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Whats A Single Christian To Do?
It's Saturday night. You're sitting at home. Your phone has not rung in the past few hours. As a matter of fact, your phone hasn't rang much in the last two weeks (other than the bill collectors). You sit there. You pull up the movie offerings on Comcast. And you wonder - 'Is this what life is all about?' You think to yourself - 'Shouldn't I be out with someone?' And, even if you didn't want to go out, shouldn't someone at least have called so that you could have the pleasure of saying no? Or should you call someone to ask him or her out, though you're sure they'll say no? I mean, it's not like you don't have other options - as much as you don't want to use them. You would call your 'girls', but you're starting to think you're related to them because you see them so much. Or, you could call the 'fellows', but one more made up story about how many girls your one friend has will definitely send you over the edge. So what's a girl or boy to do? First, let's ask ourselves - is it okay to be home, alone, on a Saturday night? Are you the butt of some cosmic joke that is destined to make you a permanent bachelor or bachelorette? Though it may seem this way at times, it is simply not so! Being single is a great thing. And, if it makes you feel any better, you can rest assured in the knowledge that you are not alone. Being single (by choice or by circumstance) simply means being called to 'singleness'. This means you are solo in life, but not in your friendships, with your family or as a valuable, contributing member of society. In other words, you don't have a mate, but you have everything else a healthy individual needs to enjoy life. You have a job (and if you don't, being single gives you plenty of time to look for one!). You have your family, and you may or may not have children, so you are not lonely. You have your friends, so you have people who will talk to you or hang out with you. You have yourself (and if you find you get bored with your own company, then you might really have a problem!). But, most importantly, you have God. Sometimes God is overjoyed at our singleness. His joy is the equivalent of your being on a diet and eating half a fat-free popsicle every day and then, whoo-hoo, getting to eat a whole pint of Haagen Dazs (or maybe it's just me)! If your life is like most people's, you are probably pretty darned busy most of the time with life, family career and church. And, when you were in a relationship, you were probably busy with the talks, the dates, the drama and the like. So you probably don't have a whole lot of time for God in the first place. But being single works in your favor - you have more time to spend with God, more time to pray and more time for the solitude required to develop a true walk with God. Because this is when He can truly work on you! It says in the Bible that a single person seeks to please the Lord, but a married person seeks to please his or her spouse. The inference is obvious - when you are married, your mind shifts to other priorities. Even if you were domesticated before, now there's double-duty - double the dishes, double the money to do your grocery shopping, double the trash to take out, double the cars to service, and double the time spent with another person. Double the time, but still only one you. Being single is the perfect time to devote yourself to God! And to let Him develop you into the Christian He wants you to be. This is not to say that you should never go out. Go out, have some good, clean fun. Mr. or Mrs. Right is out there somewhere waiting for you and he or she will put in an appearance - at the right time. But, until then, take advantage of your free time! Get in tune with God (because, believe me you'll need it when you get married), re-discover who you are, spend time with your friends, and become more committed at church. More importantly, spend 'quality' time with God. He wants you to. And you need to, to maintain joy, happiness, and peace of mind. Date sometimes, but spend time with God all the time. And - here's a bonus - you just might find that spending all that time with God has put you on the fast track to spiritual maturity which will lead to finding the mate of your dreams even sooner! Better than waiting on the phone to ring, right? Sonya C. Triggs is the Founder of Urban Christianz Ministries, which can be found at http://www.urbanchristianz.com. Visit her website to find articles, advice and resources about dating, relationships, spirituality and other Christian issues!
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Let Her Be Covered Part One Several weeks ago, while shopping in a grocery store, my wife was approached by a woman who appeared to be very refined -- very courteous manner. She indicated that she had a question that possibly she could answer. She and her husband had observed that some women wear coverings similar to the one that my wife was wearing. Why are they worn? Her husband's opinion was that it signifies marriage. She herself did not concur with that opinion. But why DO you wear it? That was her question. In response, my companion assured her that the wearing of the headcovering is a Biblical teaching recorded in 1 Corinthians 11. To her that was news. She seemingly was not aware that this was a Bible teaching, and with gratitude in her voice, she promised to go home and read for herself from 1 Corinthians 11. Bishoprics BISHOP OF CARCASSONNE: - There are so many exemplars of deceit and greed who have worn the mantle of Bishop or Arch-Bishop. It continues to the present day to say the least but fortunately some of these men of the cloth are being exposed in court and not just in the hiding places of their fine churches where they have conducted all manner of ghastly and abusive acts throughout the ages. Bishop Ussher of Armaugh is one who comes to mind but I will put another place and person forward for your consideration. Seeking after the Knowledge of God As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world. Abraham and the Leather Scroll The Dead Sea Scrolls continue to be found and there are many interesting discoveries about the era and region to be found in them. One of the more interesting aspects of these finds has to do with a leather scroll that was written to seem as if Abraham had been its author. Just like the many frauds of recent date including the Ossuary of James or the artifacts attributed to Joash and all manner of other Bible Narrative lies including the Ark at the top of a mountain we see politics or manipulation of people is paramount. Why Me Why Me John Roberts and Madalyn Murray ? The Turtle and the OHare Although I've never met Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, I did have a run in of sorts with America's most notorious atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hare in the nineteen eighties. As I walked into a radio station to drop off tapes of my former radio show the DJ called to me from within his booth. As I entered the booth he said "we have a minister here that may be able to answer that question." He pulled a chair up to the microphone and beckoned for me to sit. He whispered to me that it was a phone connection from somewhere in Texas and Madalyn Murray O'Hare was on the line being interviewed. My volunteering it seemed was already far underway so I acquiesced and listened to O'Hare's questions. I calmly answered each question and the more I did the angrier she seemed to get. The final straw was when she asked me if I wouldn't agree that all any minister was interested in was money. She said that even I was only doing ministry for the bucks. She missed by a mile when she asked that question. I told her that my present ministry was completely voluntary and I received nothing for my labors. What Is Perfect Love? Today, sitting in my pink armchair, reading about how a world-famous medium was able to communicate with the spirit world and our physical world and end the grief of those who had been left behind, I became even more aware of how love is the central theme of the universe itself. This was what the departed passed on to those who remained on earth. Their major regret was that they had not loved or expressed their love when they were alive. Mindset - Being Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind The Bible tells us that one of the main goals God has in store for each of us is our transformation. The Bible tells us that God wants to sanctify us - to make us more Holy like He is. He wants to make us better people - both on the inside and the outside. The Bible tells us that the way this transformation will take place is by the "renewing of our minds." Romans 12:1 states: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Paul?s Letter to 21st Century Christians Dear Readers, I received a letter this week that is written in Greek that I have translated and would like to share with you. It is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and it is addressed to: all my brothers and sisters living in the 21st century. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Choosing the Christian Path - 147.5 million Americans claim affiliation with a religious group Bible and Kabbalah: The Hardening of Pharoahs Heart There is continuous creation, out of the new ideas discovered in the Torah. Pope John Paul II, The Right Man at the Right Time The world has been blessed to have Pope John Paul II for the past 27 years. Many people have called him The Man of the Century. Pope John Paul II was certainly one of the best known and most revered men on earth. The Christmas Victory As the Chritmas season approaches, I figured it's a good time to submit the following article: Mexican Catholics Forgotten Many Mexican and Latin Catholics are dismayed that the Cardinals picked a German Pope, Benedict XVI, over a Latin Pope. Latin and Mexican Catholics are some of the biggest supporters of the Catholic Church. Some Mexican, Latino and Hispanic Catholics are saying; "This just proves white men still run the world." Many Mexicans who have proud Indian Aztec and Mayan Heritage whose civilization was destroyed by European Explorers and conquerors, which brought this religion with them are thinking twice about their loyalty to the Catholic Church. Ultimate Truth:The Invitation Religion is so many things. From what we can see nowadays, it is a business, society And a whole lot more ways humans operate religion. As a learner I'm not saying what I'm stating now is the ultimate truth. It's a mere catalyst to further navigate this "rabbit hole". Rebuilding Society and The Tax Protest Movement: Part Two Part Two continued Spirituality from the Hebrew Bible: 10 Major Themes The major themes of the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament) surely include God, man, sin, righteousness, grace, covenant, law, atonement, and holiness. A final theme we will examine is the Messiah. Nearly everyone would agree that these ten themes are among the most important. Let's take a closer look at each one. The New Heaven And New Earth Now that Satan, all of his fallen angels and all of unsaved humanity have been cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, there is only one thing left. God will now give the rest of saved humanity their final reward - the new heaven and the new earth. Believe it or not, this is actually going to be better than what we will get during the Millennium Kingdom. This will be our final abode and something very awesome happens when we get this new heaven and new earth. The Gospel According to the Americans - Our Shame As a deist, Thomas Jefferson may have thought God was indifferent, but gospel twisting preachers and theologians of the day seem to think God is a clown. One preacher appears regularly on television pushing his book entitled?How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted. He insists that if people would pay their vows (an Old Testament concept) that this would begin to happen. It goes without saying that payment must be made to him. The blatant emphasis on the business of tithes and offerings among some churches has become a shameful blight but shows no signs of abating. Gods 4 Avenues to Reach the Lost During the Tribulation If the Church is raptured off the face of the earth before the 7 year Tribulation starts, then how does God go about getting anyone saved during the 7 year Tribulation if there is no Church or main body of believers left to preach the gospel? The Bible says that a great multitude of people will get saved during the Tribulation. ![]() |
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