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End of the World | Predictions Prophecies How and When
It's the End of the World as we know it... When did you think the world population would annihilate itself... i.e. bring about the End of the World... 2012! Yes... 2012 would announce the End of the World as it is today. Imagine as of now... a world without computers and mobiles... what shall be the shape of the world to come... would it not mean the end of the world! End of the world is not merely a saying; its implications would vary from place to place and country to country. Nostradamus predicted the End of the World in 1994, 1998 and also 2012. Why? If the End of the World did not occur in 1998, it was merely because the entire population of the world sensing the impending danger of the world war engrossed itself in massive prayers... this led to the delaying of the End of the World as it is today! Every passing day brings us nearer to End of the World. Why? Even a layman can understand the catastrophe human beings are landing themselves in because of the breaking down of the family and the moral values in daily life. Literally the human beings as of today find indulgence in materialistic tendencies as humorous and entertaining. The happenings in Iraq and Afghanistan are a testimony to this absolute truth. The end of the world shall accompany with itself a fight to the finish between Christianity and Islam. End of the World is imminent for the trust between various countries, religions and castes is coming to an end. The faith lost shall only lead us towards the End of the World. There is no escape for the upheaval of the society is not possible without a looming World War Three. Every revolution... every sacrifice carries with it the seed of the oncoming golden era. As of today when the manifest science is at its peak... in a short while from now and around 2012 we shall witness the End of the World... the most ghastly event that the humanity as of today shall face. Who shall survive this End of the World phenomenon? Everyone... nay every human being for that matter who has a positive balance of Karma shall survive. One may witness a missile exploding at a short distance... the gods will shall save us from experiencing the rigors of the holocaust. Everyone with Punya Karma (positive balance of Karma) in balance shall experience a win-win situation. End of the World Prediction by Nostradamus and others astrologers is purely based upon the balance of Karma of the total mankind at any given point of time. When the End of the World shall be can be assessed with fair accuracy as of now. The End of the World does not mean a doom for the mankind... it shall only be a revival of the cherished golden values in the society. After the End of the World occurrence... the society shall again start from the basics... with no science to support initially... the mankind shall as stated by Einstein begin life as man had experienced it during the Stone Age. The balance of Karma of the total humanity as of today indicates the looming danger around 2012. Every Era (Yuga) indicates the arrival of a Sanatana Purusha (manifest god himself)... one who is much above the level of man gods like Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. This true son of god... imbibed with godly powers shall be able to scale the barriers that separates the societies and the countries all over the globe. He shall completely overall the existing social and moral values of the society which result in the End of the World predictions. One who carries with him the conviction of Napoleon Bonaparte, the bulldog determination of the Winston Churchill, the humility which formed part of Mahatma Gandhi, the compassion of Buddha, the persistence which forms part of every Indian, and the flawless dedication for mankind as experienced in Madame Curie... all the powers combined shall be the forte of the representative of God the Almighty on mother earth. One who shall uplift the values of the society back to their pedestal and bring back the society from the rigors of End of the World and usher it into a new era... One who delivers the mankind from the presently existing ills...? Sri Kalki Bhagavan... who shall he be? Nostradamus has predicted one with a blue turban shall rule the world after the End of the World. Many all over the world who try to interpret this particular quatrain of Nostradamus do it wrongly. Quatrains by Nostradamus are not to be literally interpreted. One has to search for the hidden inner values in each and every quatrain. Nostradamus in his quatrain by the blue turbaned one... simply meant that the advent of the true son of God shall be from a land which is of the shape of a blue turban... a piece of land surrounded by water on two sides... like in a turban. The peninsular shape of India which is surrounded by seas and oceans on two sides confirms this. The blue turbaned one shall be from India... the country which produced Sri Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and also Prophet Mohammed. India has since times immemorial been considered the place of worship and wisdom. And India shall pay a significant role in the End of the World saga. Those who practice compassion and forgiveness in the face of the most extreme adversities are the true spiritual torch bearers of the society. The values practiced in India have no parallel in mankind. You hit on the one face and the other turns over... such was the compassion and forgiveness practiced by Mahatma Gandhi! End of the World flash, End of the World cartoon, End of the World video and end of the world lyrics confirm that the End of the World is very near. As of today none wants to face the disastrous End of the World! Yet, we do not have a remedy! Why not all of us brace ourselves for the most tragic happening of the era... the End of the World! Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on nostradamus End of the World predictions prophecies How and when? subscribe free Newsletter "Spiritual Secrets Unveiled" - For more on End of the World prediction visit - End of the World
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Cloning: Is the Human Being Unique? I am not discussing here whether cloning is evil. [I think it is a dangerous attempt to play God]. What I want to say here is that also cloned humans are unique like anybody else. We are not material machines without a ghost. God gave us the breath of life. Also it says in the Holy Bible that God is forming (present participle) our spirits within us (Zech. 12.1). {For the theologians among us: the human being is born neither in accordance with an Aristotelian Thomistic 'creationism' [the idea that God creates the spirit apart from the body and somehow 'puts' it into it (as it were through a 'backdoor'; Aristotle: thurathen)], nor according to a traducionism à la Tertullian and the Apollinarians [the idea that essentially in Adam all humans were contained]. There must be a very intertwined work between both the breath of life given to Adam and the genetic material on the one hand and the life of a human spirit as it develops over the course of a lifetime through the workings of God}. Cloning is not as unique as some probably think. God has been making clones from the beginning of time. For identical twins are more or less clones of each other. The only difference is that an artificial clone is younger than her twinsister, (who is also her 'mother'; except in the case of a male clone). The Purpose of Creation: the Kabbalah of Transformation "I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details". ? Albert Einstein The Rise And Fall Of Babylon According to the Book of Revelations, the city of Babylon has to be rebuilt once again. This is another key event for everyone to really keep an eye on. Prophecy scholars are divided in their opinion as to whether or not the city of Babylon will literally be rebuilt again. After studying the verses mentioned below - I believe that the Bible is using literal interpretation and it is meaning exactly what it is saying. If this is correct - then the city of Babylon will once more be rebuilt so God can literally wipe this unholy city off the face of this earth! Life as Simulator Recently I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our will and strength of character in a variety of situations. He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work. The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. Tongue of the Power The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Proverbs 20: 5. It has been said that to be careful what you ask for you just might get it. The Bible says; ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7. What a blessing to know that whatever you ask for you will receive it as long as it is in line with the word of Jesus Christ. Did you know that we have powerful tools we can use which is our speech, and minds. The Bible tells us over and over again that if we ask for anything in Jesus name we shall receive it. Church Retreat and Church Retreats Church retreats are an excellent way to involve the church in an important part of church involvement. Offering a church retreat creates community and support with the people closest to you spiritually. Planned correctly, a church retreat can be excellent for the church's overall well-being. How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. Paul?s Letter to 21st Century Christians Dear Readers, I received a letter this week that is written in Greek that I have translated and would like to share with you. It is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and it is addressed to: all my brothers and sisters living in the 21st century. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. What They Mean By Child-Like Faith Prv:18:2 A Fool Receiveth Not The Words Of Prudence: Unless Thou Say Those Things Which Are In His Heart The Bible ? Are Some of Its Words More Important Than Others? Is the Old Testament equal in every way to the New Testament? Are the words of the prophets on a par with the words of Jesus? The answer to this question may seem incongruous but it is not, even though the answer is both, yes and no. But don't be confused by this apparent conflict because it is easily explained. Rise of the Antichrist, False Prophet and a 10 Nation Confederacy The Bible says that an unholy trinity will arise in the latter days. This unholy trinity will be Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Satan is called the Dragon in Revelations. He has always wanted to be like God, if not God, and this will be his one and only chance to actually "play God" in the last 7 years on earth. Satan will take the role of God the Father, the Antichrist will take the role of Jesus and the False Prophet will take the role of the Holy Spirit. Is Buddhism A Religion? Buddhism is a teaching which has spread worldwide absorbing the culture of each country it arrived in, which has resulted in many expressions of Buddhism. Each strand, no matter how varied in nature and practice, holds a common emphasis on the impermanence of human life. The worldwide spread of Buddhism means that it is now practiced by over three hundred million people worldwide, and thus, is generally considered to be a world religion. However, its authenticity as a religion has often come under scrutiny by intellectuals in the Western world. To explore whether Buddhism can in fact be counted as a religion we must acknowledge that the main problems arise when looking for a definition of what a religion is. Either, definitions have proved too narrow excluding many belief systems which people believe are religious, or they become too broad which means that any structure can be counted. When applying varying definitions of religion to Buddhism we come up with some very contradictory answers; some which say that Buddhism is simply a philosophy or teaching, whilst others will prove that it is in fact, a religion in practice. Fall of a Nation Jeremiah 51:6-51:18 Babylon is Fallen. Is the United States, Spiritual Babylon? Housing Katrina Victims! Information many have been looking for! What If? -- Musings on the Tsunami Thumbing through Isaiah recently I was startled to find this: after a passage (in Isaiah 19) in which the prophet describes horrors that caused the hearts of the Egyptians to "melt within them," he predicts that "the people will turn to the Lord, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them." The next lines describe how three bitter enemies-Egypt, Assyria, and Israel-will "worship together" and how all three will become "a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, 'Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.'" What a picture! Theology, Hollywood Style After years of watching TV shows and movies, I think I have finally gotten a grasp on Hollywood's theology and it's not a pretty picture (pun intended). It should come as no surprise to anyone that Hollywood's theology is vastly different from that of the average American. After all, Hollywood's morals and values are not representative of Middle America, so why should its theology be any different? Hollywood's theology is comprised of three basic tenets. The Athiests Enigma As an ancient African-American gospel song laments, life is filled with complications, sorrows and defeats for everyone. At times life can become an unmitigated horror as the world slowly but surely converts every plant that grows and ever creature that is born into fertilizer to feed future doomed generations. Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2 Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon. How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else How does a Christian really handle negative feelings and emotions when they start to set in as a result of being wronged by others - especially if the wrong has been vicious and nasty? ![]() |
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