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The Kabbalah Kraze!
I remember hearing a minister years ago as he quoted Dwight L. Moody. He said, "There are two types of religion in the world: Biblical Christianity...and all the rest." Similarly, another minister I listened to later said, "The only two religions that exist in the world are Christianity and Hinduism...because Hinduism allows each man to find his or her own truth." A breed of ancient Jewish mysticism has recently resurfaced among the rich and famous, enticing those who are uninformed about the dangers of this cult. Madonna, who has given the Kabbalah Centre $18 million since 2001, Bette Midler, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Marla Maples and Roseanne Barr (refer to http://radaronline.com/web-only/the-kabbalah-chronicles/2005/06/inside-hollywoods-hottest-cult.php for more Hollywood stuff on Kabbalah) have been studying what's known as "the Kabbalah." There is now a growing interest in the Kabbalah around the world. TV's 20/20 just aired an interview with the charming Berg family whose Kaballah Centre is raking in millions off sincere followers, most of whom sport a red thread around their wrists. So, what is the Kabbalah? Where did it come from? How should the Church view the Kabbalah according to Scripture? I located this definition on the web: Kabbalah: (Various spellings) meaning: "to receive." Mystical Jewish teachings intermingled with teachings of gnosticism, Neoplatonism, magic and the occult were handed down by oral tradition. The word Kabbalah was coined by an eleventh century Spanish philosopher, Ibn Gabirol. The philosophy developed in Babylon during the middle ages from earlier Hebrew speculation and numerology. An early Kabbalist, Moses de Leon, developed and systematized the philosophy in his thirteenth century work, The Book of Zolar (sometimes spelled Zohar meaning "Splendor"). The media is filled with references to Kaballah these days and, as they have with their warmed-over, Westernized verson of reincarnation, prominent Hollywood personalities are clambering to take hold of this feel-good, popular, contemporary version of Kabbalah. According to the Israeli-based Kabbalist, Michael Laitman, the discovery of the upper spiritual world is the single truly satisfying answer to the growing demands of the modern ego. A scientist by profession, Laitman claims that exposing youngsters of all backgrounds and religions to the authentic Kabbalah sources can significantly reduce the escalating phenomena of drug abuse and suicide in today's society. The brief daily exposure to these texts is highly recommended for getting youngsters back on track toward fulfilling their true purpose in life. We should find it quite strange to discover the occult practices of Kabbalah rooted deep within Judaism. The venerated Torah is loaded with many prohibitions against all forms of the occult expression. Read on and we will see how Kabbalah is loaded with occultism and an anti-Scriptural doctrine. Judaism Redefined After the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70, having rejected Jesus as Messiah, Mosaic Judaism had a major problem. The Torah emphasized that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins." So, how could there be a continuation of the required blood sacrifices without an altar and a Temple? This, and other related issues, required a staff meeting. So, the Council of Jamnia was called in A.D. 90, and began, in essence, redefining Judaism, justifying their beliefs, essentially, and their reason for existence. This led to the formulation of the Talmud, the body of writings that seeks the interpret the civil law as well as the Law of God contained in Jewish Scripture), including commentaries on the Torah, or Pentateuch, and oral laws handed down through tradition. Among other things, the Talmud includes materials that concern decisions by Jewish scholars on disputed legal questions known as the Halakhah. Many examples and illustrations of the ethical, political, and religious principles involved in the laws are set down in the Haggada. Now, two versions of the Talmud exist: the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud became authoritative because the rabbinic academies of Babylonia survived those in Palestine by many centuries. After the completion of the Talmud, the Halakhah continued to develop as rabbis adapted it to the changing times. The Haggada was also continually revised. One of the most important parts of the Talmud is the Mishneh Torah. This was a compilation of all the rabbinical legal literature by various rabbinical commentators in existence at his time. Problems emerged when some Jews began veneration of the commentators over the text itself. People were focusing too much on the TEACHERS than their inspired TEACHINGS, much the same as some do today even within Christianity. It is simply the nature of people to do so. Interestingly, in the 8th century, there arose a Jewish sect called the Karaites who clung to the strict interpretations of the Scriptures - let's call them Fundamentalists - rejecting the Talmud and the rabbinical traditions that had been incorporated during the first six centuries. They were considered heretics by "Orthodox" Jews, and suffered persecution. Here Kums the Kabbalah! As was mentioned earlier, The Zohar was a monumental work composed by Spaniard Moses de León, who lived in Guadalajara until 1290, before living the life of a wanderer. De León was a prolific writer, completely immersed in mysticism. The Zohar, his greatest work, was written in Aramaic over a 30 year period. The doctrine taught in his book was deceptively credited by de León to some legendary Palestinian scholar, Shimon ben Yohai, claiming that a Spanish-Jewish scholar and mystic named Moses ben Nahman had found the book in a cave in which Shimon and his son had found refuge from Roman persecution. When Moses tried to send ben Yohai's important teachings to his son in Catalonia, de León claims he intercepted it and began making copies, which he then circulated among the more educated folk. De León failed in this attempt to deceive the world and hide the fact that he was its actual author. In his own lifetime a Palestinian mystic who doubted the authenticity and antiquity of the Zohar, investigated the matter. De León finally promised to produce the original, but died before the matter was settled. One must always closely examine the founder's background when investigating any philosophical or religious movement. In this case, the author was a deceiver. His Zohar depicted God as merely a powerful force that one should aspire to obtain. De Leon taught that God is the unknowable, immutable Ein-Sof (Infinite "Nothingness"). From this philosophy sprang the Kaballah, the name of an occult theosophy that developed among Jews in Babylonia, and later Italy, Provence, and Spain, between the sixth and thirteenth centuries A.D. The doctrine they taught was that heavenly revelation was received by enlightened Jews, and was passed on to succeeding generations through oral tradition. At first it was used by the mainstream of Judaism, but eventually it became identified with those who believed that the Kabbalah was an esoteric, occultic tradition that explained the true meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures, which was kept hidden from the masses and only made known to those who were spiritually ready to receive it. Typically, Kabbalah is divided into two systems: theoretical and practical. The theoretical is concerned with theosophical speculation upon God and His attributes. The practical is concerned with bringing what has been theorized into the realm of everyday experience. This is attempted through prayer, ascetic practices, and the employment of various occult means, such as numerology, talismans, amulets, and incarnation of divine names and words. One Kabbalah belief is that Scripture is inspired, not only in its obvious interpretations, but even to the degree that, through the use of occult symbol interpretation, one could find hidden meaning in the very numerical and alphabetical interpretation of the texts. Thus, the doctrine of the Kabbalah was derived through study of the Old Testament, but only when occultic interpretative techniques were utilized. To give you an historical perspective, Kabbalah grew out of two basic needs in the Jewish consciousness. First, because they had rejected their Messiah, God temporarily rejected the Jewish nation (Luke 13:35), and so, in the centuries that followed, there were no prophets and no immediate manifestation of God's presence among them. This left them feeling that God was far removed from them and made them more prone to be influenced by the philosophical climate of the people in whose lands they dwelt. This included Greek; Neo-Platonism and its "Christian" offshoot, Gnosticism. These philosophies had a very transcendent view of God: He is infinite and far removed from any conceivable contact with man. As the Jews embraced increasingly transcendent view of God, they needed to reconcile this with the traditional Hebrew belief in the accessibility of God to man. This need seemed to be met best through the doctrine of the Sefirot, the attributes or "emanation" of God, the groundwork of which had already been laid by the Gnostics, and Philo of Alexandria, a Jewish philosopher and contemporary of Christ. The second reason for Kaballah's emergence was that, by around the twelfth century, Talmudic legalism, ritualism, and intellectual slavery had reached its peak. Kabbalah became popular because it opened up an approach to religion that seemed more pleasurable, immediate, and less confining. The Kabbalistic belief is that God, or "Ein Sof," is infinite and transcendent, and can make no direct contact with finite beings like us. We came into existence when the Ein Sof voluntarily limited Himself by allowing Himself to become manifest through attributes or "emanation" (the Sefirot), listed as: Crown, Wisdom, Intelligence, Greatness, Strength, Beauty, Firmness, Splendor, Foundation, and Sovereignty. Each emanation would be further removed from the Ein Sof, and thus further from His perfection and transcendence. The Sefirot would be repeated on four different levels, and these realms, according to descent, were called: "Atziluth" (the world of the supernals, or heavenless), "Briah" (the world of creation), "Yetzirah" (the world of formation), and "Assiah" (the world of material action). Taking on a personal form, these Sefirot, as angels, served as intermediaries between God and man. In this theosophy, the Sefirot are viewed as archetypes for everything in the world of creation, an understanding of their workings make clear to the seeker the inner workings of the universe and all of history. The concept is that the Zohar provides a cosmic-symbolic interpretation of Judaism, and of the history of Israel, in which the Torah and commandments - as well as Israel's life in exile - become symbols for events and processes in the inner life of God. Interpreted in this way, the proper observance of the commandments by man takes on a cosmic significance. That's it. From the get-go, the concept of Ein-Sof was a tragic attempt to depersonalize God. After all, no one can relate to an unknowable force. On the other hand, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob IS a knowable, personal God who rejoices over His children with singing and longs to bless them. Jesus said, "When they see me, they've seen the Father." Jesus showed humanity the character and nature of God in the flesh. One author writes, "...any attempt to chart the "inner life" of the Godhead, by means of the Sefirot or any other, is akin to "uncovering the Father's nakedness," a sin of grave disrespect emphasized in the Tenach itself!" The disciplines of Kabbalah include meditative practices that promise to enable individuals to share and participate in the diverse dimensions of God's being. Kabbalistic discipline was also limited to the elite who were highly educated in the texts of Talmudic Judaism prior to their immersion in Kabbalistic studies. Kabbalistic communities soon developed (not unlike today's Kabbalh Centre), generally organized as secret societies of disciples that gathered around a specially gifted mystical teacher (Tziddik). Such communities soon spread all over Europe with increasingly broad appeal among learned Jews - the rich and famous wannabee's, if you will. As the Berg's stated during their 20/20 interview, even though one may not even read Hebrew, the very act of merely LOOKING at the Kaballah will command a blessing! What should be the Christian response to Kabbalah? There are many other aspects of Kabbalah that one can search out on this subject to expose the errancy of this theosophy. Don't waste your time...read your Bible instead. I can hear an old friend of mine saying, "Let the Kabbalah movement grow! Its followers will ultimately come up empty. Finding that it leaves them wanting, we, The Church, must be there to show them unconditional love of Jesus. THAT is all they were ever looking for in the first place!" Prayer is the greatest response to the "Kabbblah Kraze." In today's occult revolution where every dimension of the occult is being explored, there has been a revived interest in Kabbalah among both Jew and Gentile. Yes, its Jewish origin makes it unique, but Kabbalah is still essentially an occultic practice, and is thus incompatible with the Judaeo-Christian faiths. Its Pantheistic theology teaches that all reality springs directly from God's own essence. Even if one believes that these emanations from God's essence have gone through a descent of ten spheres on four different levels, the conclusion is inescapable that even he who is on the lowest level is still of one essence with God; and thus, ultimately, that individual IS God. This belief is nothing short of Pantheism. Pantheism is a concept that is incompatible with the biblical concept God, who created the world out of nothing, not out of Himself. In Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew word for "create" is "bara," referring to something coming out of nothing. Genesis 1:1 debunks Pantheism, the belief that God is IN the creation and IS the creation. God is the tree? He is the rock? He is the building? He is the air? Pantheism holds that God permeates, and, therefore, IS all. I recall a debate with a believer in Pantheism where I asked him if God was in those bird droppings on the fence before us. I believe I heard his mental wheels come to a screeching halt for a moment. "Come now," I said, urging him not to check his brain at the door, "your beliefs are either absolutely true in all instances or they aren't true at all." Pantheism, for those who aren't aware, is a non-biblical world view. The concept is, basically, that only the spiritual dimension exists. Pantheists refer to the perception of material reality as maya, which means illusion. Some Pantheistic religions include Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. Pantheism also forms the basis for Transcendental Meditation and some aspects of New Age mysticism. It should not be confused with believing that God is omnipresent. God IS omnipresent. He is everywhere at once. David could say, "...if I ascend up into heaven, thou (God) art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there," (Psalm 139:8). But God is NOT the created world. In fact, He is completely EXTERNAL to the created world. Worship belongs to the Creator, not His creation. Paul tells us in Romans 1:25 that there will be those "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...." God is related to the world as a sculptor is related to his sculpture, or as an artist is related to his painting, and I am related to this message on my computer screen right now. The sculptor is not the sculpture. The artist is not the painting. The writer is not the writing. The sculpture, painting, and writing are productions. They are produced by the One that creates, and what one creates, can be created again. Perhaps it will be different or it may be better. God is infinite; He existed before the world existed. He still exists, co-existing with the universe and allowing you and me, through Christ Jesus, to become co-laborers with Him for we ARE seated with Him in heavenly places. That's present tense. The universe is finite, having a very definite beginning and ending. The universe will end. Scientists reckon that the sun will shine about five million more years. Then in a great burst of energy, it will swell up, engulf and consume the planets before shrinking into a white dwarf. They claim the sun will eventually burn itself out, and the whole universe will come to a great cataclysmic end. God only knows. The Bible says that heaven and earth WILL pass away (Matthew 24:35). It also states, "...the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, ...the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up," (2 Peter 3:10). 1 Timothy 6:16 says that "the Lord only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto." God created everything just by speaking it into existence. It was not difficult. He's God, you know. "Let there be light and there was light" (Genesis 1:3). Poof! "Let the waters bring forth and they brought forth, Let the earth bring forth and it brought forth" (Genesis 1:20,24). Poof! God was not put to a test to make the universe. Some say, "Mankind was a more difficult product!" God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground; we must not have been TOO tough. Like a mud pie maybe. Poof! He took a rib from Adam's side, spoke a word, and turned it into a woman. Poof! That was not hard for God. This whole creation was not such a magnificent production where God was concerned. To us, it is absolutely unfathomable. With just a little word, it all came to be. It was really easy for the Creator. Genesis1:31declares that in six days, it all came to be, simply through spoken words. Imagine having that kind of an all-pwerful Creator God handling your measely, temporal problems! He WANTS to! Finally, my brethren... Although Kabbalists' insistence upon the inspiration of Scripture in its literal form was commendable, their carrying this point to the extent of seeking to find hidden meaning in its numerical arrangements was just plain unnecessary. Logically speaking, couldn't we apply Kabbalistic methods to almost any piece of literature and draw almost any interpretation from it? "Green eggs 'n Ham" by Dr. Seuss might take on a profound new meaning! Their method of interpretation is neither acknowledged in the Bible, nor justified by it. The application of this method to the Bible have produced interpretations that are not supported by Scripture, and, in fact, produced something directly opposed to it. To any Christian individuals considering the Kabbalah, I would say this: In the words of author Chick Missler, "Recognize that your adventure as a student is unfinished. "Now we see through a glass darkly; then, face to face." Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, each piece takes its significance in how it fits in among those already in place. Forcing it only causes distortions. Withhold judgment until all the key pieces are in place." You may be dissatisfied or disillusioned with your most holy Chrsitian faith but, as my wise ol' mom used to say, "You get out of it what you put into it." Are you studying the Scriptures daily? Fellowshiping with strong believers? Praying? And if you're praying, what is the Spirit saying? Are you listening to His still, small voice? As a disciple, are you practicing the disciplines of the faith, following the examples and studying the teachings set by Christ Himself? If not, then it's no wonder Christianity is leaving you hungry. The delicious banquet has been set before you...but no one's going to force you to partake. Remember the wise counsel of Paul: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ," Colossians 2:8. Yes, Beware! Bottom line: Kabbalah is a mystical, spiritual teaching that emphasizes secret knowledge (old-fashioned gnosticism, addressed by Paul in Colossians, that's still around today). This secret knowledge stands in direct opposition to the way God communicates plainly with us through His Word. "Kabbalah uses animistic principles of superstitious practices to attempt to exert control over the world: numerology, talismans, amulets, and incarnation of divine names and words," to quote from an article on Kabbalah by the Christian Research Institute. Currently, the Kabbalah is spreading like wildfire, consuming disenchanted Jews, Christians and Celebs in its wake as many, if they are not abandoning their traditional faith all together, are trying to create some sort of hybrid faith by using a smorgasbord technique. What will the Church do? What will YOU do? Pass this message on to others now. Someone out there needs to read this today. Go ahead and RATE this article by scrolling to the bottom of the pagre and voting! NEXT, pass this message on to your friends and families. These acts will keep these messages alive in the Search Engines. Do you need ministry? please write Pastor Michael at team1min@aol.com and subscribe to his weekly eMail broadcasts. Pastor Michael has been broadcasting email messages of Discipleship & Encouragement to the Body of Christ since 1999. These days, his messages are crossing the planet, blessing many and maturing multitudes of various denominations - and no denomination at all - as they grow in their most holy faith.
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Universal Salvation: Gods Love and Grace Will Overwhelm All Men! I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service; even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. And yet I was shown mercy, because I acted ignorantly in unbelief; and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am the foremost of all. And yet for this reason I found mercy, in order that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience, as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. - 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Beauty Some people say beauty is only skin deep, others say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like to wonder who proclaim beauty and who decided what is or what is not beauty. Let's see what the Bible says. Look at Eccclesiastes 3:11 it says He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toll-this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Why Cardinal Ratzinger Chose the Name Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papal throne on April 19, 2005, the second day of the conclave. He chose to be known henceforth as Pope Benedict XVI. The cardinal from Germany is the 265th pope in the Catholic Church history. Has God Ever Disappointed You in Prayer? Of a truth, the physical manifestations of God's answers to our prayers do nto come as quikly/immediately as we ask from Him. Why? God answers our prayers each time we pray to Him, but the manifestation of some of these prayers are delayedat times due to reasons best known to God, some of which He in His infinite mercy Has laid in our heart to share with the people of God to strenght and encourage them to pray., because no prayer goes unanswered, only the TIMING of the manifestation matters. The Bible ? Are Some of Its Words More Important Than Others? Is the Old Testament equal in every way to the New Testament? Are the words of the prophets on a par with the words of Jesus? The answer to this question may seem incongruous but it is not, even though the answer is both, yes and no. But don't be confused by this apparent conflict because it is easily explained. Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2 Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon. Ark of the Covenant - Purpose Hold on to your hat! Here comes one of the most, incredible stories of ancient technology, which ranks alongside the use of atomic forces and the 'Lost Chord'. Needless to say the editors of Scientific American who denied the Wright brothers had achieved airborne flight for months after Kitty Hawk won't or wouldn't believe this 'doozy'. I think it is a very good explanation that is part of something even more fantastic which explains the existence of accurate maps from over ten thousand years ago. But I also think these maps might have been the work of Mungo Man or the De Danaan they worked with. Heroes & Villains in the Quest for Spirituality: 100 Significant Characters of the Hebrew Bible Gods 4 Avenues to Reach the Lost During the Tribulation If the Church is raptured off the face of the earth before the 7 year Tribulation starts, then how does God go about getting anyone saved during the 7 year Tribulation if there is no Church or main body of believers left to preach the gospel? The Bible says that a great multitude of people will get saved during the Tribulation. Seeking after the Knowledge of God As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world. All Knowledge and Wisdom Comes Direct From God These next set of verses are the heart and soul of this entire subject matter. All of these verses are telling us that all knowledge and all wisdom come direct from God and Jesus. The first verse will tell you that all the "treasures" of wisdom and knowledge are "hidden" in God the Father and Jesus Christ. Notice that God is comparing knowledge and wisdom with "treasures" and that this treasure is hidden within Himself. Catholic Church Ready to Fall? Americans waited for an explanation of the molestations of thousands of parishioners, they waited for a statement about abuses of power pedophilia and homosexuality of Priests. They did not get more than a little apology, which did not sit well with most Americans. To add further insult to injury Cardinal Law knew of the issues and moved priest from parish to parish, then left the United States to go back to Vatican. Several Priests in high profile cases were arrested and imprisoned. Several more Arch Dioceses went bankrupt. America for War The Americans themselves billed the vote for now President George Bush in the US as a vote for war. Do You Have a Name For Me? MAN: Good afternoon Professor Knowledge. Let me cut to the chase. I am interested in a name whereby salvation can be found. I came to you because you were highly recommended and I need your help desperately. I have been led to believe that salvation is predicated on the schools I have attended and the academic credentials that follow behind my name. Well, I have several degrees and so now I want to know if you have a name that will help me. Do you have a name I can call out to when I get to the chilly banks of Jordan? Please, check out your libraries; your dictionaries, encyclopedias, references, concordances and anything else you have available to you, to see if you can find me a name that will help me when I'm being tossed and driven on the restless sea of time. Look among your Who's Who and see if you have a name whereby my salvation can be found. In other words professor, do you have a name that will save me? The Catholic Obsession with Martyrs and the Question of Pain and Suffering The Catholic Church is kind of like a forest sometimes. Someone on the outside looking in sees nothing but thousands of trees?and most of them look alike. They can see a definite shape to the forest, and elevations that someone inside might miss. On the other hand, they'll never see up-close nature like the plants and animals inside. They can hear about them, but never live through the experience. Undoing a Catholic and an Orthodox Christian Feud There's an anecdote about twins still in their mother's womb. They argued about who should come out first. One of the embryos complained "I'm the most beautiful; I should be born first." Real Nobility And Gods Love Real nobility feeds on its own intrinsic value, as a rightful cause that ought to be served with diligence. Whether it will be rewarded, here below or in the beyond, is a question really noble individuals consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of reward. Their purpose is to live bravely, wisely, fairly, and kindly for the sake of worthiness. Tribute, wealth, and heaven are dispensable pleasures that may or may not crown the delight they take in this purpose. Likewise, whether a lack of nobility on their part would be punished, here below or in the beyond, is a question they consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of punishment. They are noble unconditionally, even in situations of unrestricted liberty, when they could behave ignobly with impunity and do not believe in hell. Unbraveness, unwiseness, unfairness, and unkindness are negative options that offend their sense of right. Accordingly, they shun them. Octopussy The graven image exclusion as told in the Bible certainly wasn't followed by the Popery people. Never has there been a system with so many icons and such a multitude of a Heavenly Host. Yet they call it monotheism. There are well over 1500 saints, archangels, and the other godly cretins including Laddio, Daddio and Spook. Soon there will be many more as the current regime of Luciferians is having many more canonized, including the Pope who did not ex-communicate Hitler (even as they shortly thereafter did so to Ivan Illich). There is only one God if there is any at all. 7 Year Tribulation As you will see in the Scripture verses listed below, the Great Tribulation will last 7 years. At the midpoint of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will seat himself in the Temple of God that will have to rebuilt by the Jewish people. He will proclaim himself to be God. This event is called the abomination of desolation by the prophet Daniel. Jesus Himself specifically refers to this event in the New Testament. Jesus says that once this event occurs, that His people are to literally run for the hills. Jesus says that the last three and half years of the Tribulation set off by the abomination of desolation will be the worst tribulation and time of trouble that the world has ever seen. He says that had these days not been shortened by God the Father, that no flesh would be saved. I feel Jesus is implying that man probably would have destroyed the earth at or shortly after the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist starts to lose control of his empire. Other nations come against him in the battle of Armageddon. With the availability of nuclear weapons, my guess is that the Antichrist may have been willing to "hit the button" if he thought he was going to lose his empire. If he hits the button, chances are the other nations he is going to fight against will also be willing to hit the button, and you thus could end up in a full scale nuclear war. Truth, Justice and the American Way to Boil a Frog Using a good tool over and over doesn't make it any less valuable it only proves its usefulness. That said; let's review the old boiling frog story one more time. A frog accidentally jumps into a pan of water recently placed on the stove. He is comfy and does not try to jump out of the pan. As the water starts to heat up he just enjoys the warmth and as frogs are able to do, he changes the temperature of his blood to match the water temperature. (Don't try this at home, it only works for frogs) With every increase in temperature the frog adjusts and goes on with his lovely little bath. Just as the water reaches the boiling point he goes to make one final temperature adjustment only to discover that he can't. Nature has not provided him with this ability. The result is obviously, death. ![]() |
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