Sales Management Information

Not Enough Fresh Sales Leads? Marketing is the New Sales

Your sales are down and leads are rare. The phone?s not ringing. Let?s blame marketing!

Getting Off The Advertising And Sales Rollercoaster

Seeing the results of advertising your business can be like watching a roller coaster. The day you run your ad you see a flurry of activity; your ph0ne starts ringing, your web site traffic increases and/ or potential clients visit your store. Your hopes soar. sales go up. Two or three days pass and the response goes down. You look at the bill for the advertising and your jaw drops. Your hopes descend.

Increase Your Sales - Accept Credit Cards

Many people today simply prefer the convenience of paying by credit card. If you want their business, you must be able to accept their credit-card payments.

Increase Your Sales Accept Credit Cards, Part 2

In part two we will discuss overcoming objections, which credit cards to accept and using the check paying option.

4 Marketing Myths Threaten Your Sales

These 4 marketing myths can cause you to lose sales if you base your marketing decisions on them. But the related marketing tips I included with each myth will boost your sales if you act on them instead.

The Sales Carpenter

I remember moving my family to Argentina as Vice President of Sales for Latin America. I was in charge of managing five regional offices, Argentina of course being one of them.

Transforming Your Sales Force by Creating Specific Expectations

I just finished a phone call with a potential client who had called to discuss a problem. His 18 person sales force was paid on straight commission. All had been with the company for 8 - 15 years and were earning healthy incomes. His problem was that he couldn't get them to do what he wanted them to do. Here's the example he shared.

Raise Concern About Sales Competition, Not About Yourself

As you are reading this sales article, read very carefully. Because I wouldn't want you to think of a pig right now. No, do not think of a fat, brown, smelly pig right this moment. What are you doing? Do you have a picture of a smelly, fat, brown pig in your head right now? I thought I just told you not to do that. What are you doing then?

Speed-up Your Sales Cycle

This week's article is my response to a question by David Cohen of Bridge-Soft.

Sales Tactics to Beat Your Competition

This month I want to share a success from a friend and customer of mine. You'll find in this story two important sales tactics for beating your competition.

Discounting Your Way Into Sales Oblivion

I don't even like saying the word d---------g. I have literally obliterated it from my dictionary with a black marking pen. I'll bite my tongue until it bleeds, before I say the word.

Sales Plan? Whats a Sales Plan?

In the past, if you said the word ?plan? to me, I would bolt and run. I?m the ?creative type,? a former ballet dancer and choreographer?I?m terrible with details. When I was dancing professionally, all the details were taken care of; all I had to do was show up and dance. Even when I was choreographing, as long as I met my deadline for when the dance needed to be complete, I could go with the moment, go with the impulse and see where the dance led.

10 Things to Help Your Business When Sales Are Slow During the Holidays

Twiddling your thumbs and waiting for some business to come in? Why not use this downtime to set yourself up for greater success in the new year? Here are my 10 picks, but you don't have to do them all. Even doing just one will get you another rung higher on your business ladder.

3 Steps To Getting A Sales Meeting

The best way to get a new customer is to clearly identify who you want to do business with and then get in front of them. They can then see what you look like, possibly see what your product looks like and also examine any data or statistics you might have. It gives you the ideal opportunity to start building a positive working relationship with your potential customer.

How To Use A Powerful Leadership Tool To Step Up Sales Results

Good sales people can close, but few "step up" for even more sales from that close. Yet stepping up should be one of the easiest accomplishments in sales ? that is if you know how to build the staircase.

More Articles from Sales Management Information:
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

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