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Popping the Balloon of Belief
I'm really excited. I just got a bigger soapbox, and I wanted to invite the rest of you to get up here on it with me. You may remember I was recently talking about how beliefs are at the core of our conflicts, yet those beliefs are built upon less-than-complete information. What is known is not all there is ? there's always something more. Yet we try to explain what we think we know by constructing complex belief systems around them, and fight to defend them against those who believe another way. Our egos are so fragile that we'd rather fight than consider that the foundations of our thought and society might be built upon shifting sands. Maybe this seems farfetched. But let's look at the Middle East. The interplay of beliefs give us a prime example. One set involves religion, where ideological descendants of a common ancestor have fought for centuries under the guise of righting a perceived assault upon their God. Each fights to eradicate the other side, and hopefully the differing beliefs they hold. Superimpose upon this age-old fight an internal Muslim war between sects, along with a regional struggle between clerics and secularists, and the complexities grow immense. But that's far from all. Let's also not forget that most in the area live deprived of what many believe are basic human rights, often repressed by brutal regimes that crush dissent to maintain power and the status quo. All this while their citizens are awakening to an inner call to explore their own potential, fueled by worldwide communications that show what others already enjoy. Many are crying out to end this. Some even resort to terrorism, further complicating the mix. Now add in geopolitical struggles for money and power which are impacted by the area's crucial location over large deposits of oil. This lifeblood fuels mankind's technological march into the future, and allows us to enjoy a standard of living not even dreamed of in centuries past. Instability of any kind triggers fears our way of life may be impaired or lost altogether. Whew, it makes me dizzy just thinking about it. We've given the existing institutions of government and religion a chance, and look what they've done with it. They've showed us the answer is not in diplomacy. And it certainly isn't in war. Or in greater religious fervor. Or in any of the tools at their disposal. So let me suggest another way. What if everyone asked themselves, "Why do we believe this stuff anyway?" It couldn't hurt to just consider the possibilities. What if people found a way to connect to God and find meaning without religions that inherently pitted them against each other, whether intended or not? Not to replace one religion with another, but to find an inner spirituality that didn't need the institutions or structure? Where we all knew and felt connected to our source, so that all religions could go quietly into the night? What if people accepted that others who were different could live among them, and that this diversity both honored and accentuated the best characteristics of each? And that diversity was accepted as a gift to better know themselves, rather than an irritant to be tolerated? What if there were no struggles to govern among groups or sects because each truly enjoyed the ability to be itself without having to worry about either defending its differences or imposing them on others? What if governments were not run by either despots or leaders that curried popular favor by castigating opponents and fomenting social discord? Rather, their peoples were guided by an inner force (not an outer one inflamed by religion or politics) that allowed them, and their leaders, to find the seeds of peace within every conflict? What if people everywhere knew and trusted that their needs would be met as they arose, and that they could explore meaningful pursuits without bumping up against the efforts of others? This may be a dream, but it is certainly one that is within our reach. You know it as well as I do. But to make it happen, we each have to first hold out a vision of what can be. And then to commit ourselves to make it happen. Sure, there will be many objections and roadblocks. Religious institutions and governments will fight hard against it. Fear will bring resistance and maybe even greater strife in the short run. Patience and persistent effort will be needed to see it through. But who says the best things come easy? Isn't it time we stopped leaving the evolution of humanity up to chance, or at least quit pretending it's out of our hands? We're at a point now where people worldwide can share ideas and visions. So why not work toward those that go beyond predatory commerce, politics, and religion? Why not believe that which serves us and our ideals, and promotes the common good, rather than sows the seeds of conflict and destruction? If this is a world where people go to war over beliefs, isn't belief there's a better way worth fighting for? I sure think so. What about you? Copyright 2004 by John Dennison. John is a voice for those who do not hear or know they have an inner voice. Author of Whispers in the Silence: Living by the Light of Your Soul, he can be reached at john@WhisperZone.org or visit him at WhisperZone.org, home for those who know their own way.
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Real Nobility And Gods Love Real nobility feeds on its own intrinsic value, as a rightful cause that ought to be served with diligence. Whether it will be rewarded, here below or in the beyond, is a question really noble individuals consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of reward. Their purpose is to live bravely, wisely, fairly, and kindly for the sake of worthiness. Tribute, wealth, and heaven are dispensable pleasures that may or may not crown the delight they take in this purpose. Likewise, whether a lack of nobility on their part would be punished, here below or in the beyond, is a question they consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of punishment. They are noble unconditionally, even in situations of unrestricted liberty, when they could behave ignobly with impunity and do not believe in hell. Unbraveness, unwiseness, unfairness, and unkindness are negative options that offend their sense of right. Accordingly, they shun them. Mindset - Being Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind The Bible tells us that one of the main goals God has in store for each of us is our transformation. The Bible tells us that God wants to sanctify us - to make us more Holy like He is. He wants to make us better people - both on the inside and the outside. The Bible tells us that the way this transformation will take place is by the "renewing of our minds." Romans 12:1 states: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." In The Beginning Christ! As I was doing my studies, the Lord put something on my heart that really took me by surprise. He dropped a little bit of revelation knowledge into my mind, and it took me on a great ride. In this Newsletter, I want to share with you what the Lord has showed me. In no way is this a complete study of this subject, yet I do believe that this is a core teaching on the subject, and that the understanding of Christ is deeper then most believe. Finding God in the Clouds It was a cool August night during the Summer before my Junior year in high school. I was just getting off work on what seemed to be the worst day of my life. I was having a mental break-down, nothing was going right, and every negative thing in my life seemed to hit me at once. Sexual Deviants and the Catholic Church It is unfortunate that the Catholic Church seems to continue their abuse and molestation of our youth and children. Yet it is not all that surprising, since they are sworn to celibacy and there are known and documented physiological needs of man. Raging hormones in our youth and desire throughout our lives is a given of the human species. Asking someone to be celibate is problematic and makes sense that it would come with some baggage. For centuries the Catholic Church has raped, molested and had homosexual sex with orphans, alter boys and children of parishioners. Many nuns suddenly became pregnant certainly this was not believed to be divine intervention. Church Retreat and Church Retreats Church retreats are an excellent way to involve the church in an important part of church involvement. Offering a church retreat creates community and support with the people closest to you spiritually. Planned correctly, a church retreat can be excellent for the church's overall well-being. A Worship Leader is a Spiritual Leader This article is for worship leaders. And as such, I believe it needs to focus on leadership skills. It is my intent to do this from a Biblical perspective. The only prerequisite for leadership is you must have somebody follow you. I can be just one person or thousands. The definition is still the same - A leader must have someone following them. Whose Land? It is interesting that everyone is so hung-up on the debate regarding who has official rights to The Land known historically as "The Land of Canaan." Doctors of the Air We met at a Saturday afternoon fund-raising and promotional rally sponsored by a para-church organization. His calling card introduced him impressively. He was the pastor of an independent church congregation not aligned with any denomination, and a radio preacher. They called him "Doctor". And why not? After the good reverend's name, his calling card displayed the symbol D.D. for his honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. What They Mean By Child-Like Faith Prv:18:2 A Fool Receiveth Not The Words Of Prudence: Unless Thou Say Those Things Which Are In His Heart Jesus Christ: The First, The Last, The Eternal Luke 17:20-17:24 Jesus Christ. The First, The Last, The Eternal. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Tsunami: Where was God? The powerful tsunami that on Dec. 26, 2004, hit the lands in and surrounding the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea caused terrible devastation and immediate loss of thousands of lives, followed by an aftermath in which tens of thousands more perished. The earthquake-triggered tsunami has prompted people all over the world to ask themselves and others, "Where was God when this happened? Did He fall asleep? Is He even real?" Ultimate Truth:The Invitation Religion is so many things. From what we can see nowadays, it is a business, society And a whole lot more ways humans operate religion. As a learner I'm not saying what I'm stating now is the ultimate truth. It's a mere catalyst to further navigate this "rabbit hole". Knowing Hinduism or Hindu Religion Hindus are concentrated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and these places have been the hot spot of this culture since time immemorial. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not recognize a single prophet and has multitude of gods and goddesses, mythologically numbering at around 30 millions! Such a figure is given in mythology by people of wisdom who have included all such perceptible forms as things of worship, so that man can see god in them and respect the existence of such all forms (plant, animal, stone, sky, stars, soil, water, rain, fellow human being, etc. Why do Humans Need a God? Many have asked why people need a God to cope with life? There must be a reason, because it appears that every culture in recorded history had some belief in some type of god. All the different cultures, tribes, societies and civilization had their Gods, trinkets, traditions, rituals and temples. But why; we know now, or some of understand that all these stories and myths were nothing more than figments of our imagination. Most all ancient writing has in it; Invisible ghosts, invisible friends and/or Gods. Isn't it amazing that even modern day civilizations cannot seem to shake this and those who wish to lead use it to manipulate us into their created realities. Just look at the Evil Muslim Clerics who twist and turn the people commit atrocities against humanity? Look at the Witch Doctors in Haiti with their Voodoo Dolls? Look at the Catholic Church and their strangle hold on their followers, while they allow their leadership to rape and molest our children? Money And Religion: How Christians Are Being Misled Today's Christian Evangelists, Teachers, and Preachers Are Grossly Misleading America And The World, Concerning Money Contributions. Balancing the Apple Cart About forty women squatted in small clusters on the floor in the room. They had assembled for a special meeting of the self-help groups that would be led by their supervisor. The poor women, whose husbands were marginal farmers, depended on the loans they could secure from the banks through their groups. Your Mission Field At Work One point many Christian Working Moms who have been interviewed have made is that they are a shining light in their work place. Whether or not you can speak openly about your faith at work, your co-workers are watching. Are they seeing Jesus in you? Do they see you handle ethical issues in a different manner than other co-workers? Do they see a peace in you amidst all of the stress of the job? Do they see your priorities are in order? Although, we are to be workers worthy of our hire we are first and foremost followers of Christ. Do your co-workers see you participating in the office gossip or do they see you leaving when those discussions come up? Do your co-workers see you building up or tearing down? Do they see compassion in you that is often woefully missing in this get ahead world we live in? Josephs Life?a Series of Coincidences One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Joseph. If you read and really understand this story, you will see that nothing is coincidental and that all things work according to God's plan. It might not be according to YOUR plan, but it all works out for the best. Moslem America Part 2 2 Corinthians 2:6-2:14 ![]() |
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