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7 Things You Must Know About Women
Most men find women mysterious and confusing. You find us difficult to figure out. It isn't your fault. It's not like anyone gave you a guide book on women in highschool to study. Here are some of the mysteries about women revealed: 1) Before you even get to the door most women wonder if you are Mister Right. 2) She is just as anxious as you are about your first date. 3) Women like your undivided attention. Pay attention to what she has to say and she will be more interested in hearing about you. Also keep your eyes on her. Eyeing any of the other women in the room is a definite way to make that first date your last. 4) After the first date women pretty much know if and when they will sleep with you. 5) Many women don't want to get married or at least not as early as they used to. Many women are staying single into their late thirties in favor of pursuing their own careers. 6) A woman can complain about her family all she wants but the second you criticize her family start packing your bags. 7) Asking a woman if you are the best she ever had is pointless. We will lie to avoid hurting your feelings. You will never know if you are the biggest, the best or last the longest. Caterina Christakos is a published author and dating coach. For your free Seduction mini course go to: http://www.what-women-want.com
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A Look at Interracial Relationships There's something about America, our history, our values or maybe the very contradictions of our society that can still make interracial relationships a lot more difficult than others. Most relationships deal with mostly internal pressures with perhaps a little added tension from family or friends. Interracial relationships deal with all of the usual difficulties plus negative input from society at large, which means that people you don't even know and have never met will have an opinion about your relationship, often negative, simply because two people from different groups have fallen in love. Are Men and Women Really from Different Planets? Are men really from Mars, and women from Venus?'what women want,' is still left unanswered to men. Even when we reflect upon the 2000 film, What Women Want - lead character, Nick Marshall (played by Mel Gibson) seems to have all the answers. But does he really? Soul Mates ? Finding True Love and Commitment Finding your true Soul Mate is something that many people hope to do. We all long for that one special person in our lives to make everything wonderful. We want to live the fairy-tale life and find our very own Prince or Princess Charming. We know that somehow that would make our lives complete. Extramarital Affairs: When Sexual Addiction and Infidelity Meet One kind of extramarital affair revolves around sexual addiction. The partner involved in the affair, plain and simple, has a difficult time saying "NO." He/she may want to, but feels compelled to say "yes." Its Your Fault I Had An Affair! When you read it like that, out of context, you'd be hard pressed to believe that anyone would have the nerve to come up with it as a serious justification for infidelity. Yet film star Jude Law has, allegedly, used this astonishing piece of sleight of mouth to justify a recent fling with his children's nanny. Great Relationship Advice: Declaration or Demonstration Q: Could you help us settle a growing conflict in our marriage? I always tell my wife I love her and would do anything in the world for her. That doesn't seem to do it for her. In fact, her response usually is, "talk is cheap. I want you to show me that you love me." I'm not sure what she means, and I need to figure it out fast. Catch a Cheating Lover? Relationships. Virtually all of us are in one, or at some stage, have been. To Hold or to Set One Free! Hope you all are doing well and enjoying great health. There were terrorist attacks in London and even here in India we are facing many natural calamities; but as they say, everything in life is having some purpose and one must learn to carry on. Attraction vs. Love When we first meet someone, regardless of the way or medium that we meet, we are either attracted or not. Attraction, when pursued, eventually grows into levels of friendship and then may cross the barriers we build up, to protect ourselves, and grow into love. Did Casanova Really Need the Oysters? Scientists are rubbing their hands together with glee. A recent study of underwater creatures proves conclusively that oysters have certain properties that could very well enhance performance in the bedroom. Thus it follows, say the scientists in great satisfaction, that Casanova's reputation as the world's greatest lover can now be put down definitely to his voracious appetite for oysters. 8 Ways to Improve Your Long Distance Relationship Couples in love may often find themselves having to live apart for a period of time throughout their relationship due to job commitment, studies, military obligation and etc. This has made us wonder whether a relationship can survive the physical distance. Different people may have different view towards the subject and if you ask me?. I will give you this answer? "YOU are the one who is going to determine whether it will work or not" "There are nobody in this world who can tell you whether you can survive or not except yourself". Surviving a long distance relationship is not about promises or luck but it is very much dependent on how you think, act, manage and most importantly, how you want the outcome to be. Therefore it is very important to make up your mind whether you want the relationship to work or not. It will be easier once you have done that as there are tons of thing you can do to improve your distance relationship. Below are the ways you can use to survive and improve your distance relationship in summary. How To Save Your Marriage Getting married (or beginning an intimate relationship) is, in a way, like starting a business you've always wanted to own or a university program you've always wanted to enter. Power Struggle! The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power. 20 Tips to Keep Love Alive Have you ever been at a loss to think of something special that you can do for that special someone in your life? Maybe you want to do a little extra for an important event, like his or her birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, or anniversary. Relationship Problems Begin With Poor Communication Many relationship problems often begin with poor communication. Many couples often feel that their partner should know what they are thinking and do not communicate their thoughts and wants to them. When couples start to experience poor communication in their relationship this is when relationship problems begin. Relationship Problems & Listening Skills When I tell couples that relationship problems begin with poor communication, most couples believe the answer is to improve their ability to speak. Actually the most effective way to prevent relationship problems is to improve listening skills. A couple could practice communication skills by repeating back what they just heard. This enables both couples to be on the same page. Couples often interrupt their partner and do not fully understand what their partner is saying. By repeating back to their partner what they thought they heard, the potential for misunderstanding or misinterpretation is greatly reduced. After someone has stated their opinion or position, the other person does not respond with their point. Instead they must repeat back to their partner, "What I am hearing you say is . . " and repeat back what they believe they heard their partner say to them. In this way the person who sent, and the person who received, the message can be sure they clearly understand their point of view. Relationship Problems Can Affect Your Children When you and your spouse have relationship problems your children also suffer. Many children fear that their parents will get a divorce if their parents fight. They also might fear that they have to choose sides. When you and your spouse are having difficulty in your relationship this would be a good time to reassure your children that they are loved and safe. Take A Break From Your Relationship Problems Relationship problems can lead to undue stress, anger and depression. If you and your partner are experiencing issues with poor communication or are generally having problems in your relationship it is important to take care of yourself. Take a break from the relationship problems and do something you enjoy. If you can set aside your argument, you and your partner would also benefit by doing something fun together. Continuous arguing without resolution can erode the feelings of closeness you once shared. Spending a little time together enjoying each other's company could enable you and your partner to regain some closeness. Hopefully when you resume your argument you and your partner will have a new perspective or appreciation that will help resolve the issue causing the relationships problems. Denial Is Not A River In Egypt Original it ain't, but it still merits repetition: "Denial is not a river in Egypt". What it is, is a highly addictive behaviour. Communicate through Body-language! Consider a person very important to you. He or she keeps on talking to the extent of boring you and make you feel like escaping from that place. To prevent the annoyance or boredom showing in your face, you may use gestures, smiles and gazes to pretend that you are listening to that person! It may even be an important business deal. We call it a non-verbal way of communication or the "body-language"! Cheating Spouse: 7 Legitimate Motives for Spying Should you spy on your cheating husband or wife? You believe you see signs of a cheating spouse. The need to know whether your spouse is cheating and EXACTLY what kind of cheating is taking place is often strong. There are a number of reasons why the drive to spy is powerful. Here are seven: Charisma, Love and Health This is an amazing story. It's about my friend Robert. Robert is one of those really charismatic people. You know the kind I mean. Wherever he goes, people are just drawn to him, its truly a sight to behold. Are all Men Unfaithful? "Men are all the same. Stop looking for Prince Charming, Dreamer!" ![]() |
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