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A Commonsense Guide to Exorcism
Bloodshot eyes stared at the crucifix six inches from his nose. Leather restraints lined with lamb's wool fastened his arms and legs to the chair. The demon-possessed man lunged at the hand holding the holy symbol. Gnashing teeth struggled to bite the outstretched wrist. Crimson scratches and cryptic markings appeared across his belly. Blood and sweat spattered the floor around the brute, while a puddle of urine under his chair slowly spread out until the priest could no longer avoid standing in it. The satanic beast chewed his tongue and the tender flesh inside his cheek. His tortured mouth spit blood and tissue and obscenities at those attending the exorcism. What we have here is a Hollywood-embellished, grotesque superstition at work. What happened to cause rational people to accept this archaic remnant of religious authority's attempt to control the masses with fear? Frightened followers submit under scare tactics of hellfire and damnation. This is doubly effective because the authorities believe in what they are telling the people. They too fear the evil entities brought to life by their imagination. Why are we so vulnerable to this indoctrination? Because all souls are encoded to seek God. We begin our life on earth with a "god-shaped hole" in our soul. God puts it there so we will want to find our way back to Him. We spend our lives trying to fill the "empty spot." We pack it with lovers, religion, money, drugs, work, excitement, gambling, etc. None of these fits, so we're soon on the search again looking for love, for attachment, for distraction, and for fulfillment. In the older religions from Abraham through Jesus Christ and Mohammed, the lower nature of humans was referred to as demons, devils, and Satan. These are allegorical names for turning away from God and goodness. The pure teachings of the Messengers of God never suggested that demons, devils, Satanic powers, or fallen angels are anything other than allegory. The Church and Hollywood borrowed their concepts and descriptions of these entities and their work from Dante's "Inferno" written over 700 years ago during the European Dark Ages. Family traditions, religious teachings, television, movies, and books instill the belief in demons, devils, and possession. When someone in authority tells a person that they are possessed by a demon, most believe it. Traditions, television, movies, and books show people how a demon-possessed person is supposed to act. Psychogenic purpuras is the medical term for stress related bruising and bleeding from the skin and mucosa. It's common in cases of great emotional stress. It's "super hives." Exorcisms are created for these man-made demons. As cultures progress, they recognize the absurdity surrounding religious superstition and dogma. Today we understand that the Greek and Roman mythological gods were a phenomenon of that age, and our enlightenment invests less and less fear in imaginary devils and demons. Education shines its light in the dark corners of the mind. A culture's fear of demons is in direct ratio to the education of its people. Fear of an overwhelming power of evil is a learned fear. It is taught in order to control the behavior of people. Religious belief and spiritual authority without the influence of science is superstition. In the same way that Galileo was excommunicated from the church for saying that the earth was not the center of the universe, people are controlled by a belief in demons and demonic possession. Some religions have become the stronghold of superstition. I have attended both a voodoo service and a holy roller church service. The physical actions appeared the same. The guttural gibberish sounded the same. They both had people rolling on the floor in a state of spiritual "ecstasy," and they both teach demonic possession. We live in a world of great scientific discovery, a world of brain science and neurotransmitters. Why to you think the chemical lithium can exorcise a demon? Why can PCP unleash a demon? If you look at demon possession clinically, you will find schizophrenia, psychoses, Tourettes Syndrome, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Where a belief in demons is strongest, incidents of possession are strongest. This is commonsense, folks. People, who fear demons, find demons to fear. People, who worry about demon possession, find demons to possess them. People, who imagine demons are lurking and waiting for a chance to pounce upon them, get pounced upon. People, who understand the psychological impact of superstition and fear, know that they are fully in charge of themselves, and they are never possessed by mythical demons. People, who know that old houses creak, squirrels make nests in the attic, and underground caverns cause infrasound vibrations are not haunted by demons. Why is that? I think you know the answer. An evil spirit is nothing more than a bad attitude ... a spirit of hate, a spirit of greed, a spirit of cruelty, etc. And you can choose to replace these with a spirit of joy, a spirit of love, a spirit of giving. These are conscious choices made by a human's free will. We choose how we think, what we do, and what we say. "The devil made me do it" is a powerful alternative to accepting responsibility for our free will choices and behaviors. So, how do you exorcise demons? By seeing them for what they are, unhealthy childhood experiences of mental, emotional, or physical abuse. Sick families raise sick children. Sick children raise more sick children. Loving, nurturing environments exorcise demons. Knowledge exorcises demons. 1. Know that demons are imaginary creations of fears common to man's lower nature. 2. Understand that there are no demons with the power to possess you. 3. In cases of mental illness, seek professional help. 4. In cases of addiction, seek professional help. Copyright 2005 Robbin Renee Bridges Robbin Renee Bridges, a chaplain and grief counselor for more than thirty years, is the author of numerous published articles and the landmark book, "A Bridge of Love between Heaven and Earth: Self-Induced Contact in the Afterlife." For more articles about death, ghosts, the nature of the soul and the afterlife visit http://www.spirit-sanctuary.org
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Straight Talk about Homosexuality In the mid 90's, a Presbyterian minister named Steve Brown conducted an interview with the lesbian Pastor from the largest Gay Church in America. Steve had already laid the ground rules for their dialogue regarding the expected, conservative, fundamentalist stance on homosexuality. Essentially, he agreed not to state the obvious and refused to "go there." Instead, Steve displayed one of the most loving, concerned examples of a Christian that I've ever seen as he interviewed this woman. In so doing, I heard her say, softly and sincerely, that gay people sin just as any other Christians sin. She explained that when a person becomes convicted of their sins, godly sorrow leads to repentence from those sins. She admitted that, as a Christian homosexual herself, she simply has not been convicted...condemned, yes, by other believers...but not convicted by the Holy Spirit. Steve replied, "You realize you sound somewhat like a heretic in the gay community by saying these things...." She nodded, "Well, it's the truth." We Must Be Ready. But How? Revelation 19:7 states, "Let us rejoice and give honor unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." Kingdom of Heaven Kingdom of Heaven is Ridley Scott's way of trying to recapture the success of Gladiator and to turn Orlando Bloom into the international sensation and instant leading man that Crowe became after is Oscar winning performance in that Gladiator. I don't fault Bloom for trying. I know he had to be thinking how could he lose? Sure it's an epic drama and none of the other recently released historical epics (including his Troy) have come anywhere near the success of Gladiator, but Dreams has Ridley Scott, Gladiator's mastermind at the helm, he couldn't go wrong?right? Well, that's not exactly what happened. See someone forgot to tell Orlando that he's not Russell Crowe. And while he looked damn good in those elf ears, it takes much more then a pretty face to pull off an epic drama the likes of Kingdom of Heaven and unfortunately for us all Bloom just doesn't have it. A Comparison of ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY Hi, Should Professional Athletes Be Glorifying God And Jesus On Their Public Platforms? Recently I have run across quite a few Christians who seem to be offended whenever any of the professional athletes get on TV or the radio and publicly give God and Jesus all the praise, honor and glory for all of their accomplishments in their personal lives as well as all of their success on the athletic field. Politics and Christianity Revelation 20:1-20:10 Reconstrictionism + Dominionism = Warfare Theology The Christian Church believes that at the close of the age, prior to the coming of the Lord, that Satan and his principalities will mount a full frontal assault on the Church of Jesus Christ, and will make his final bid to bring them into perdition. We have always known that these deceptions will be aimed NOT AT THE WORLD, CULTS, OR FALSE RELIGIONS, but at the true Church of Jesus Christ. We also know from the scriptures, in the warnings of the Apostle Paul, that these assaults will be on the doctrines of the Church, and on the beliefs of Christians. In the Articles on this site entitled, "The Blessings of God", "The Gospel of Convenience", "Patriotism in Light of The Scriptures", "Generation Judas" and "Self Induced Blindness" we have outlined a number of the deceptions we believe that Satan has maneuvered into Church Doctrine, and we would encourage you to read those writings as you find time and opportunity. You will find the appropriate scripture references to the warnings that Jesus, Paul, and the Disciples gave to believers, warning us of these deceptions in those Articles. We beseech you in the name of Jesus, in these final hours of history, to find opportunity to read these very important documents! Public Spectacle Do you sometimes wonder how did Jesus make a Public Spectacle of Satan? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Colossians 2:13 it says. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Signs and Symbols In the year 2005, the American Constitution has put into law that the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed legally unless there is a historic theme to the display. I say what a joke. The Pope Hates Potter ? Both of Them This month a court in Burlington, Kentucky issued the largest settlement to date against the Catholic Church in the "Priestofeelya" scandal. Is it God Descending from Heaven or Another UFO? The world that we live in today is in imminent danger. It is in danger of believing one of the greatest lies ever told. A lie collaborated by the Catholic church. The possibillity has been mentioned that the Holy Bible is a fraud. That the God our country and civilization was founded on is based on a lie. There are people in our society who claim that The Virgin Mary was in fact pregnated by aliens. That Jesus never rose from the cross and went to heaven but was brought back to life by aliens. That every spiritial encounter in the bible was not with a heavenly being but with an alien. I do not personally believe this. I do however admit that people's theories of alien encounters and encounters in the bible have similar significense in our believes. In order for Christians to fight these allegations they and I must be more open minded to the possibility that maybe UFO's do exist. That they are mentioned in the bible; in Ezekial. I am not proclaiming that I believe there are little green men living on other planets, but that if men can have such an understanding of vast technology isn't God's understanding that much greater. Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind... Does God Promise Long Life? Over the last 10 years or so I have met several people who had very irrational fears of dying "young." When I asked them what they felt was "young," they said they did not expect to live past an age range of 40-55 years of age. They did not expect to live up to an age range of 70-90 years. Africa; The Forgotten Land of The Catholic Church African Nations upset at the selection of the new Pope, Benedict XVI; they wanted a Black Pope. Instead they got another 'white man'. Some Black Americans are saying this just proves "whitey" still runs the world and continues to economically enslave the Africans and African Americans. One young black man we interviewed, Tyrone Williams, said "They all in it t'getter, come on, is obvious." Tyrone is considering converting to Islam; "There is no place for a black man in the Catholic Church." Pagan Philosophy, Unbelief, and Irrationalism Biblically speaking, holding philosophical beliefs that contain internally self-refuting contradictions is an expression of irrationalism. It can also be a case of inexcusable ignorance. Ultimately, all non-Christian philosophy starts with bold rationalistic assertions about reality and ends up in irrationalism. The philosophy of logical positivism is one example. The positivist philosophy can be described as empiricism (all knowledge comes through sensations) with a vengeance. This positivist philosophy is a vengeance against all metaphysical statements. A popular contemporary form of empiricism that derives from John Locke is known as the theory that the mind at birth is a blank tablet (tabula rasa) and then assimilates knowledge through sensations. This theory could be called the "blank mind theory" of knowledge. Are You Missing What It Takes To Resist Sin? I don't care how much you go to church or read your bible sometimes no matter how hard you try to resist sinning you end up finding yourself giving in to it anyway. War in Heaven This next event, a war in heaven, will not be able to be seen with the naked eye by the people still left on the earth as the 7 year Tribulation starts to unfold. What happens in this next incredible event is that Satan and his angels are cast out of "heaven" and cast down onto the earth by St. Michael and his army of angels. There will literally be a war in the "heavens" between God's angels and the Devil and his fallen angels. Gods Breathed For it is written in the book of 2Timothy 3:16 it says All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. It goes on to say in chapter 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. Homo-sexuality and Christianity Romans 1:16-1:32. Can there be a compromise between the two: can a gay person become a christian and still retain a gay life style? It seems that the last twenty years has been a difficult time for Christians and especially ministers. The social impact on ministries has been a large one. There have been many that have tried to get the church to under go a change in its approach to sin. Mystery, not Myth: Jesus Christ is real! In the children's section of any bookstore, books on the birth of Jesus stand next to Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk. The same parents who describe Santa Claus so convincingly also tell their children of Another who knows if they've been "naughty or nice." No wonder many children cast aside the Father and the Son at about the time they give up their belief in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. ![]() |
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