The Exodus

And the matter of who is doing the abusing is the most important thing we as a world full of equal people must ascertain. Who are the Benjaminites who were thrown out of Israel and later returned under Judas Maccabee? Who are these mercenaries who protected Egypt from the Elephantine stronghold?

To be sure there are many perspectives on the history of Israel and the Jews. The next excerpt is from a group that I am not enamoured with to any great extent. I recommend a thorough analysis of their agenda despite the factual history they provide in this little snipette of their approach.

"The division of Israel took place under the rule of Rehoboam over Judah, Jeroboam over Israel, in 975 B.C. The House of Israel sinned through idolatry and were cast out of the land in 721 B.C. and did not return. The House of Judah also sinned and were punished and banished to Babylon for seventy years, and a remnant of them under Ezra and Nehemiah returned as "the Jews" in 536 B.C. The term "Jews" is never in the Bible applied to the Twelve Tribes or to the Ten-tribed House of Israel. These were to be divorced from the Mosaic law and lost to human history and knowledge, but known to God, re-covenanted in Christ, and to enjoy the Hebrew birthright in the isles of the seas, to be His national evangelists to the world, and the inheritors of the Kingdom of God taken away from the Jews and given to a Nation. It will be shown that the British enjoy all the unconditional promises given to the seed of Abraham in the Christian era and that therefore no other Nation can now replace them as Israel.

It was in 741 B.C. that Isaiah prophesied that 'within three score and five years shall Ephraim be broken in pieces, that it be not a people.' The final siege of Samaria and the deportation of Israel took place in 721 B.C. Subsequently in 676 B.C. Esar-Haddon completed the work begun and from this date the history of the house of Israel ceases in the Scriptures, and the tale is taken up by Prophecy.

Judah was carried captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar in 603 B.C. and the Temple finally destroyed in 586 B.C. The word "Jew" is found for the first time in the Bible in II Kings 41:6, but the Second Book of Kings was not written till the return of Judah and Benjamin after the end of the Babylonian captivity." (9)

The House of Judah or David includes Solomon and the person who I was named after. Yes, Robert the Bruce and the Bruttii of Pythagoras' Bruttium (Croton in Italy) and many other Keltic nobles have run things in most of the world for a long time.

Elephantine Mercenary Jews or Hyksos Overlords of Egypt?

I have written one whole book on the matter of Who is a Jew and I did not include this specific quote in it. There are so many things I could include at this juncture. This quote is from a top academic and Egyptologist from Oxford.

"Less fortunate than the Greeks, who could worship their gods unhampered and build sanctuaries to them in the Greek settlements in the Delta, {Such as Naucratis which is a Bilderberg or Physiocratic type of venture we have dealt with many times before.} were the Jews. Since the time of the XXVIth Dynasty they had formed a considerable part of the garrison at Elephantine as mercenaries in the fortress defending Egypt from attack in the south. There they were allowed to build a temple to Yahve and his two female companions, Ashima and Anar, whose worship was not forbidden among Jews before the introduction of the unified religious law on the occasion of the rebuilding of Yahve's temple at Jerusalem in 515 B.C. The Jews of Elephantine also continued to enjoy the privilege of possessing a sanctuary of their own during the Persian rule throughout the fifth century; but clashes now and then took place between them and the native Egyptian population, probably as a result of the increases of Egyptian nationalism under foreign domination.

In 410 B.C. the priests of Khuum, having secured the consent of the Persian commander, raised soldiers of Egyptian descent who penetrated into Yahve's temple, pillaged its precious sacred vessels {Could some of these things held sacred have once been the art or manufacture of those who Egypt venerated or considered their own? Could that include the Ark and other scientific instrumentation?} and demolished and burnt the temple. When the Jews complained to the Persian satrap at Memphis, the commander who agreed to this misdeed was punished by death, but it was only in 407 B.C., after continuous requests and bribery, that the Jews secured from the Persian authorities permission to rebuild the temple?" (10)

He goes on to document how Egypt overthrew the Persians and then Alexander took over Egypt. I do ask the reader to think long and hard about the Persian relationship with these mercenary Jews and ask if the Basilidae of Greece and Persia are their kin. I know this means the Bible Narrative about the hard done by slaves who left with Moses and other trite fictions is pure hogwash and one can thus see an elite and well-armed force of specially equipped fighters is what the poor Jews have been. But that does not mean the average Jew gets treated much better by their elite.

Alexander put the alchemical family of Ptolemy in charge of Egypt. Ptolemy had Manetho do a history of King's List that connected him to Hercules and the De Danaan that are the elite Jews I have traced throughout 35,000 years since the first white man walked to face of this trembling and fearful planet. No longer was it easy for mankind and much has gotten worse in matters of the soul and brotherhood. I apologize as a member of this elite group that was split into factions and still fights for power. I have less and less regard for my forbears and their history as I continue my research.

Author and activist for ecumenicism

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