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Religious Tolerance and the Internet
The internet is a great resource of information on all kinds of topics, including religion. Unfortunately, there is also no shortage of religious intolerance and just plain bad information on the internet as well. Of course, even generally trusted sources of information such as dicitonaries, encyclopedias, and textbooks contain some errors. As an example, I have a Dictionary of Christianity which says that Lutherans believe in consubstantiation. However, if you ask a Lutheran pastor, he will say this is not true. Newspapers are presumably more likely to contain errors due to the fact that news stories develop quickly and they don't always have time to verify all of the information being presented before press time. With the internet, it is even more important to be discerning in what you read. Afterall, anybody with no training or credentials of any kind can self-publish on the internet. As a result, you will find all kinds of opinions on the internet, and lots of information being published with little or no effort to verify sources. As they say, "You can't believe everything you read." There's a supposedly Japanese version that goes like this: "If you believe everything you read, better not read." Of course, in our modern society it would be hard to get along without reading. So, it obviously would make more sense to adopt a few guidelines for reading in a discerning way to avoid being "taken in" by bad information. Below is an attempt at a few such guidelines with a particular focus on evaluating information regarding religious topics. 1) Consider the source. a. Is the author hostile toward the religion they are discussing? If so, they are probably not an unbiased and trustworthy source of information. b. Does the author go in for conspiracy theories? If so, they are probably easily duped by false information which they may then pass on to others. c. Is the author an apparently unbiased outsider? If so, much of their information may be from other outsiders, some of whom may be hostile, so they may be unknowingly spreading false information. d. Is the author a zealous insider? If so, they may be trying very hard to promote their own point of view with little regard to checking facts. e. Is the author an apparently unbiased insider? If so, the author may attempt to be unbiased, but may be influenced by information from other biased sources. 2) Check sources. a. Does the author tell you the source of his information? In most cases, the author is not the originator (primary source) of the information. If they don't give their sources, how can you verify that their sources are trustworthy? b. If the author has listed sources, who are those sources? Are they likely to be biased or unbiased? c. Some authors may include a very long list of sources in order to impress the reader, which also makes it harder to check all of them. Who has the time? If this is the case, try to determine which sources are the most important and check them first. 3) Verify accuracy. a. If possible, verify that the author has not misquoted his sources or taken them out of context. b. As much as possible, verify dates, facts, and figures. The author, Greg Bonney, is the owner of Bonney Information and E-Commerce and founder of Scoutcamping.com (http://www.scoutcamping.com). Copyright © 2005 Bonney Information and E-Commerce.
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Bang, Bang,Your Dead Zechariah 14:1-14:12 Christians versus Mormons Please read the passage carefully and note all the pejorative words and ways they demean without fair reportage. Do some research and study hard or you will continue to be made more of a sheep for the paradigm. Ask yourself what role the Masons had in all of this on both sides of the issue including the Mormons, Hitler and other real mind control cults like Scientology. Bible and Kabbalah: The Hardening of Pharoahs Heart There is continuous creation, out of the new ideas discovered in the Torah. As The Storm Clouds Gather Revelation 20:8-20:9 Jesus warned us of a time of great tribulation, as was never seen by man and never again will be seen. There are storm clouds gathering around us if we are willing to see. Pagan Philosophy, Unbelief, and Irrationalism Biblically speaking, holding philosophical beliefs that contain internally self-refuting contradictions is an expression of irrationalism. It can also be a case of inexcusable ignorance. Ultimately, all non-Christian philosophy starts with bold rationalistic assertions about reality and ends up in irrationalism. The philosophy of logical positivism is one example. The positivist philosophy can be described as empiricism (all knowledge comes through sensations) with a vengeance. This positivist philosophy is a vengeance against all metaphysical statements. A popular contemporary form of empiricism that derives from John Locke is known as the theory that the mind at birth is a blank tablet (tabula rasa) and then assimilates knowledge through sensations. This theory could be called the "blank mind theory" of knowledge. Philippians 2:1-18 -- Seek Unity Through Humility This passage begins (2:1-4) with a call to unity that includes basic tenets of Christianity. This passage links with 1:27 and the concern for how the Philippians live. Again, Paul draws on his relationship with them. It is because of that relationship that he can correct their behaviour and attitude. Restoration of the Jewish People and The Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple This is the event that has already occurred. In 70 AD, after Jesus' death on the cross, the Jewish people were dispersed throughout the entire world. The Romans destroyed their one and only Temple and they were then scattered throughout the whole world as prophesied in the Old Testament as a result of their failure to get their act together with God the Father. God the Father pronounced this judgment on the Jewish people as you get near the end of the Old Testament. Crazy in Love Several years ago my cousin was pleased to find out that she wasn't going crazy,she found out that what she suffered from was O.C.D. or better known as "obsessive,compulsive disorder". Just knowing that what she suffered from had a name and could now be treated with proper medication and through the power of knowlege,she could contend with it on a more positive level. At least it was confirmed that she was not crazy. Through lack of knowlege, we however are quick to label this sickness as a brain disorder or just someone who is crazy.Obsessive compulsive disorder causes repeated behavior by the sufferer to the point that we veiw them as 'not normal'. Anyone who doesn't suffer from this to some degree can't imagine why anyone would keep repeating a certain action when they know it was already completed.But this where lack of knowlege comes in.When we aren't educated properly,we lack understanding and then rely on our opinions and not truth. In Divers Places Isaiah 65:17-65:25 The Armorbearer Coach & The Character of Christ In You And even though Jesus was God's Son, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant problems and difficulties. ?Hebrews 5:8 TLB paraphrased by author Catholic Hierarchy: The Nobiliary Element in the Catholic Church It seems to me that some of the oldest still surviving hierarchies are those of the nobility, the Church and the military. What is perhaps not commonly known is how they correspond with each other. Below is an outline of the correspondence between the catholic hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and that of the nobility. Politics and Christianity Revelation 20:1-20:10 The Basics of Salvation Through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ The one key central message of the entire Bible is that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and His dwelling place - heaven. There is no other way! As you will see in all of the Scripture verses listed below, Jesus Christ is God's only plan of salvation for the entire world. Heroes & Villains in the Quest for Spirituality: 100 Significant Characters of the Hebrew Bible Moslem America ,Part 1 Daniel 12:7-12:12 Iesa and Jesus in the Pyramid The Sun god, Mithras, was the most widely worshipped deity in the Roman Empire in the first century when Christianity was first forming. Mithras was called the Son of God, the light of the world, he was a redeemer and savior and his birthday was celebrated on December twenty-fifth. He eventually died and was buried in a cave and was resurrected three days later. Sound familiar? Constantine is said to have converted to Christianity but that is pure 'Spin' from the editor of the Bible. He was a Mithras worshipper and they are Heliopolitans or Luciferians just like Hitler and his 'torch-bearer' crap. IESA is in Iesoos of the fish symbol and IXOYE as well as many other pre-Christian things they appropriated; which the Father of Biblical Archaeology says shows the Bible is a 'Phoenician literary legacy'. It is not the first time you have heard about it. Public Spectacle Do you sometimes wonder how did Jesus make a Public Spectacle of Satan? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Colossians 2:13 it says. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Let Her Be Covered Part Three Now, let's recall again the text: "Let her be covered." That is God's decree. Conclave: Electing a New Pope Upon the death of the Pope, a monumental sequence of events unfolds, culminating in a process known as the conclave whereby a new Pope is elected to lead the Roman Catholic faith. Octopussy The graven image exclusion as told in the Bible certainly wasn't followed by the Popery people. Never has there been a system with so many icons and such a multitude of a Heavenly Host. Yet they call it monotheism. There are well over 1500 saints, archangels, and the other godly cretins including Laddio, Daddio and Spook. Soon there will be many more as the current regime of Luciferians is having many more canonized, including the Pope who did not ex-communicate Hitler (even as they shortly thereafter did so to Ivan Illich). There is only one God if there is any at all. ![]() |
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