work is not that bad...not only that, but also that it just might be a little bit of (honest) fun. Relationship Advice - How to Get Out and Stay Out of Relationships Ruts "The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions." Thick Slice, Or Thin? Malcolm Gladwell's book "Blink" is a fascinating read. The subtitle "The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" gives some clue to its thesis. It's a book that Gladwell describes as being about 'the thoughts and decisions that bubble up from our unconscious.' Love and Life Lessons Recent events in my life have taught me that the best thing to do in any situation is just to love people. How can I be a better friend, a better Son, Brother or Sister,etc. So often we go through life and we don't really take the time to just simply love people. Legal Agreement to Cohabitate Between Unmarried Persons THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this Third day of March, in the City of CITY, COUNTY County, Tennessee, by and between DAVID (hereinafter referred to as CLARK and MARTHA (hereinafter referred to as STEWART with reference to the following facts: How Compatible Are You and Your Partner? What are the things you argue about? Where are the disagreements? The small resentments? Where do you have to give in to get along? Women Are Not Aliens One of the very worst mistakes a man can make with a woman is to believe that she's an alien creature of some sort. By this I mean that it's a mistake to view women from the stance that they are an entirely different sort of being in every way possible. This simply is not true. One of The Main Reasons Why Relationships Fall Apart I had the priviledge to try out a BMW M5 at a BMW dealership. It is one of the most refined race cars that is ever built. The interior is all leather, the V8 engine produces 398 horse power, navigation system, and wow, you gotta try it yourself. Very Old Secret To Melt The Heart Of Your Beloved My Dear Lover, Love Relationships: Focusing on What went Right What's all the Hype about Love Relationships, Anyway? Relationship Advice: 10 Ways to Prevent a Break Up The question I am asked most often is: I think he/she is getting ready to leave me. What do I do? There isn't an easy answer for this or there wouldn't be any break ups. Every situation is different and sometimes breakups are inevitable. However this is not always the case and there are things you can do before you reach the breaking point that will help. To Apologize or Not to Apologize...That is the Question We don't like to say it and we don't always mean it, but despite the oft-quoted promise from the movie, love DOES mean saying you're sorry. Unfortunately the idea seems to have hung around long since the movie was put back on the shelf. E-Love at Easter - Part Two The next week was a whirl. The first quarter of the year was ending. The girls worked hard to stay on top of their businesses. Picking Up The Pieces "My feelings have changed," my boyfriend of five years told me during one of our nightly seven o'clock phone calls. "I don't think we should see each other anymore." His words hit me, probably worse than if he had just punched me in the stomach. The pain of being physically hit would eventually subside, but the emotional pain that his words had left would be a battle wound I would carry with me from relationship to relationship until it finally healed. I have had four steady boyfr Daisies A Story About Life "I love daisies too," she told him several nights after they first met. She wasn't sure why she blurted it out but it seemed the normal thing to say considering the conversation they were having. They were talking about "favorite things" the way you do when you are trying to get to know someone. Small talk that keeps the conversation flowing: Buying Underwear For The Woman In Your Life - The Golden Rules There are two golden rules for choosing underwear for the woman in your life: ignore them at your peril! ![]() |
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