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Are You Doing the Good Part?
Just compare yourself to these two sisters. Even though they were sisters, Martha and Mary, acted very differently than each other one day when Jesus was with them. Martha was busy serving all of the food while Mary sat by the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42). Martha showed how upset she was at her sister. She basically asked Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her instead of just sitting there. Jesus told her that she was careful and troubled about many things but only one part was needed and Mary had chosen that good part. Martha Sometimes we can be too busy to even listen to God. It's really sad but even if you're doing the work in a church for the Lord, you might miss the most important part... The thing is that Martha did the work but her mind was not where it should have been. She was troubled. She was disturbed. She was stressing and thinking about how much work she was doing -which was more than someone else! She was getting more and more frustrated and upset while she was working... She wasn't really listening to what Jesus was saying even though she was serving Him food! Try it! When you're talking to someone it's rather difficult to hear them if they start talking to you! It's possible sometimes to catch part of it -but if doing it in an everyday, normal way it's even more difficult than during a short test! Prayer It's a good thing to pray a lot. We're told in 1Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. That's praying continually. ...But we need to always remember that prayer is a two-way conversation! When you ask Father God for something, always listen for His response! Mary Mary wasn't talking the whole time while hoping Jesus would yell so that she could hear Him! Mary sat and listened to what Jesus was saying so that she didn't miss it and could live the way that He was saying... Time How are we really going to get to know Him if we don't? Read the inspired Word of God. Everything in the Bible accurately tells of Him -what He's done, is doing, and will do for you. Don't miss out the better part! Spend time with God and His Word everyday!
-Michelle Jacobson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michelle Jacobson is the author and webmaster at http://SeedMinistries.com where you can get BibleLearningPlus+ word search puzzle ebooks- A fun and easy way to really learn the word of God! Get your free taste of BibleLearningPlus eBooks- Just send a blank email to: mailto:seedministries@getresponse.com and I'll send you the link to yours right way!
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