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What Did I Do To Deserve This?
"You must have done something awful for this to happen to you." Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it to yourself? Job had been through a lot. He'd lost his children, his home, his possessions, and his health. All he had left was his wife, and that was not necessarily a good thing. She wasn't much help to him during his troubles. Job needed some encouragement. He needed to know somebody cared and sympathized with him. He needed friends. His friends came to see him, alright. But they didn't provide what he needed. Instead, they told Job that he must have committed some horrible sins and that God was punishing him by sending all these calamities. Many people think this way. They believe anything bad that happens must be punishment from God. Let's see what God has to say about that. In Job 1:8, God said there was nobody else on earth like Job. He was "blameless and upright. He feared God and shunned evil." So why did so much evil befall Job? Because the devil complained to God that the only reason Job was so good was because God had given him so much. Satan thought if everything was taken away from Job, then he would not be loyal to God. God knew how Job would react, though, and He wanted to show other people and Satan the sort of example Job was going to set. Even when Job's wife suggested that he curse God and die, Job refused to denounce God or blame him. God often uses people in difficult circumstances to teach others. (John 9:1-3) Jesus deliberately delayed going to see Lazarus when He'd been told his friend was sick. After Lazarus died, Jesus brought him back to life. Do you think that Jesus planned it that way, so that people could see His power? By allowing Lazarus to die, Jesus was able to teach others and to make it clear to them that He was the Son of God (John 11:15, 42). There are many examples in the Bible of righteous people suffering through no fault of their own. Abel was killed by his evil brother who was jealous. Joseph was put into prison because of a wicked and deceitful woman, not because he'd done anything wrong. John the Baptist was beheaded, though he was a prophet of God. Jesus said there was no other man like John, but he died because of a woman who sought revenge. Here's what Peter wrote to New Testament Christians about suffering: "You greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:6-7) Suffering is greater than gold, which doesn't last, because suffering refines our faith and makes it genuine. This results in honor for Jesus. And, speaking of Jesus. He was innocent, yet he suffered more than anyone. He willingly left heaven to suffer cruelties he didn't deserve and he didn't have to accept. It's hard enough to endure trials when we can't do anything to stop them. Think of how tempting it would be, if you had the power to call angels to help you or if you could strike dead anyone who tried to harm you? Jesus had the power to avoid suffering, yet he gave up His right to do that and instead faced the pain . . . for us. We may suffer a lot of pain in our lives, BUT when this life is over, we do not need to suffer through eternity. Why? Because of the suffering Jesus took on himself for us. He suffered because He didn't want us to suffer. Does that sound like a God who is waiting for an opportunity to punish us when we do wrong? Jesus came to this world to seek and save. He was led, like a lamb to the slaughter, and it was because He wanted to spare us from eternal suffering. So the next time trouble comes into your life, please don't blame God for it. He's not sitting on His throne looking for a reason to zap you. He made the supreme sacrifice in order to SPARE us from suffering the punishment we deserved for our sins. Will you allow your pain to turn you away from the one who wants to rescue you from it? That's what Satan would like to see. May we, like Job and Peter, allow our suffering to refine our faith and result in God's praise, glory, and honor. Author Marsha Jordan is founder of a nonprofit charity called Hugs and Hope for Sick Children (http://www.hugsandhope.org). More of her articles on depression are in her book, Hugs, Hope, and Peanut Butter, a compilation of encouraging essays illustrated with drawings by critically ill children. Proceeds from book sales will benefit kids battling cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Other essays in the book include, "More Than I Can Handle," "Ten Tips For Beating Depression," and "Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayer?" Order the book or learn more at http://www.hugsandhope.org/book.htm
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Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 1 Hermeneutics is the science and art of the interpretive process which begins by determining the original meaning of the Biblical text and leads to elucidation of its sense for the body of Christ today. It is concerned with the presuppositions that are brought to the interpretation of texts because it consciously or unconsciously influences conclusions drawn. The Power of Love There is no doubt in my mind that the quality of love is the #1 quality that God would like to get worked into our souls and personalities. Even nonbelievers, atheists and agnostics can see the power of love and how it has the ability to change people and change lives when it is properly walked out and handled. Pagan Religions Taught In Public Schools In classrooms throughout the country, Judeo-Christian beliefs are often cast aside or ridiculed. Multiculturalism studies, environmental propaganda, and Save-the-Earth classes now indoctrinate children with New-Age religious beliefs, often without parents' knowledge. Public schools sometimes try to sneak offensive pagan or new-age religions into their curriculum without parents' knowledge under the guise of multiculturalism studies. Africa; The Forgotten Land of The Catholic Church African Nations upset at the selection of the new Pope, Benedict XVI; they wanted a Black Pope. Instead they got another 'white man'. Some Black Americans are saying this just proves "whitey" still runs the world and continues to economically enslave the Africans and African Americans. One young black man we interviewed, Tyrone Williams, said "They all in it t'getter, come on, is obvious." Tyrone is considering converting to Islam; "There is no place for a black man in the Catholic Church." The Big Bang Theory - Evidence Start of Cosmos and Human Evolution What is The Big Bang Theory! What do we mean when we talk of The Big Bang Theory? In Concept The Big Bang Theory would mean something related to the start of the Cosmos... the beginning of the Evolution itself. How the Christian Right is Blowing It I am not a particularly pious person and I certainly don't go for the religious ceremony of things like Inaugurations and Graduations. It has always been my belief that we should do our alms in a closet. Whatever you give, keep that info to yourself, is pretty much my policy. In the past few years Christians have taken a lot of heat from liberals and moderates as a result of the Bush administration and mostly because of John Ashcroft and what has been labeled as "The Christian Right". John Roberts and Madalyn Murray ? The Turtle and the OHare Although I've never met Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, I did have a run in of sorts with America's most notorious atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hare in the nineteen eighties. As I walked into a radio station to drop off tapes of my former radio show the DJ called to me from within his booth. As I entered the booth he said "we have a minister here that may be able to answer that question." He pulled a chair up to the microphone and beckoned for me to sit. He whispered to me that it was a phone connection from somewhere in Texas and Madalyn Murray O'Hare was on the line being interviewed. My volunteering it seemed was already far underway so I acquiesced and listened to O'Hare's questions. I calmly answered each question and the more I did the angrier she seemed to get. The final straw was when she asked me if I wouldn't agree that all any minister was interested in was money. She said that even I was only doing ministry for the bucks. She missed by a mile when she asked that question. I told her that my present ministry was completely voluntary and I received nothing for my labors. Preachers In America Will Cause Americas Demise American Preachers Are At The Forefront Of The Travesties Committed Against God. Islam Embraces the New Pope The European Union has seen a huge influx of Muslims in its countries and is watching their incredible birth rates. The demographic switch is changing rapidly. Countries like Spain, France and Germany are looking to get along with Islam and the Middle East for reasons of trade and security from International Terrorism, especially after the Madrid train bombing. These countries do not wish to wage a war on terror, but rather appease Islamic Fundamentalism. Islam considers Catholics, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus all infidels, but of all peoples and religions they hate Jews the most. They hate the Jews due to historical record and also because they are taught to hate the Jews from a very early age in their schools. Teamwork in Ministry: Pauls Sense of Partnership in the Gospel In the pursuit of his Christian ministry, the Apostle Paul had a keen sense of teamwork, teamwork with God and with his brothers and sisters. This awareness he expresses by using compound Greek words that begin with the prepositional prefix, sun-. With an object in the dative case, sun means "together" or "with." This same prepositional prefix has carried over into English, occurring in such words as "symbiotic," "symphony," "synergy" (the Greek sun-, represented by sym- or syn-). What follows is a brief survey of the words Paul employed to express this sharing of ministry. You will discover that such sharing continues among 21st-century Christians. Billy Graham- America Salutes You America has had its great share of renowned preachers, missionaries and evangelists but none can hold a candle to the Reverend Billy Graham. His influence is worldwide but for Americans his life and ministry have been both influential and a matter of pride. That is, we are proud of him, our native son, our pastor at large, our voice of hope in the turbulent and changing American landscape. Restoration of the Jewish People and The Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple This is the event that has already occurred. In 70 AD, after Jesus' death on the cross, the Jewish people were dispersed throughout the entire world. The Romans destroyed their one and only Temple and they were then scattered throughout the whole world as prophesied in the Old Testament as a result of their failure to get their act together with God the Father. God the Father pronounced this judgment on the Jewish people as you get near the end of the Old Testament. Crucification Most of know how Jesus was crucified. Do we ever ask ourselves about the crucifying of our flesh? What it means and how do we accomplish it. Well lets see what the Bible says about crucifying the flesh. Look at Romans 6:5 it says If we have been united with him like this his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin-because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer the parts of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. Speaking of Speaking in Tongues A young bible college student once wrote and told me how the college she attends has been teaching that "speaking in tongues" is the sole evidence that one is filled with the Spirit and that no one WAS filled with the Spirit UNLESS they've spoken in tongues. Apparently, that didn't sit well with her and she wanted my opinion. About The Spiritual World of Madonna Pop singer Madonna came this week to Tel Aviv to take part in a congress of Kabbala studies. According to press releases, she is going to stay in Israel until Sunday night and will have on the last day of her visit, the opportunity to visit the graves of Jewish Tzaddikim (righteous holy people) near Safed, a small town in northern Israel. Give Him a Stone Luke 11:10-11:13 End-Times and the Other Bible Can you imagine Biblical "End-Times" prophecies happening in your lifetime? Does thinking about disasters like the three days of darkness and the Wormwood predictions trouble you when you're alone in the still of the night? If so, the "End-times" knowledge in a Bible-era wisdom text called The Kolbrin offers hope through new insights. Parts of it were written in the very days when Jesus walked the Earth, and it echoes the warnings of the Bible, that we could be in the "End-Times!" Mahavira | 24th Tirthankara of Jainism His Teachings and Essence Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism was the last of the series of 24th Tirthankars in Jainism Dharma. Jainism as we understand today is primarily focused on the teachings and essence of Bhagwan Mahavira. Why? God is God God is God and besides Him, there is no other. He is the Holy Other, the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Lord of all creation. Those acquainted with Him know that God is above and beyond all our finite minds can grasp and yet, He is our Father who understands us better than we can even hope to understand ourselves. He is our Creator God and the sustainer of all things and is perfectly holy and just. God has demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His Son to redeem us and to use us in the full and rich life of His Kingdom. The Gospel According to the Americans - Our Shame As a deist, Thomas Jefferson may have thought God was indifferent, but gospel twisting preachers and theologians of the day seem to think God is a clown. One preacher appears regularly on television pushing his book entitled?How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted. He insists that if people would pay their vows (an Old Testament concept) that this would begin to happen. It goes without saying that payment must be made to him. The blatant emphasis on the business of tithes and offerings among some churches has become a shameful blight but shows no signs of abating. ![]() |
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