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Obsessed with Armageddon
More and more today people are showing an obsession about things of the end times, especially Armageddon, the so-called end of times battle between God and the forces of evil. Not only has the Left Behind series sold 70 million copies, but now we also have the television mini-series on Revelation. These fictional accounts purport to be accurate depictions of the end, based on Scripture, particularly Revelation and Daniel. They include bloody battles, judgment on those who are not Christian (or even conservative Christians) and a host of characters who are demonic and totally evil. Some have claimed that these depictions have brought new people to the Christian faith, and have revived the art of Christian fiction. I would argue that they do more to subvert true faith. They do so in three ways. First of all they subvert true hope. Let's look at the picture they present: The large majority of the earth's population will be wiped out in violent battle (all the atheists, all the agnostics, all the non-Christians, and all those who claim to be Christians, but aren't ? apathetic church-goers and "liberal" Christians). Of course, these will be then subjected to an eternity of hell. What will be left will be a small minority of committed Christians who will gain their eternal reward. But where is the hope? It's like what Mark Twain said: "Christianity talks about how terrible hell will be and how easy it is to go there, and how beautiful heaven will be and how hard it is to get there?and they call that 'good news'!" We need to stop and think. If God made this world and the people in it, but he will have to end up destroying the vast majority and saving only a few, doesn't that make God's creation a colossal failure? If a team loses far more than it wins, don't we think of them as a losing team? But there are Scriptures which give a truly hopeful picture, and we need to emphasize them instead: "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them? They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." ? Isaiah 11:6, 9 (NIV) Or how about the hope the Apostle Paul showed that God's grace would eventually win people over?: "For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may be merciful to all" (Rom. 11:32, NRSV); or 1 Timothy 2:4 which says that God "desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (NRSV). What a great fall it is from such passages to consigning the vast majority of humanity to an earthly and then an eternal hell. Some would object that Armageddon and a violent end to human history is biblical. It is certainly true that there is much in Revelation that can be interpreted this way. However, the book of revelation was written to bring hope to those who were being martyred in the early church. Most of its images relate to the vindication of these early martyrs and God destroying the persecutor, the Roman Empire. The famous number 666 was the number of Nero's name (the letters of his name converted to numerical values and added together). The Emperor Domitian was thought to be Nero brought back to life, and was considered to be the anti-Christ. Revelation predicted the downfall of this anti-Christian empire, and the prediction was correct. The Roman Empire has long since fallen, and Christianity has prevailed. That was the essence of what Revelation was about. Yes, it also includes a general vision of the perfect world at the end of time (Rev. 21), and that is one of the beautiful visions of Scripture. It also include battles, but in highly metaphorical language that really speak of a spiritual battle between good and evil. There is no need to think in terms of them meaning an actual military encounter at the end of time. These apocalyptic fictional accounts also subvert our efforts to deal with evil. They make us think that the characters we have to really look out for are the ones who are pure evil ? who have that gleam in their eye, and who are only out to destroy. Many people seem to want this simplified view. Perhaps it gives them confidence that they can always spot evil easily when it comes: "I mean we can always spot evil in the action movies, why can't we in real life?" But evil often comes in the racist who really does love her family, and really does see other races as a threat to their happiness. Evil often comes in the terrorist who believes so completely that his way is right and good for his oppressed people that he will carry a bomb into a crowd of people. Evil even sometimes comes when a Christian who believes in defending his country ends up killing the children of a foreign culture, and intensifying the hatred between peoples. Looking for pure evil distracts us and keeps us from seeing it in these hybrid forms. And finally this fictional obsession subverts our efforts to bring a better world. If we believe that God will just come along and fix everything we have messed up, what motivation do we have to work for a better world? God will come in like Vin Diesel, blow a few things up, and it will all be like it should. That really takes us off the hook. Except that Christ called us to be peacemakers (Mt. 5:9), and to do greater things even than he had done (Jn. 14:12); and the first disciples were even said to have "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6). Jesus, during his earthly ministry said, "all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Mt. 26:52). Any movement established by violence can be destroyed by violence. That is why Jesus chose to use the weapons of his words and his loving sacrifice instead of violence. These are the forces which established the church and made it strong. Why should God return to the ways of the world, the way of violent force, at the end of time? One of the real dangers of buying into this concept of a violent end is that it gives some people justification for making it happen. If a violent judgment is what God wants, why not as his followers help bring it about? People have taken this approach throughout history. Oliver Cromwell thought that by taking over the leadership of England and forcing everyone to have the right faith he would establish "godly rule" and God's kingdom would come. In the midst of the present obsession with Armageddon, what is to keep a modern-day Cromwell from thinking this should be tried again? Bringing about a better world cannot be done through the kind of violence which creates more violence. And yes, it cannot be done through human power alone. It should include helping people to retain a hope that God will act. God has not surrendered this world to evil, and he will act. We just have to remember that his action starts with the actions of those who have faith in him and the love he has taught us to have for each other. Keith Madsen is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon. He is also owner & editor of a New Sea Publishing and author of the fictional "The Bridles of Armageddon". See http://anewsea.com
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Why Me Why Me Christian Book Stores are a Great Indicator of the Popularity of the Religion in Demography Have you ever wondered how exactly would someone find out which parts of a city or even a state is more religious than another? As an Internet enthusiast I always figure there is some help rendered for such research in any walks of life from websites. The one particular topic I chose to write for this article is how to find out which locality is good for targeting your website advertisements. Here I am taking one Christian Book Store as an example to drive the point. The popularity of books in a particular topic is based on two factors, the segments popularity and the quality of the book. This is based on my own lexicon. The First is how popular Christianity is as a topic to read at this particular time. The second is more of a wider scope as it has the keyword "Quality", some of it is author's popularity (!?), title name, topics covered, the style and language. This is what makes a book, a high quality piece of "Marketing Material". Don't be offended when I tell a book is a Marketing Material. The targeted audience is booksellers and distributors plus you as a person who like to understand how well your community can be gauged against the religious meter. The Oldest Concept in History I find it funny that one of the oldest concepts in the world has become one of modern society's biggest irritants. The problem with this is that the concept has been lost behind all the problems created by people who did not fully understand the concept to begin with. Religion is, by far, at the forefront of this list of problems. Government is close behind. So what is the concept we've lost? At the risk of sounding "philosophical", I'll put it in one word. God. White Sun - Tao of Heaven. Showers of Wisdom ( Part 1 of 3 ) 'Showers of Wisdom' is taught by JiGong, the Heavenly teacher of Tao of Heaven appointed by Lao Mu. JiGong is a very popular deity worshipped by Taoist in the millions. He was the reincarnation of one of the 18 Arhats and he was a monk dressed like a beggar during the Song Dynasty. A man of boundless virtues, he walked thousands of miles without a penny in his pocket and a roof over his head, preaching the truth until the day he died. Why Doesnt God Answer My Prayers? I heard a story about a girl who wrote to a missionary. She'd been told not to request a response from him because missionaries are very busy. She wrote, "We are praying for you, but we are not expecting an answer." Crazy in Love Several years ago my cousin was pleased to find out that she wasn't going crazy,she found out that what she suffered from was O.C.D. or better known as "obsessive,compulsive disorder". Just knowing that what she suffered from had a name and could now be treated with proper medication and through the power of knowlege,she could contend with it on a more positive level. At least it was confirmed that she was not crazy. Through lack of knowlege, we however are quick to label this sickness as a brain disorder or just someone who is crazy.Obsessive compulsive disorder causes repeated behavior by the sufferer to the point that we veiw them as 'not normal'. Anyone who doesn't suffer from this to some degree can't imagine why anyone would keep repeating a certain action when they know it was already completed.But this where lack of knowlege comes in.When we aren't educated properly,we lack understanding and then rely on our opinions and not truth. Human Evolution Timeline: Bible Quote and Science The human evolution timeline is found recorded in Bible quotes (Book of Genesis). Adam's rib symbolizes the chromosome and is the key to the man ape evolution. In discussing evolution vs creation, many convergences like this one are found. Catholics Need To Take a Second Look at Morality According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent margin. Hence, Catholics voted for a Born Again Methodist over a Catholic candidate. Many Catholic Bishops have declared abortion a "non-negotiable issue." In the diocese of Brooklyn, which encompasses Brooklyn and Queens, there is not a single memorial to those who have been put to death by our government. Nonetheless, I know of at least one parish in Brooklyn that has a three-thousand dollar memorial dedicated to the aborted. Meanwhile, 36 million people in the United States live in poverty. If the Bishops are not silent, they most certainly speak in a whisper when it comes to issues of social justice and the death penalty. The Catholic Bishop's candidate, George W. Bush, executed nearly 30 individuals in 1999 alone. Rise of the Antichrist, False Prophet and a 10 Nation Confederacy The Bible says that an unholy trinity will arise in the latter days. This unholy trinity will be Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Satan is called the Dragon in Revelations. He has always wanted to be like God, if not God, and this will be his one and only chance to actually "play God" in the last 7 years on earth. Satan will take the role of God the Father, the Antichrist will take the role of Jesus and the False Prophet will take the role of the Holy Spirit. Living Proof: We are Living in the Days of Noah A familiar phrase used in Bible prophecy is the term "Days of Noah." Jesus warned, "For as in the days of Noah before the flood, they were eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the very day Noah entered the ark. And they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away-so will be the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24: 38-39.)" This illustration is used to show mankind what signs they must look for upon Christ return. The book of Genesis records that before flooding the Earth, the Lord saw that the wickedness of men was great, and that every intent of the thoughts of men's heart was continually evil. This description can easily be applied to the current times we are living in. From all corners of the Earth, various societies can hear the bloodthirsty hearts of the terrorist beating to the same deadly drum. Are there more clues that allude to the fact that we are truly indeed living in the Days of Noah? Could there have been more going on besides the wickedness the Lord witnessed? The Right of Passage The Right of Passage. by Rev. Anthony Smith God Uses Internet People So often I am asked, "How do you know that you are operating in God's will?" Belonging to Jesus Christ In the name of Jesus, what shall we do in the time of grief. We do know that the failing of the Louisiana dams must be corrected. I like to know what the world thinks about this so call great country that have people so poor or disable that they can't even afford a bus ticket out of a city that is drowning, and the government wouldn't even make any provision for them to leave. This land so great a free, where were you in our time of need, that's right I forgot you were so greedy. You take our money and line you and your buddies pockets, and then say we don't want or fit the bill for it. We made your country what it is today. We paid for it with force labor, low wages and long sufferings, from war's past and present. Well let's see what the Bible says about this. First look at 2Corinthians 1:3 it says Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any troubles with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation, if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. Jesus the Pharisee RESPONSE TO PAULINE CHRISTIANITY: - The whole of Christendom is not Popery or Romanized but the Pauline influence is arguably the strongest doctrine in the whole of philosophy and theology. 'The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity' by Hyam Maccoby say these things on the back cover: Gods Providence in a Jericho Journal What if excavators uncovering ancient Jericho found the following journal? Seeking after the Knowledge of God As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world. Conserving Water at a Car Wash Fundraiser If you use a pressure washer during your fundraiser you can wash twenty cars with one capful of soap in a two-thirds filled five-gallon water bucket. Of course your soap will be biodegradable. At least twenty-five percent of the cars you wash will not require the use of soap due to previous wax coats that have been applied. These cars combine to lower your wet/rinse cycle to about thirty seconds of spray time or 1.2 gallons of water per car. This is fifty times more efficient. You can wash fifty cars with a pressure washer to the one car washed with a garden hose in the driveway. This constitutes a significant savings in water. Why Cardinal Ratzinger Chose the Name Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papal throne on April 19, 2005, the second day of the conclave. He chose to be known henceforth as Pope Benedict XVI. The cardinal from Germany is the 265th pope in the Catholic Church history. America for War The Americans themselves billed the vote for now President George Bush in the US as a vote for war. Miracle Worker The power of the Holy Spirit is so profound it is truly a wonder, beyond human intelligence. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about miracles. Look at 1Corinthians 1:20 it says Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. Now look at verse 31 it says Therefore, as it is written; Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. ![]() |
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