Do You Love Reading The Daily Horoscopes Part II

How many time have you felt an instant attraction to someone you've just met? Well, the explanation is simple?you have encountered the powerful forces of the Zodiac. It is all revealed in your daily horoscopes. The intensity of the love you feel in your relationship is influenced by the twelve Zodiac signs.

More important are that the signs of the Zodiac are divided into four categories known as Elements. These natural elements; Fire, Air, Earth and Water houses at least three of the twelve Zodiac signs.

And they don't stop there?each Zodiac sign has a unique pattern of behavior called modes. The amazing appeal of these modes is their ability to depict the types of action that each sign will take when dealing with people. Wouldn't you want to learn how they affect your relationships?

Introducing the first mode Cardinal, it is straightforward in its dealings but also expects fast results. The signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are included in this mode. The impact on your relationship can make your head spin with the pace of Libra's and Aires rapid fire decisions. However, Cancer and Capricorn offer a nurturing and patience environment that can enhance a relationship.

The next mode is Fixed, it is methodical, organized and often exhibits an unyielding disposition in relationships. The signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are associated with this mode. In a relationship, this may explain the need for one partner to dominate-take control-during intimacy. On the other hand, a need for total control during the day can often lead to being a submissive-relinquishing control-during intimacy.

The final mode Mutable, is open to change, needs variety, and is very flexible. The signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are included in this mode. Satisfying! That one word describes your relationship. Even better are the qualities of these signs that reflect an openness vital to keeping the passion flowing in a relationship.

The fact is that each mode offers a dazzling array of personal qualities to enhance a relationship. Best of all is the ability of each sign to identify and nurture the positive traits?and have a satisfying connection based on the relationships between the elements and modes. Your daily horoscopes are a powerful tool?if used wisely can accurately determine simple ways to intensify the romance in your relationship. One thing's for sure?you can control the harmony in your relationship. So what are you waiting for?

Copyright 2005 ? James Hall

James Hall is happily married and thoroughly enjoys writing about relationships. His site is a dating guide to finding lasting love on the web.

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