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Why Some Women Are Desperate
I asked Dave how he was doing since it was the anniversary of his wife's death. He replied, "It's rough, but what is even worse, is women won't leave me alone! I don't want to hurt their feelings, but they phone me too so I can't even have peace in my own home." Dave is encountering desperate women who feel they must have a man in their lives to be complete. Their obvious need is what drives the men away, the opposite of their intent. You react to people based on how you perceive them. These perceptions are influenced by your perceptual styles: Audio, Visual, Feeler, and Wholistic. Further, when you are desperate, this clouds your perceptions because you see what you want to see. "I just know I'm perfect for him" or "I know he's interested in me." You lose your objectivity. Desperation makes you reactive, causing your hot button to be easily pushed. Your hot button stimulates an emotion out-of-control, which is fueled by fears. When people of the Audio perception are reactive, there is an undercurrent of anger waiting to vent. Maintaining personal control is important for them. "Get out of my way, he's mine!" There are basic fears for each perceptual style. For Audios, they are: Afraid of life being out of control ("With you in my life, I can be back in control again.") Afraid of losing face and not being respected (yet, by being pushy or fighting with perceived competition, this is exactly what you are doing). Afraid of not being loveable (You speak you mind and may talk with a confrontational tone. For some men, this might too forward. They might like you but don't find you lovable.) Remedy for Audios: Lighten up and be sensitive to his feelings. Be willing to let him pursue you rather than you badgering him. If he doesn't call or ask you out, maybe, as authors Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo say in their bestseller book: "he's just not that into you." If you relax and realize if it's meant to be, it will happen, that you can't make it happen, you will be more in balance with all four of the perceptions. Your softer side will emerge. When Feelers are reactive, they become indignant, feel sorry for themselves. Feelers are caring and will do thoughtful things but they are also setting up unspoken expectations fueled by their fears: Afraid of not being appreciated ("You didn't say thank you" ? an expectation placed on him even though he didn't ask you to do it.) Afraid of not being liked, loved (Giving and receiving love is a top priority ? "I want to him to share his life with me.") Afraid of making a mistake (You don't want to disappoint him so have a difficult time saying no to requests ? an easy target for men who use women.) Afraid of getting hurt (You want to feel secure in a loving relationship. If he wants to be just a friend, you may feel hurt because you expected more.) Remedy for Feelers: Realize your unsolicited help, such as bringing over meals, might be considered interfering with his privacy and won't be appreciated. Become your own best friend rather than a needy, desperate woman looking for a man to rescue her. Men enjoy being with someone who is interesting. Show your natural enthusiasm for living ? your fun side. When Visuals are reactive, they become frustrated and depressed. Their biggest trap is perfectionism. "I like you but you need to change in some areas. If you love me, you'll be willing to make those changes." This desire for the "perfect" man is fueled by their fears: Afraid of not being able to live up to one's own high standards ("If we work at it, we can be the perfect couple.") Afraid of running out of time ("I visualized my life as being married and the older I get, the less men there are to make this happen.") Fear of the unknown ("I want to feel secure about my future ? to be able to visualize it as a comfortable life.") Remedy for Visuals: Let go of perfectionism. You can easily be hurt by criticism because you view what you do as who you are Don't be so hard on yourself if you make mistake or if a relationship didn't turn out as expected. Learn to accept yourself as you are. You have a wonderful sense of humor because you can easily see the humor in everyday situations. Discover ways to make your life fulfilling without a man. Then you won't appear desperate because "you're not getting any younger ?" When Wholistics are reactive, they become resentful and blame others for their discontent. This resentment is fuel by these fears: Afraid of not being valued or given a chance ("I know you could love me if you'd just give me a chance!") Afraid of failure, not reaching full potential (As a Wholistic, you are born with a sense mission, that you are destined for excellence. If this hasn't happened, you may use excuses to soften the disillusionment you have in yourself.) Afraid of restrictions, loss of freedom ("I can't make a commitment ? I want to be free to go with the flow.") Remedy for Wholistics: Beware of letting your desperation cause you to "settle for less" if you are disillusioned with yourself. You might be attracted to abusive men because you don't deserve better. It's never too late to reach excellence, whether it's being a wonderful grandmother, or writing a book, or finally having the time to do those things you always wanted to do but didn't have time. When you aren't looking for a man is when they are most likely to find you. They might find you or you might approach him though a computer dating service. But if he doesn't reply to your message despite how strongly he "courted you" in his first messages, he's lost interest. It doesn't mean there is something wrong with you! Be yourself. The "Red Hat Society" has expanded into hundreds of groups because they are women having a good time just being themselves. Remember Dave's plea, "I wish the women would leave me alone!" Carol Welsh has over 25 years experience as a speaker and is a popular guest on talk shows nationwide. She captivates her audiences and readers with humor and common sense techniques, using a light and lively approach yet zeroing in to the core of relationship problems. Carol has a Bachelors degree in Social Group Work and a Masters in Adult Education. For her Master's project, Carol did extensive research in personality-type styles, which led to the development of her Four Perceptions Self-appraisal and Personal Profile. It contains 10 Empowering Tendencies and 10 Limiting Tendencies for each of the styles. This became the focal point of her workshops. Many of the stories in the revised edition of her book Stop When You See Red are based on true stories from workshop participants and personal observations.
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Love and Life Lessons Recent events in my life have taught me that the best thing to do in any situation is just to love people. How can I be a better friend, a better Son, Brother or Sister,etc. So often we go through life and we don't really take the time to just simply love people. Typecasting, Candice Bergen and Family Relationships I'm experiencing some challenges in my relationship with Candice Bergen. Relationship Conflict: Lock Horns or Lock Arms One of my favorite comic strips growing up was "The Lockhorns." Not so much because it particularly funny (although it was), but because it seemed like a great model for how not to do love relationships. All About Soul Mates 1. How do I know when I've met my Soul Mate? Relationship Advice: 10 Ways to Survive a Break Up Break ups are never easy. You are a bundle of jealous, hurt, angry, resentful emotions. Your mood can swing from depression to bitter anger. The only thing you seem to think about is what went wrong, can I get him/her back or I'll show him/her. The main theme in your life is 'How can I feel better right NOW?' Here are some suggestions that I hope will help. Conflict In Faith Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 19, 2004 Three Qualities of a Good Relationship All relationships have some adjustment periods, but being hurt shouldn't be part of being in love. Loving relationships have good qualities, such as support from your partner, a willingness to communicate, a desire to compromise, and open an honest communication. When you do not have these fundamental qualities in a relationship, that relationship isn't likely to grow, and become something that you desire. Relationship Advice - 5 Sure Fire Ways to Mess Things Up 1) Stay committed to your "right to be right." Two Kinds of Love Love is something we all need, and want. For love, some have lived, and many others have died. To Know You Is To Love You How do you show someone you love them? Do you buy them expensive gifts? Spend quality time together? Make personal sacrifices just to see them smile? Dedicate a song to them? Write a love letter or note of encouragement? Become their cheerleader? Those are wonderful things to do but my question goes deeper then those types of activities, even beyond your romantic partner. Think about your parents, your children, your best friend, your sister, or your brother... anyone you love. How do you really show them that you love them? Reverse the question if you like - how do you really know if someone loves you? How to Build Solid Relationships Using the Power of Words We may not be aware of it; but the words we utter daily may have different interpretations, even if you think that they mean the same thing. Living in Fear! As we are aware, our relationships are that bigger part of our life, and our own personal growth. Our growth starts basically from our relationships. Remember when we were young looking up to our parents, or to our older brothers or sisters, sometimes envying them for being older, or just trying to understand them. But the best of all was trying to build up our relationship with them. 10 Things Never to Say to A Guy 1. WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN? You'll see him when you see him. If he wants to see you again, he'll call. If not, next. You don't have time for anyone that doesn't have time for you. Zodiac Love Match ? Can the Stars be Right? As a somewhat older gentleman (but still fairly good looking and somewhat romantic?) I have always enjoyed good relationships with the younger folk ? Oh! The times I have been called upon over recent years to inspect and give an opinion on some poor new prospective boyfriend. Secrets of the Opposite Sex Secrets of the Opposite Sex Conflicts Dont Have to Mean a Fight to the Death Although conflict in marriage is inevitable, fighting is optional. Infidelity: Difference Between a Rage and Revenge Affair The fifth affair I outline in my book, "Break Free From The Affair" is called: "I Want to Get Back at Him/Her." This is the revenge affair. Authentic Relationships - 5-Question Exercise to Explore How You Show Up In Relationship The focus of this article is to explore what it means to be authentic in the context of being single in the dating world and/or in the context of coaching singles. Take this five-question exercise to explore your relationship to authenticity. How to Use Humor to Improve Your Relationships Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relationship is on the down slide. This laughter barometer can be applied to any relationship at home, at work and at play. Laughter means that you're having fun and fun means that things are going well.. Take a look at the relationships around you. Do the couples laugh a lot together? Has the laughter stopped in some of your relationships? Boston Lawyers, DC Lawyers and Individual Rights Looks like everyone wants to sue someone right? Well, I suppose you have the right. Let me tell you my point of view on a couple of interesting current issues. With the way our ethical Christianity society has progressed, challenging the gay adoption thing now on the world stage is a little disconcerting. Our society is not ready for that yet, if two gay people wish to adopt, go ahead, but do not make a scene about it. Realize there will be opposition based on how our country was founded and how it has progressed. Yes there will be people to stand in your way; yes you can sue and find a kick butt Boston Lawyer. If you choose to do adopt, do it without fanfare. It is better for the kids too that way. And then prove everybody wrong when your adopted valedictorian stands up and graduates top of the class. That is how you do it. Otherwise if everyone is watching and making a big deal about it the kid will grow up self-conscience and ridiculed by fellow class mates. If it does take a village to raise a child, then do not piss off the village and expect everything to go your way. And if you are making an issue of this simply to get headlines and make money in a lawsuit, shame on you once again for dragging kids into it. ![]() |
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