Relationhip Advice: How to Have Fun Together

Work. Bills. Kids. Chores.


All these things get in the way of enjoying being a couple, and having fun together gets left behind.

I mentioned this recently on the Steve and Sara show on Magic 107.1, and got a few e-mails asking me how to have fun as a couple when you are so busy.

At first I was stunned that people were asking how to have fun. Then as I thought about it, I began to realize that many people forget as they get caught up in getting through each day.

So here are three tips on having fun:

1) I have an old Family Circus comic in my office with just two panels to the story. In the first panel, Mom and Dad are inside, watching a very learned looking gentleman on television speak on the fundamentals of having fun. The next panel shows the kids outside, you guessed it, having fun. If you have forgotten how to have fun, watch a kid, because they have not forgotten.

2) Make a list of 5 to 8 things you like to do for fun. If you can't think of five things you like to do for fun, my office hours are ...

Then look over your list and check off the things you have done in the last day, week or month. If you are like most of us, there are not many checks.

3) Pick one thing from the list and commit to doing it within the next week. Do it, and then you will have made 100 percent improvement over what you have done recently. Then pick another, and then another, and so on.

And the couple that has fun together has a much better chance of staying together.

Jeff Herring is a Relationship Coach, Speaker, and Syndicated Relationship Columnist. Visit for more relationship tips and tools, a f'ree internet newsletter and f'ree e-programs to enrich your relationship.

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