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Eight Ways to be a Better Friend
Being a good friend is a skill we can learn and improve upon. Here, eight ways to be a better friend. Number One: Like yourself The first step in having a good relationship with a friend is to have a good relationship with yourself. When we genuinely like ourselves, we become more attractive to other people. We have more to offer others because we are not constantly focused on our own image and reputation. We become better friends because we don't cling. We are secure enough to spend time with a friend because we want to, not because we need to. Number Two: Choose wisely Relationships among true friends take a steady dose of time and energy--two resources in limited supply for all of us. Identify the friends with whom you wish to create a closer bond. It's perfectly okay if not all of your acquaintances make the list. The closeness of your connections is far more important than the length of your guest lists. Number Three: Make the time Friends are important in many ways--so much so that these relationships often take on a life of their own. You owe it to yourself (and to your friends) to make these relationships a priority. Carve out some quality time for one another. Number Four: Make the first move If you want to improve your relationships, put your fear of rejection aside and start taking more risks. Invite your friends to lunch. Organize a new playgroup. Invite them over for dinner. Too often, we fail to follow up with our friends. Don't miss out-just make the first phone call. Your friends are just as anxious to get together as you are. Number Five: The Golden Rule Treat your friends as you wish to be treated. Stated another way: "To have a friend, be a friend." Focus more on being interested than on being interesting. Be enthusiastic and energetic. Avoid complaining, gossiping, and criticizing. Number Six: Sweat the Small Stuff Make your friends feel significant by remembering small kindnesses. Notice her new haircut. Remember to ask about her mother-in-law's surgery. Send flowers or a simple email when you know she needs it most. Number Seven: Listen Good listeners are hard to find, and honing your skills can be a long-term project. A few tips: -Slow down. Try not to finish your friend's sentences. If you catch yourself planning your response while your friend is still talking, gently remind yourself to focus on the speaker. -Show her you are listening. Maintain eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs that indicate you understand her point of view. -Minimize distractions. -Ask questions. -Be careful with advice. Assume your friend wants to vent her frustrations, not ask you for a plan of action. Number Eight: Be loyal We all need someone in our corner. If your friend isn't there to defend herself against gossip or criticism, speak up, and know she would do the same for you. Susie Cortright is the founder of momscape.com and Momscape's Scrapbooking Playground - http://www.momscape.com/scrapbooking Visit today to subscribe to her free weekly newsletters and to get more information on her scrapbook club and work-at-home scrapbooking business.
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Want To Strengthen Your Relationship Open your mouth. What do I mean? Talk ? say what's on your mind. Walking around with a chip on your shoulder will not strengthen your relationship. It will only create more distance between you and your mate. If you can't find the right words to say, write a letter. You may think that not saying something will make the issue or problem go away ? it won't. What it will do is build resentment towards your mate and open up the door for other problems to crawl in. Importance Of Background In A Relationship Should coming from the same background be a major issue in a relationship? In the 90s, one of the major things we sometimes overlook in a relationship is our partner's background. To us, 'what's love got to do with background'? But the truth is that coming from the same background can enhance a relationship. Our background develops our values and ideas about love, life and relationship. Relationship Advice: 7 Strategies for a Great Relationship 1. Commitment Dont Be A Doormat in Your Relationship There comes a point in every relationship when the person you are dating will do or say something that is out of line. How you react to those situations will determine if they will gain respect for you or whether they will start to see you as a doormat and begin to misbehave even more. I call these points, "Moments of Truth". 10 Ways to Seduce A Woman I have written this article by request but want to begin by saying that I in no way encourage men to treat women like objects. Men, this is a guide to help you win over a woman that you have a genuine interest in. If you are just looking for a one night stand then this article probably won't help you much. Lesson one, satisfaction comes with a sincere relationship and learning each others likes and dislikes. That being said, I hope you find something useful here that will help you give the woman of your dreams a reason to look your way. Be sincere. Compliment her on something you truly admire. Hollow compliments can often be sensed. A compliment that she knows you mean will have much more impact. This doesn't mean you can throw out a compliment and then get naked, but it is a good first step. The compliment should NOT be 'you have great knockers.' Go for the eyes, hair, intelligence, sense of humor, something along those lines. On the other hand, too many compliments can come off sounding insincere. One or two sincere compliments are best. Listen to her. She will give you clues about what she likes. At some later time, you can show that you remember what she has said and it makes a difference to you. This will earn you big points. Be real. Don't exaggerate to make yourself sound better. Don't tell her lies just because you think it will help. These things have a way of turning around and biting you. Don't offer advice unless asked. It could come off sounding like you are telling her what to do. Just listen and be supportive. Do not talk about sex unless she brings it up. This one is pretty self explanatory. Don't act desperate. Just let things flow naturally. Desperation is an unappealing quality in either sex. Playing a little hard to get can actually be appealing. Avoid talking about yourself too much. Let her talk and if she wants to know, she will ask. An ongoing conversation about how big your muscles are or how fast your car is will not score many points. Bragging about how well endowed you are is a big no-no too. On the other hand, silence doesn't work either. Look around and find something to talk about. Preferably about her. Avoid letting your eyes wonder to other women when you are with her. Talking about other women or your ex are both no-no's too. If you are out with her, let her know you like being with her by respecting her feelings and keeping your eyes and mind on her. Treat her with respect. Don't call her chick, broad, dude or any other name unless you have been together for a while and you come up with pet names for each other. Respect is crucial and a good woman will not be interested in sex with you until she knows you respect her. If a one night stand is what you have in mind, then don't lead her into believing you want a relationship with her. Playing with her feelings is cruel and something no one should do to anyone. Don't make her feel like because you have spent money on her, she should sleep with you. Making her feel this way will generally have the opposite affect. All you have bought is her time and the opportunity to prove to her that you are worth a second look. The rest is up to you. ©2005 Patricia Fason The Revenge Affair: Characteristics of the Adulterer "I Want to Get Back at Him/Her" is one of 6 kinds of affairs I outline in my E-book. How To Re-ignite the Fire in Your Relationship! Couples that are together for a while sometimes suffer from passion burn out. Relationships: Last a Lifetime Stepping into a new position brought along a few surprises. People I grew up with wandered into my office, smiling a bit in surprise, and content to greet an old friend. I struggled with a few meetings, laughed through others, and cried after still more. My life was dancing before my very eyes, and I struggled with the reality of facing all those years. I knew when I focused on the mass of files stacked on every bare inch of my desk that I was in for a few surprises. The surprises came with familiar faces and well-known names. I Want to Love Him... But Hes So Far Away Okay, who are we kidding. Long-distance relationships are not supposed to be easy, because then everyone would be involved in them. However, if we can manage to keep some things in mind and change our mind set just a bit, we can see that making long-distance work is not that bad...not only that, but also that it just might be a little bit of (honest) fun. Romantic Gifts ? 10 Sizzling Ways to Give Them When it comes to giving a romantic gift, it's not just what you give, but how you give it. For the most impact, creativity is more important than price. Here are a few suggestions: Flowers or any gift will work with this one. Leave a note on the door for your partner telling them to follow the path. Strew rose petals leading to the bedroom. Be lying on the bed, holding the gift when they arrive. ARC of Understanding In relationship we all make mistakes and sometimes we are insensitive to the needs of others, especially those very close to us All this leads to disappointments and resentments. The answer to handling disappointments is understanding. What Every Woman Should Know About Men and Romance Men and women think differently about romance. No More Lonely Weekends! How do you react when you are faced with spending another weekend alone because nobody has invited you to do anything with them? What is Abuse? Violence in the family often follows other forms of more subtle and long-term abuse: verbal, emotional, psychological sexual, or financial. Is It Love or Money? What do women or men want out of a relationship? I know I want a man who really loves me, and the feelings are definitely reciprocated. I want to grow old with someone. In a nutshell I want my soul mate. Is this the way most women and men feel? king Your Relationship Pattern, Part 3 Do you want to put to rest the people and situations from your past so they do not interfere with your current and future relationships? Stop Making Relationship Mistakes! Avoid Another Unhappy Relationship! It is possible for women to steer clear of an unhappy relationship. However, it will require taking an honest look at themselves and their relationship mistakes. Preteen Relationships Even preteens have relationships that are important to them. In this critical time, though, the most important preteen relationship is always with parents. It is up to the parents to provide for them the foundations of a good relationship. For those that dare not do provide this relationship in a positive manner, well, they are simply asking for their preteen to rebel against them. There are other preteen relationships, though, that are also important to preteens. Typecasting, Candice Bergen and Family Relationships I'm experiencing some challenges in my relationship with Candice Bergen. Long Distance Love Before the advent of the internet, long-distance relationships were rare. Most people met their mates in school, through a friend or neighbor, at a party or in a bar. In today's world, it is not unusual for men and women to connect online who live hundreds and even thousands of miles apart. ![]() |
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