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Worship and Praise in Charismatic Churches
This article was in response to an email about someone being a little uneasy about the praise and worship in charismatic churches. I received your email with the questions you sent. I'll go ahead and answer them under the captions below. You said you are not comfortable with and are having a hard time adjusting to the more intense levels of praise and worship that you are seeing in the non-denominational charismatic churches - especially with you coming from a Catholic background. I know quite a few ex-Catholics who now belong to charismatic non-denominational churches who had a hard time initially adjusting to the intensity levels on the way charismatics worship and praise. A lot of newcomers have a real hard time when they first walk into a Spirit-filled charismatic type church - it is a major shock to their spiritual senses. You are not alone in your feelings on this issue! The first thing you need to realize is that you should never compare your level of spiritual development with anyone else's. One of the things that I feel I have picked up from the Lord is that everyone is operating at different levels of spiritual development. And everyone advances, in their spiritual walk with the Lord, at different rates of speed. You should never compare where you are currently at with the Lord with anyone else - including all of the people you see at your church. When you first enter into a real walk with the Lord, the first thing He is going to do is to start working with you at the level that you are currently operating at. He will not expect you to be operating at some of the "higher" levels you may see with some of these people who have been walking with Him for 30 years. The Bible says that God is the Potter and we are the clay. It is God's job to mold, shape and transform us into the image of His Son Jesus over the course of this life. This transforming process does not occur overnight. It is a very gradual, slow process that will literally take place over the entire course of your life. God actually does this through the Holy Spirit who lives on the inside of you. Another word for this transforming process is sanctification. God is in the business of making us into better and more holy people. If you are not comfortable at your current level of spiritual development with the Lord to raise your hands and sing as intensely as what you are seeing in this church - then I would not worry about it at this time! You are 100 percent correct when you say you are not comfortable with singing and raising your hands just to be like everyone else. You have to be true to yourself and be true to the Lord. God perfectly knows where you are at in your own level of spiritual development. If this type of worship and praise is not coming naturally to you and you are not comfortable in expressing yourself like this in a public setting, then I would let it go at this time and not do it until you are more comfortable in giving it a try. God will have no problems with you on this issue because you are just being honest with yourself and with Him. He knows that you are not currently at that level to be able to do this at this time. I actually believe that He would more approve of you not doing it because you are being honest with Him and true to yourself as versus trying to do it just to be like everyone else. The Bible says that God always looks on the heart of a person. He knows you better than you can ever know yourself. He perfectly knows why you do what you do and what your motives are. If you try to worship and praise like some of the others just to be like them - and it is not really coming from your heart - God will see right through it - and I believe you are better off not doing it until you feel you are ready to make that kind of a leap. Do not trip or get on a guilt trip because this is not coming to you naturally at this time. The Bible says that there is "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." If anyone else looks at you funny because you are not following the crowd - then they are wrong and they are operating under judgmental and critical spirits which the Lord detests. Don't worry about what anyone else may say or think about you for not being able to do this at this time. God is the only one that you have to please and seek approval from. The fact that you are expressing yourself so honestly in not being comfortable with this at this time shows that you are being honest with yourself and with God. Trust me - this really pleases God when you take this kind of honest approach with Him! What God is looking from you at this time is that you keep walking with Him and allow Him to start gradually building you up in Him and all of His ways. God will start to build up your knowledge base in Him if you are open to receiving it. The two main things God wants from you at this time is that you: The Holy SpiritThe second thing you need to realize when you watch a lot of these people worship and praise as intensely as they are - is that this ability to really do this comes from the Holy Spirit. The Bible talks about us being able to worship, sing and praise God "in the Spirit." The word "Spirit" is with a capital "S" which means it is referring to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives you the power and supernatural ability to really worship God the Father in the way that you are seeing a lot of these people do. These people are "in the Spirit" when they are singing and raising their hands. The reason that you are not comfortable in being able to worship and praise like these people are doing is because this supernatural ability has not been imparted to you at this time from the Holy Spirit. If you continue on in your walk with God, the time may come where the Holy Spirit will start to move on you in a church setting and give you the ability, the courage and the desire to worship God in this manner. You will know it when it comes on you. But until that time comes - just be yourself in the church setting and do just what comes naturally to you and what you are comfortable with in doing. That is all God is looking from you. God is not comparing you with anyone else in that church. He is looking at you as an unique, special individual and He will be judging you at the way you operate at your own level of spiritual development. Comparing Yourself With OthersThe second thing you mention in your email is that everyone appears to be so good and that you feel like such a sinner compared to how good and holy some of these other people look like. As I've stated above, you should not be comparing yourself with any of these other people. First of all, you have no idea how holy or how good some of these people really are. You can't always judge a book by its "cover" - by what you see on the outside. The other thing to realize is that from time to time you are going to run across some people who really are holy and good. These people will be Spirit-filled to the point you can literally see almost a glow or radiance coming out of their face. You can sense that these people are really close to God and have a lot of knowledge about Him and the Bible. They are "advanced" in their walk with the Lord. When you get around these types of people, you may at first feel intimidated and that you may not good enough to be around them. You can feel, you can sense that they are much more developed "in the Spirit" than you are. Amy, when you run across these types of true saints - you should not feel intimidated or any less better than they are. The Bible tells us that "God is no respecter of persons" - that He loves everyone equally and unconditionally - and that includes you! These people have paid their dues. They have walked with the Lord for years and have developed close relationships with Him. You can feel the anointing all of over these people. You have to realize that your level of spiritual development is not going to be the same as everyone else's. Some people will be more "advanced" than you are in their relationship with God and in their knowledge of Him. Just realize that you could probably put everyone on a scale of 1-10 in their spiritual development with God. Where you are on the scale is irrelevant. What matters is that you are in the game trying to be the best person in the Lord that you can be - that you play the game as best and as hard as you can at the "level" that you are operating at. It's God's job to raise you up the scale as you progress in your walk and relationship with Him. And whatever you do - do not ever question your salvation with the Lord. If you already know that you are saved - that you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior - then nothing can take that away from you - no matter how inferior or unworthy you may feel at times - especially when you start comparing yourself with others. The Bible tells us that once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior - then we are "sealed" with the Holy Spirit. That means it is a done deal - for eternity! Your salvation does not waver like your emotions or feelings do. Just because you may not "feel" saved if you are having a bad day does not mean you have lost your salvation. If it did, none of us would ever make it to heaven. Rest assured - your salvation is a done deal! You have been sealed by God's Spirit and nothing, and I mean nothing on this earth can ever take that away from you! So don't ever let your feelings of inferiority in how far others may be more spiritually advanced in their walk with the Lord than you are ever cause you to question your own personal salvation. I hope all of the above answers all of your specific questions. If you have any further questions or things bothering you on the above issues, please feel free to email them over and we'll hash it out until you get all of these things settled in your own mind. Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible Knowledge, articles, commentary and teaching. They currently have over 100 Bible articles.
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The Oldest Concept in History I find it funny that one of the oldest concepts in the world has become one of modern society's biggest irritants. The problem with this is that the concept has been lost behind all the problems created by people who did not fully understand the concept to begin with. Religion is, by far, at the forefront of this list of problems. Government is close behind. So what is the concept we've lost? At the risk of sounding "philosophical", I'll put it in one word. God. Battle of Armageddon This will be last and final event of the Great Tribulation. The Bible says that immediately after the Tribulation occurs, Jesus will return back to us for His second coming! Here are 2 key verses on this battle and how it all gets set up in the first place. Spirituality from the Hebrew Bible: 10 Major Themes The major themes of the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament) surely include God, man, sin, righteousness, grace, covenant, law, atonement, and holiness. A final theme we will examine is the Messiah. Nearly everyone would agree that these ten themes are among the most important. Let's take a closer look at each one. Accountability and Such Nonsense From the late 1970's through the 1980's, my wife and I were members of an authoritarian Bible cult. Not only were we members, but we were full time, unpaid leaders. We were not supported financially in any way for our contribution, yet required to do full time service and pay our tithes for opportunities to minister within the system. We were trustingly blind to how the system was only interested in using us for the betterment of itself. That was our responsibility to see. We finally have. How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. The New Urban Christian Who are these new Urban Christians? What's up with the afros, long hair, grunge or gangster attire? Have you been to a Christian rock concert? You can hardly tell the difference between it and a Rolling Stones Concert ? there are crowds of long-haired teens and young adults, swaying to the music, holding up lighters. Have you been to a Gospel concert? It's just like going to see any popular R&B artist ? everybody's in their nicest clothes (which includes low riders and midriff tees), fur coats are front and center and people drive up in Hummers, Navigators and Escalades, bling-blinging away. Are these really 'Christians' or has this generation of believers simply lost its way? Jihad Jesus spoke as much about Heaven as He did about Hell. What I would like to do is a little comparison of the Truth of the Bible over the Lies of The Jihad, as the Muslim Nations try to dominate the world with their false religion. A Partnership With God Hey, God is trying to partner with you! He wants you, to invite Him, into your life. God says: Draw nearer to me; and I will draw nearer to you (James 4:8). However, you've chosen to operate as a soul proprietor. God is willing to take all your worries, all your cares and all your problems. In return, He is offering eternal life, a perfect peace, unconditional love and riches in your house. The contract further stipulates that God will always protect and take care of you. It is agreed that the Power belongs to God (Psalms 62:11), but is yours for the asking. God hereby designates that He will provide all your needs and give you joy, unspeakable. Peaceful Religions? If you say that Christianity is a peaceful religion according to scripture then it can be said that Islam, according to scripture is peaceful. In reality, both the Koran and the Bible present a dichotomy, promoting peace and violence. They both contain quotes that are peaceful and some not so peaceful quotes. The 7 Seal Judgements These next 3 articles are going to be extremely HARD HITTING. I am not going to pull any punches on what will be discussed in these articles. These article have to do with the JUDGMENTS AND WRATH OF GOD HITTING THIS EARTH FULL FORCE DURING THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION - which will be the last 7 years of the world. Death of an American,The Death of Decency John 16:2-3:16 Why More Priests Need To Train As Fighters (And Why We Dont See Many Boxers In Church) St Paul was a fighter. I don't think he ever competed in the ring, but that wasn't because he lacked the discipline or was afraid of the pain. I always say that to be a fighter you need to have two things going for you. Firstly you need to have a lot of energy inside that needs release. Secondly, you need to be not too concerned about your own health. This fits the profile of most of our young men perfectly - on the edge of the drug culture, full of testosterone, and with no thought for the future. It also fits perfectly the profile of another group - single fathers, struggling to gain access to their children. That was how I got into the fight game. I hadn't taken it up as a teenager, and I certainly hadn't been born into it. My dad was a priest for God's sake, and an academic. Fighting had not been my birthright. I came in through the back door of pain and loneliness and bitter struggle. Separated, and struggling for the right to see my daughter, I had made one half-hearted attempt at suicide already by that stage. And I had met with my bishop the following day and he had told me not to 'trade off' my situation (in other words, not to get too comfortable). I appeared to be losing my family, my vocation, and most of my friends at the same time. Full of emotional energy, obsessed with thoughts of self-destruction, and drinking way too much, I managed to find my way to the Mundine gym. It was my decision not to go under, but to fight back. Mundine's is situated in the middle of Everleigh Street, Redfern - the roughest street in one of the roughest neighborhoods in our city. Redfern is a largely Aboriginal suburb on the outskirts of central Sydney. In recent years the government has come through and 'cleaned it up' somewhat, which meant pushing a lot of the local residents further out west. Even so, it is still a rough area. I had grown up in the vicinity of Everleigh Street. My dad had been a lecturer at the Anglican seminary located only a few blocks from this dark heart of Aboriginal Sydney. It was always an odd location for the seminary. The ecclesiastical community never had anything to do with the adjoining aboriginal enclave. On the contrary, most persons associated with the religious community dealt with their black neighbours by practising the same sort of avoidance strategy that I'd learnt as a kid ? scurrying quickly past the end of Everleigh Street and its environs whenever circumstances put us unavoidably within its reach. Ironically this strategy had to be invoked every time you got off a train from Redfern station. The platforms seemed to be designed to feed directly into Everleigh Street! Of course I never made the mistake of straying down that way myself, and as a youngster, I had heard many a nasty story about the price paid by some of the less wary. None of this is to suggest that the reputation of Everleigh was based on hearsay. I had seen plenty with my own eyes. Countless times I had seen young toddlers and their slightly older siblings wandering the streets at night while their parents got drunk at the local. One night I watched as a stupid woman stopped her car after these kids had thrown rocks at it. She got out and tried to confront the kids about what they had done. The result of course was that they found some bigger rocks and a couple of bricks. They made quite a mess of that car. My brother told me that he had witnessed a roll take place from the top of the street in broad daylight. Some boys had pulled a knife on a university student who had handed them his wallet. The student had then located a nearby policeman and had pointed out the boys to him, but the copper did nothing about it. He said he didn't want to start a riot! I had seen the bonfires that would be lit when the new phone books or Yellow Pages directories were delivered. I had seen the shells of burnt out cars in the street. I had seen plenty, and had plenty of good reasons to never deliberately venture down that street, which is why my first walk to the Mundine gym was like wading through water ? every step being a slow and deliberate effort. But I was determined to become a fighter, and I'd just as soon lose my life in Everleigh Street than give up on my dream to have my day in the ring. The exterior of Mundine's Gym is not designed to draw attention to itself. You'd walk right past it if you didn't know it was there. It's missing entirely that glittering windowed street frontage with the sleek bodies of well-groomed athletes on display for passers-by ? the type that we associate with the sorts of gyms where you pay a costly membership fee. Mundine's has no membership fee. I don't remember there even being a sign out the front. Mundine's looks like just another housing-commission block, with its inglorious entrance at the bottom of a stairwell. But you pick up that it's a gym long before you reach the top of those stairs. The smell of liniment hits you half way up ? that manly smell that mingles so harmoniously with the melodic whir of the skipping rope tap, tap, tapping its way through another round. This is what makes a real gym ? the smell of liniment, the sound of the rope, the less rhythmical thwacking of glove to bag, and of course the fighting. When you step inside Mundine's, you know you're in a real gym. No pretty boys. No glamour workouts. No white-collar boxercise sessions for indulgent professionals. Just bodies, sweat, testosterone and blood. They play hard at Mundine's. That's governed by the sort of guys that show up there of course, but it's also embedded in the architecture of the gym to some extent. The ring stands in the centre of the building and it's a small ring, made for brawlers. There is a small assortment of bags strung around the sides, but no fancy speedballs or floor-to-ceiling bags, such that you could justify turning up just to have a workout on the bags. There are a few pieces of weights equipment too, but again not enough to allow them to become a serious point of focus. No. The whole structure is designed to channel you into the ring. Everything else is just padding. That's the way it should be in a real gym. I wore my clerical shirt and collar the first time I went there. Even now I don't think it was an entirely stupid thing to have done. I wanted to be up-front about who I was and where I was coming from. Even so, I hadn't really thought through the effect that this was going to have on the other boys at the gym, most of whom were, initially, very reluctant to hit me. They got over it though, particularly after they realised that I had no qualms about hitting them. Within a couple of weeks I was coming home each night bruised and bleeding from head to toe, and I knew I was one of the lads. Is it just me, or does every man need to go through something like this at some time in his life ? to know the joy of falling into your bed aching with the wounds that your sparring partner has inflicted on you that evening, and sleeping soundly in the knowledge that your ring brother is likewise doing his best to sleep off the impression that you made on him? I had many a glorious sparring session during those first weeks and months at Mundine's. They weren't pretty to watch I suppose, but they were epic struggles of the human spirit so far as I was concerned. There are few things in life more deeply satisfying than a good fight. A hard night in the ring is an enormous catharsis for a man who is struggling with life, but it's more than that too. When you step into a ring you're making a decision to take control of your own destiny. The forces that oppose you are no longer vague powers that threaten to overwhelm you from a distance - the law, the courts, the system. No. Your opposition takes on a clear material form in the shape of the other man advancing on you from the other corner. To get into that ring and to stay in that ring is to make a decision to give it a go ? to put your body on the line and to stand up to the punishment like a man. Fighting is more than a sport. It's a way of life. It is the defiant decision to confront your pain directly and not to be overcome by it. Mundine's gym taught me that, or at least it played a significant role. There was another vital lesson I learnt at Mundine's - perhaps even more important than what I learned about fighting. I learnt to respect the fight community. The fight community is a culture all of its own, and was certainly spawned on an entirely different planet to the church community. I'm sure that some Anglican church-goers must have wondered why there are so many doctors and accountants in their congregations and so few fighters. The truth is that most church people just don't speak the same language as fighters. The converse is also true. The fight community, as far as I can see, has very little idea of what the church is on about. I don't mean that fighters aren't spiritual guys. On the contrary, some of the most godly and inspirational men I have met have been fighters. And yet they have no point of contact with the established church. The two groups just don't understand each other at all. Never was this made clearer to me than on my fourth visit to Mundine's gym. I had turned up quietly in my tracksuit and was wandering over to the bench at the side of the ring where we tended to leave our gear while we were training. A group of guys were huddled there talking, and there was nothing particularly private about the volume of their conversation. I think they were discussing relationship problems, though I didn't overhear everything. What I couldn't help hearing was one guy say very clearly 'So I grabbed her, and I punched her in the fuckin' head'. He said it loudly and enacted a downwards punching motion as he said it. Then he noticed me standing nearby and suddenly felt very self-conscious. 'Oh, sorry Father' he said. And then he corrected himself. 'I punched her ... (and he said it very slowly and deliberately) ... in the head'. If I'd had my wits about me that night I would have said something clever like 'I don't think the Lord really gives a fuck about your language brother, but I think He does care about your wife.' As it was, I didn't say anything. I think I responded with a feeble smile. At the time, I just couldn't work out how this guy had ever got it into his head that, as a priest, I would be more concerned about the fact that he swore than I would be about the fact that he beat his wife? Nowadays I take that sort of perception for granted. I think it's the church that has to bear the responsibility for the communication breakdown. So much of the church nowadays reeks of a sort of insipid middle-class moralism that really does care more about smoking and swearing than it does about domestic violence or world hunger. I don't think the Lord Jesus or St Paul ever intended to spawn any of these Christianized golf clubs that call themselves churches. Personally, I suspect that Jesus and the apostles would feel more at home in the average boxing gym today than they would in the average church. Of course they wouldn't like the threats and the violence, but they would love the honesty. Fighters are very honest people. One guy, again from the Mundine gym, summed it up for me. 'Around here nobody stabs anybody in the back', he said to me. Then he pointed to his heart and added emphatically: 'You stab here!' That's why I have so much respect for the fight culture. I know I can trust fighters. I know they won't stuff me round ? smiling to my face but stabbing me in the back when I turn around. I wish the same could be said for all church people. St Paul was a fighter. 'I do not fight like a man beating the air' he says. They had the ancient Pankration fighting in his day ? a vicious form of no rules combat that was concluding event in the original Olympics. Those guys certainly didn't 'beat the air'. When Ulysses came home from the Trojan War, legend has it that his own mother didn't recognise him. According to my friend and former trainer Kon, legend has it that when the Pankration champion came home from the Olympic Games, his own dog couldn't recognise him! Those guys knew what real fighting is about. St Paul would have made one tough bugger as a fighter. What I wouldn't give to be able to jump into the old Pankration ring with him to go a couple of rounds! You'd never knock him down though. I suspect most of the apostles would have been like that ? warm big-hearted men, but as hard as nails in the ring. I have a secret hope that when I get to heaven I'll be able to take on some of those boys and try my luck. I guess it's not everyone's idea of heaven, but it is mine. Great Seats And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus: Moses v. Jesus: Why do Conservative Christians Prefer Moses Commandments to Jesus Beatitudes? Why are conservative Christians so concerned about displaying the Ten Commandments in public and especially in courtrooms? Pomes II Here are a few pomes that may encourage you to read your Bible. I hope you enjoy these pomes, and I pray that it bring light into your life. Remember, all praise and glory go to the Lord Jesus and his Father God. Moslem America ,Part 1 Daniel 12:7-12:12 Can Jewish Americans Still Have Devout Catholic Friends? America is dividing again. Jewish Americans are finding it hard to discuss issues with devout Catholics who go with the flow and support the new Pope, Benedict XVI a former Hitler Youth. The Catholic Church says that he only joined because all citizens of his age were compelled to join. Yet would Jesus have joined the Hitler Youth? Six million, that's correct six million Jews were killed under Hitler's orders. The Hitler Youth threw rocks threw Jewish residence windows, helped turn in Jews and anyone who supported them or aided them. Later they assisted in rounding up Jewish folks. And today we have a former Hitler Youth as Pope of the Catholic Church, with out regard to the fact. We have devout Catholics unwilling to question this, unwilling to leave the church and willing to go with the program giving into the hypocrisy. It is a complete slap in the face to the free world for the Catholic Church with their power, wealth and abilities to appoint this Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, who has already betrayed the teachings of Jesus and the purported mission of the Catholic Church. The Warped Psychology of Islam The London Bombings are just the beginning. Londoners are probably wondering what they did to deserve it. After all, Great Britain has proven to be a place of refuge for Muslims. Parliament to the BBC has been united in their continued attacks and twisting of truths against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians, even when Israel has been the victim of a thousand days like the one London just faced. While the World is on Fire - Part Two Luke 19:49-19:46 This world is a tender box, of political, industrial and religious, differences. What is making the world that we call home, so violent? Religion is the biggest fuel to the coming fire than any other source. More people are dyeing today in the name of religion than at any other time in history. Suicide bombers, arson-est and snipers, to kill mame and destroy. All this in the name of religion. These are some of the causes, now here is the effect, in our coming future, what will you be doing while The world is on Fire? Luke 19:49, Jesus said, I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it already be kindled? There's a fire coming and you may be part of it. The Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, an at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him asunder, and will appoint him his portion with the un-believers. Luke 19:46. Can you afford to set back and think that every thing will be OK., that you'll be all-right, Cant you smell the smoke before the fire? Are you going to be among them that don't believe are you in that number that Jesus talked about are you the lost one that he's still looking for to save, well are you? Ask yourself, will I be setting around, lost, when Jesus breaks the eastern sky and takes his children Home, will you say, Jesus, I never had the time to pray. The Bible states that you will, cry out to the rocks and mountains to fall on you to hide you from the face of the Lamb and from the wrath of God. Look at Revelations 16:8, And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire, and men were scorched with great heat. It doesn't say heat, it says, GREAT HEAT. This is part of the beginning of righteous Judgments of God upon the wicked and evil men upon the earth. Can you hide, can you run, can you survive? This is not a question to answer, but to avoid. Today its pretty outside, blue sky, gentile wind, the blue jays and blue birds are eating of the feed that I've left out for them . The sweet songs of the season are all around, I've put my babes to bed and life is good, the world is at peace. Whats that noise? This is what people will say the day the earth catches fire, this is the time of great deception, when Satan will tell the world that every thing is fine. One moment you'll be basking in the peace of a cool fall or summer day and then, fire and smoke, mingled with blood surrounds you. Rev 16:15, Behold, I come as a thief. Screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth. You look around and huddle with fear, not caring any more for the money you used to take so highly, or the home, in flames, that you worked on Sundays not listening to the songs coming from the church, just down the street, the beautiful trees you planted all now ablaze going up with your home. Knowing in your heart, the position with the church as a decon, that you held with growing pride, was just a lie, something to make you look good, knowing that you were just fooling yourself, its all over in a heartbeat. Then you think, Ill run to the sea, it will be safe there, There's nothing there to burn, the water will cool my blisters that cover my flesh, thats what Ill do. Revelations 16:3. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. What then, where will you run, the mountains and islands are moved out of their place the grass is even on fire and the sea has turned to blood, what now, where to go, God help us all. You say, why are you telling us these things, why cant you say things that are nice to here? Look at Jude 22 and 23. And of some have compassion, making a difference, and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Pulling them out of the fire, pulling you, out of the fire, thats our goal. Were coming down to the wire, You are just a heart beat away from judgement. Don't wait to be put into the hands of the Living God, bent upon wrath and judgement. Don't let today slip away and here again the question, What will you be doing, While The World is on Fire. Be Careful How You Live -- Ephesians 5:15-20 There is a sharp contrast in Ephesians between the "light" and the "dark" (cf. 5:8). There is only one way to live-not as the "Gentiles," in "futility of mind" (4:17), but "in Christ," the goal and source of our maturity and spiritual growth (4:15-16). ![]() |
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