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The Man - Truth of The Visual Being
The article What Turns Them On explained about how men are visual being towards a woman's beauty. But don't go off thinking that all men are shallow just yet. The also seek long-term quality's in which good looks is not the #1 priority. Here is a list of what men usually look for in the short term and long term partner: A.At first sight 1.Good Looks 2.Shapely Body 3.Breasts 4.Butt B.In the long term 1.Personality 2.Good looks 3.Brains 4.Humor Now you can't change the fact that men use visual cues to decide a possible mate. Feminists can complain about it all they want but feminists can also not change the weather. One thing to notice is that the way a woman presents herself is more important then her having a sexy body. Remember Good Looks is ranked #1 in column A. This means that the way a woman dresses, wears her hair, presentation and grooming is more important then having a few pimples, a few extra pounds or small breasts. Still in a long term relationship personality, humor, and intelligence is much more important then looking like one of the Hawaiian tropic girls. Good looks are ranked second in importance and you have complete control over that factor. Good Looks in the loooooooong run Because a woman stops taking care of her appearance a man will unknowingly think that she no longer cares or loves him. Remember men are visual beings and that man found something beautiful in that woman. When a woman takes the time to care about her physical appearance the man thinks that she wants him to be attracted to her. In divorce one of the biggest complaints by men is that their wives stop upkeeping their appearance. The men feel that the woman used her appearance like bait and then they no longer needed to take care of themselves after marriage. A man will wonder why a woman dresses up for her work but not for him. And for the woman she cannot comprehend why he would feel this way as she would love him no matter what he looks like. By: Andre Leblanc Read more articles on relationship, sex and more at http://www.datingsas.com You may use this article on your webpage only if you keep in 100% intact with are link or link directly to it. Andre Leblanc has several years experience in the online dating and relationship field. Including implementation of new technology and creation of websites. Currently he is working on datingsas.com
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It occurred to me recently that in order to be in a relationship that works, it's necessary to be ready to enter one. I know that sounds really simple, but if we look at our national divorce rate, you can see that it is not simple. In fact, I seriously doubt that many people consider their readiness for marriage or relationship of any sort. I think the average scenario goes something like this. He is attracted to how she looks. She is attracted to his energy and productivity. They start dating and eventually she thinks it might be a good idea to get married. He goes along because he is sure it's going to get him regular sex and then all their friends and relatives get excited about their wedding. They have a big celebration and then they start to realize there is more to marriage than living together. Please forgive me for the offensive simplification of this scenario. It is merely an illustration. 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