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You and Your Money: Are You Making a GIVING?
A young man who was attending my Coffee Bar Bible studies tossed a $20 bill on the table between us. He said something like "I haven't been sowing anywhere lately" and added that he felt my eMail ministry was as valid as any. Something to that effect. A few years back, my own son handed me some crumpled bills and told me he had grown convicted about regularly supporting my ministry. He's seen the fruit of his dad's labor and wants to "link up" with me. I cannot deny him the blessings of such action. Ah, the power of partnership! These two situations remind me of the importance of addressing the subject of God's Kingdom and our Finances. There's such a blessing in store for those who comprehend this matter. Just last week, two people asked me if anyone supported my ministry and another individual promised to do so. In all honesty, I do NOT want to be lumped in with anyone's concept of money-grubbing ministers. I don't "need" anybody's money to do the things I do for Jesus. Good thing because, frankly, very little Kingdom Cash tends to find its way in this direction. Perhaps making donations to an on-line ministry is still too weird for most people. Frankly, that's too bad. The soil of this ministry is VERY fertile and I can't help but feel that anyone would be very blessed to jump on board and sow their seeds in this direction. I realize the sensitive nature of this subject. Any time I even so much as hinted at this in any of my previous broadcasts, I've received more than a few accusations pertaining to greed, scams, etc., and I've lost a few subscribers. This is a chance I'm willing to take because, fact is, God's people MUST know the truth about giving. So, despite the potential negative outcome, here it is. GOD WANTS YOU! For starters, God doesn't want our money. He wants US! And since our hearts are so inextricably tied to our wallets, we must learn the Kingdom principles regarding finances. The giving of finances is about the closest any of us will ever come to a human sacrifice. Think about it. We give our blood, sweat and tears to earn every dime. It is society's way of measuring what we're worth. Ever wonder why it's so hard to give to a ministry? You can't tell ME there's no devil! And he'll do everything within his power to keep our money steadily slipping away like water from our cupped hands, going every direction except toward God's work. His deceptions and dsitractions are the reason it's so hard for us to sow our finances as we should. A young man selling magazines door to door came to my house one day. He said he was trying to win a trip. I didn't buy any but I couldn't help but notice on his order form that my neighbor had just purchased $26 worth. How easy it is to part with our hard-earned cash on an excursion through a shopping center or to impress another person with our generosity or our "stuff," but when it comes to sowing into the Kingdom, well ... that's quite another matter. It's tough to contribute to an invisible cause the likes of God's Kingdom! To many of us, being a good steward of what God has provided us with is best defined as finding a good deal on something we really didn't need anyway. I know a lady who told her husband she had saved them $200 one day. "How?" he asked. "I bought this pretty $400 comforter for half off," she responded with pride. Yes, we give willingly, cheerfully, to the "causes" of drive-thru restaurants and to check-out counter gadgets and magazines. In America, the average kid spends about $40 per trip to the mall. Their parents, about $80. And our closets and attics are filled with old and broken junk. In contrast, Jesus said, "Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy...," Matthew 6:19, 20. A baby will play with a stack of shiney, jingling pennies and ignore a crumpled old $100 bill. The BLING stikes again. THE TRUTH ABOUT TITHING God doesn't need our money any more than He needed the fruit on the tree in the Garden of Eden. The issue is this: it's called recognized rights. Five-hundred years before the Mosaic Law, Abraham was tithing; Jacob, 250 years before the Law. Once the tithe was implemented, God's people were bound under the Law. Now, under the New Covenant, we should willingly give all we can to build God's Kingdom as His co-laborers. After all, we're citizens in this Kingdom, too, y'know. To build it is only to build into what is now ours anyway! We must become intimately joined to the Kingdom enough for that to ring true to each of us. To those who teach a mandatory 10% AFTER the cross, sorry, but there's no Scriptural evidence that the "storehouse" is an expensive, usually-empty building, property, equipment, musical instruments, or salaries (64% of western church workers are administrative and janitorial - NOT ministerial). No, the storehouse is the Kingdom of God. But there's so little teaching on the Kingdom. The Word of Faith movement of the late 70's and 80's was the cause of many a shipwrecked faith as people developed a "give-to-get" mentality. Name-it-and-claim-it theology certainly had elements of truth within it, but too few ever asked the 'why' questions ... like, why wasn't the preacher in the $400 suit and the fancy Italian shoes teaching this stuff in 3rd world nations? Jesus didn't do it, folks. Neither did Paul. Think of how stress-less ministry would be without all that "stuff" anyway ... and how much more effective we'd be in Kingdom work if we weren't so consumed with running these "spiritual corporations." BETTER TO GIVE! Ephesians 4:28 tells us: "He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to give to those in need." Something to give? The thief must work SO THAT he will be able to give? YES! And if that's expected of the thief, it must certainly apply to the rest of us, eh? That's the Kingdom principle of giving: work so you'll have MORE TO GIVE! Work so you'll have something to sow because, in sowing, you advance the Kingdom. The "making-a-living" mindset is a perversion of truth. It's based upon "self" and encourages humanistic, "all-about-me" thinking. If all we're waking up for each morning is to get back to the grindstone so we can make money so we can buy more stuff so we can impress people we don't know or don't like, getting ourselves into debt requiring that we work even more, even harder... folks, this is a merry-go-round we need to get off of right away! God is our Provider. He wants us to trust Him to be so. Satan wants to "bless" you with all kinds of worldly stuff, too, just as he attempted to "bless" Jesus, so we MUST be careful not to fall into his traps. He knows that giving is a spiritual principle of God's Kingdom and he desires to make it more and more difficult, even unreasonable, to give. "For God so loved the world that He GAVE...," John 3:16. God's a giver and so should His children be. STORING UP TREASURES Christians, make a note: we can NOT satisfy a spiritual need by using natural means. We cannot SPEND ourselves into feeling joyful. There is nothing more than temporal satisfaction in that. All the supposed "needs" that we have to accumulate more of this world's treasures, all of which "moth and rust destroy," are a perversion of the Scriptural truth that we should store our treasures in Heaven. We can't take it with us, but we CAN send some treasures on ahead. Think of it, folks ... the streets of Heaven are paved with gold! Resist busy-ness. In our frenzied fervor to earn more, we're spending less and less of today's gift of God on that which matters; it's called The Present. And where others are concerned, "love" is spelled T-I-M-E. Where time is concerned, let's spend a little more of ours in prayer and in God's Word, shall we? Talk about gifts, time is a gift and the enemy makes sure ours is wasted away. Nothing to give anyone else? Search the cushions of your couch. Remember the widow's mites? In my poorest moment, penniless as I could have ever imagined being, I found I was not above cleaning a church parking lot under a blazing sun and helping an old church janitor move chairs for a few bucks. Mowing lawns, mending fences, pulling weeds... I've learned that it just doesn't matter, as long as it gets me around people so that I might have an opportunity to advance the Kingdom. When I've taken people out on weekend "discipleship" missions, no longer do we pass out tracts or ask people if they'd go to Heaven if they died tonight. Not that these are bad things. No, instead, we work. Mow lawns, move furniture, take out trash, rake leaves. These acts of kindness, performed by people working together who don't even attend the same church, disarm people and inevitably lead to opportunities to pray and minister in other ways. We live a seed-time-to-harvest existence. Are you sowing? Remember, as you go about "making a giving" each day, Jesus said, "Give and it will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap," (Luke 6:38). Thankfully, I'm married to a woman who joins me in this "giver" mentality. We are actively looking for fertile kingdom fields in which to cast our seed. My personal goal is to one day give away 90% of my income. Don't laugh! I know of people who are doing so. Why not me? Why not YOU? How will the blessings come? You may be allowed to keep your job. You may be awarded an inheritance. You may get more hours at work. You may get a pay raise. You may never get sick or have a fender-bender. Be content with your wages, Jesus taught. Trust in God for He knows your needs well in advance. Give to others in every way you can. You can't out-give God (but you can sure out-SPEND Him). Practice self-control (for example, wait 24-hrs before making any purchase on an item over a pre-determined amount), and make your bread-winning efforts a means of making a GIVING, not merely a living. READ 'EM & REAP Prov 4:20-22 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Pastor Michael is founder of t.e.a.m. ministries (team1min@aol.com). His eMail broadcasts, known as "Your Town for Jesus" (SEARCH it!) are reaching tens of thousands WEEKLY. Log on at http://www.PlanetaryMinistry.org Michael's mission is to bring Discipleship and Encouragement to the Body of Christ. Michael is the author of numerous booklets on a subjects that will interest the thinking Christian. Since 1999, he has written and broadcast nearly 500 inspirational articles and a dozen booklets, al designed to accelerate the process of spiritual development in God's people.
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Let Her Be Covered Part Four Again, let's call attention to our text: "Let her be covered." Beauty Some people say beauty is only skin deep, others say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like to wonder who proclaim beauty and who decided what is or what is not beauty. Let's see what the Bible says. Look at Eccclesiastes 3:11 it says He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toll-this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Belonging to Jesus Christ In the name of Jesus, what shall we do in the time of grief. We do know that the failing of the Louisiana dams must be corrected. I like to know what the world thinks about this so call great country that have people so poor or disable that they can't even afford a bus ticket out of a city that is drowning, and the government wouldn't even make any provision for them to leave. This land so great a free, where were you in our time of need, that's right I forgot you were so greedy. You take our money and line you and your buddies pockets, and then say we don't want or fit the bill for it. We made your country what it is today. We paid for it with force labor, low wages and long sufferings, from war's past and present. Well let's see what the Bible says about this. First look at 2Corinthians 1:3 it says Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any troubles with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation, if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. Moslem America Part 2 2 Corinthians 2:6-2:14 The Emmaus Journal ~ What Kingdom Are You Looking For? The Emmaus Journal Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind... Revealing It is written in Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the word of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Speaking of Speaking in Tongues A young bible college student once wrote and told me how the college she attends has been teaching that "speaking in tongues" is the sole evidence that one is filled with the Spirit and that no one WAS filled with the Spirit UNLESS they've spoken in tongues. Apparently, that didn't sit well with her and she wanted my opinion. Philippians 2:1-18 -- Seek Unity Through Humility This passage begins (2:1-4) with a call to unity that includes basic tenets of Christianity. This passage links with 1:27 and the concern for how the Philippians live. Again, Paul draws on his relationship with them. It is because of that relationship that he can correct their behaviour and attitude. Dante and Hell DANTE: - Dante Alighieri is the tour guide of Hell. In fact you could say he is the creator of Hell if you did not understand he was directed and encouraged as others were being forced to write and create all manner of graven images and religious icons or treatises to support Hell, Satan and the whole dogma of 'sins and demons'. The Church owned all creative work because such creative things came from God and they were the representatives of this God. Nice scam if you can make it work ? eh? Here is a little academic insight into how he also was tasked to diminish the perception of prior seers and wise people. Organized Religion is Great for Humanity; Rants from Lance Organized Religion has served mankind well, by uniting civilization and societies for thousands of years. God bless organized religion indeed. More so let us pay tribute to the great religious leaders of our largest and most well organized religions. One cannot think of a better or higher authority than those who are leaders of religious organizations. For instance the new pope and former Nazi Youth, the BTK murderer who was President of his Lutheran Church or the many Bishops and Priest who molest our innocent children? All in the name of god and organized religion, isn't it so wonderful that these organization help us lowly humans with our questions, self-doubts and inadequacies. What on Earth would we do without such humble and moral leaders of our organized religion. 123 ABC Numbers in the Bible Simply Amazing Underneath the Hebrew and Chaldee of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament there is hidden an extraordinary disposition of numbers which cannot be explained away by human intelligence. In order to understand this we must remember that none of these languages had symbols for numbers such as we have (1,2,3,4, etc). Instead of numeric symbols they made use of the letters of their alphabet so that a = 1, b =2 etc. One can easily see then that a word could be looked at in two ways, either as a word or as a series of numbers which could be added up to a total. For instance, the Greek word for "word" is "logos". If looked at from a numerical standpoint its value would be l =30, o ? 70, g = 3, o = 70, s = 200; total 373. The numerical value of "logos" is therefore 373. Do Not Believe All You Read In The Holy Books Observation shows that human creative activity has a physical, a social and a spiritual aspect. (By human creative activity I mean useful and constructive activity by human beings). The physical aspect of our creative activity concerns our activity in relation to the physical universe. The social aspect relates mainly to human behaviour and interaction amongst humans. The spiritual aspect of our creative activity primarily concerns our activity in relation to God. Over time, mankind has acquired considerable knowledge of the physical universe. This knowledge has been classified as the physical and natural sciences. Knowledge we have acquired of human behaviour and interaction amongst humans has been classified as social science. This has not been the case with knowledge we have of the spiritual aspect of life. Such knowledge has not been classified as spiritual science. This is so because much of what at present constitute spiritual facts and beliefs cannot be considered as science. A lot of such facts are not backed by proof and many of the beliefs are not founded on reason. Unverifiable conjectures about phenomena and existence beyond this life are professed as truths. The situation at present is such that spiritual works available to us contain fiction, misconceptions, superstition and falsehood in addition to actual facts. I will use some examples from the Christian teaching and Holy Bible to illustrate this point. The Snake Charmers - Part 1 2 Kings 9:30-9:36. How many her today believe in the existence of, witches, war-locks and sorcerers? If you noticed, my hand was up first. Now were not talking about halloween and spook-s and goblins. witches with bumps on their noses, flying brooms or black cats or anything the like. I'm talking about, Spell Casters and Po-shun Makers and Predictors, Psychics, Mediums, Numerology, Astrology-st, Horoscope Writers, Satan Worshipers, Observers of Times, Diviners believe it or not the world is full of such people, that believe in what their doing. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 3) As senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York, Fosdick preached a sermon one Sunday in 1922 that aroused the righteous indignation of fundamentalists and he suddenly found himself at the center of a heated theological controversy. In order to understand the tension that existed between fundamentalism and modernism, it is necessary that I briefly delineate the fundamentalist position at that time. Truth or Consequence Prime probability: Death of an American,The Death of Decency John 16:2-3:16 Praying Effectively ? Understanding How To Pray Part 2 In our last study, we looked at understanding prayer. In this study we will be focusing on how to pray effectively. Let Her Be Covered Part Three Now, let's recall again the text: "Let her be covered." That is God's decree. Under Siege! This Article is the result of another hard night of realizing the fact that the Church is falling into deception. This was a particularly hard night for me. The first 15 paragraphs of this Article were written while I literally balled my sorry eyes out. (I just had a major eye transplant surgery, so that was not a comfortable experience). I was happy that my wife went to bed before the tears started. I just felt so sorry and sad for the things that are happening in America today, as what probably amounts to the greatest country the earth has ever seen is reduced to another fascist, police state, basking in religious bigotry. I am not marveled by that too much, I mean this is what the kingdoms of this world do, it's no big surprise. ![]() |
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