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Instant Rapport: The Key to Sales Success
Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did you feel with that person? Did you trust him? Chances are that you have very high rapport with that person. Rapport means harmony between people. When people share rapport, they speak the same language. When people don't have rapport, it is as if one person is speaking Greek and the other person is speaking Chinese. There is no common understanding. RAPPORT AND SELLING Sales research has shown that over 90% of the sales process is based on having a good rapport with the prospect. You may have the best coverage for your client and you may represent the most reputable firm(s), however, if you don't have rapport, your prospect will find a reason to buy from another agent. We usually develop rapport easily with people who are like us. It is very difficult to understand or feel comfortable with people who are not like us. We perceive them as strange. We judge others based on how we see the world. Before we can try to talk about how we can satisfy our prospect's needs, we have to get him prepared to listen to us. We do this by getting him to trust us -- by developing rapport. BUILDING RAPPORT How do we develop rapport? Most independent insurance professionals realize that rapport is an important part of the sales process, so they try to develop rapport with their prospects before trying to "sell them." They try to establish a common bond by engaging in small talk. Unfortunately, only 7% of the words we use to communicate get through to others. However, 38% of our tonality and 55% of our physiology or body language are communicated very effectively. One of the most powerful ways we can develop rapport is through physiology. There is a technique called mirroring which allows us to develop rapport very quickly. What you do is mirror the other person's physiology or body movements. If the person leans back in the chair, you lean back. If the person crosses her legs, you cross your legs. If the individual sits forward, you sit forward. Your goal is to get your prospect to feel comfortable with you being there so she will be open to what you have to say. Mirroring is very subtle. Wait several seconds before shifting your body to match your prospect. Mirroring is a continuous and fluid process so as your prospect moves around, you continue to change your body movements to remain in rapport. One word of caution -- don't mimic. If your prospect scratches her nose, don't follow or she may realize what you are doing and get very insulted. PRACTICE MAKES SALES The technique of mirroring takes practice to learn effectively. Try it on your family and friends so it becomes a natural skill for you to use. When you become proficient at using this technique, your prospect will not realize what you are doing. He will only feel extremely comfortable with you because you are so much like him. Remember, 90% of the sales process is rapport. Use the technique of instant rapport and watch your closing ratio soar! About The Author Della Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who inspires people to achieve greater success from the inside out. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to mailto:subscribe@dellamenechella.com.
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Leverage Avoidance Values for Irresistible Selling What are values? Values are filters that everyone uses to help make sense of all the information we must process before we make a decision. When you appeal to a person's values you speak directly to their decision-making criteria. The Canned Sales Pitch Myth Canned or scripted sales approaches are rarely successful, because one size does not fit all in selling. How to Build a Repeat Client Base in Automobile Sales Here is a question I recently received from a young automobile salesperson: Emotions That Sell, Part 2 In the last article, we looked at three emotions (besides fear and greed) that you can use to connect with your prospects and enrich your marketing campaigns. This time, we're digging a little deeper into the sales psyche. See if you can "connect" with these feelings: Simple Technique for Isolating Objections To isolate any objection quickly you can use this effective and powerful sentence - "Aside from "that" is there anything else?"Here's how it works: You're a water softener salesperson, I'm your prospect. In the qualifying steps of the sales process you have identified a few concerns that I've shared with you:1. Cost 2. Financing 3. Company CredibilityLet's review and address these individuallyYou say: "Teri, you mentioned three areas of concern - cost, financing, and company credibility. Aside from these 3 concerns, is there anything else?"My response: "No."Your response: "Of these three, which is most important to you?"My Response: "Financing."Your response: "When you say financing, could you be more specific?"My response: "I have recently emerged from bankruptcy and am concerned about being approved."Your response: "Aside from bankruptcy, are there any other financial issues?"My response: "No."Your response: "OK, if financing is your primary concern and we can work that out, would you move forward on completing the application process today?"My response: "No."Your response: "Is there a specific reason?"My response: "Yes, I'm concerned about the total cost of the unit."Your response: "When you say the total cost are you referring to the total cost of the unit and interest - or are you referring to the monthly investments?"My response: "The monthly investments."Your response: "Let's talk about what would be comfortable for you on a monthly basis so that I'm in a better position to help you move forward and not only receive the water softener but begin the process of repairing your credit as well."My response: "OK."Your response: "The monthly payment will be determined by three things: The down payment, if any, the term of the financing, and the interest rate. Will you be putting any money down?My response: "No."Your response: "What dollar amount between $100 and $200 per month would you be comfortable with?"My response: "$125.00 would be comfortable."Your response: "OK, if we're in a position to finance you with no money down and payments of $125.00 per month, would you move forward with completing the application while we're together today." My response: "Yes."You're probably wondering what happened to the company credibility issue. It really wasn't a concern at all, as identified when continuing to isolate the real objection - MONEY. Recap: The purpose of this simple, yet powerful sentence ("Aside from "that" is there anything else?"), is to eliminate all objections prior to the "close." 10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales Would you like to multiply your web site sales? Or course you would, who wouldn't? :) Then take a close look at the following 10 killer ways to multiply your sales... 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You're walking away from a lot of easy sales if you don't encourage prospects to ask questions. What You Can Learn From The Movie Business Maybe everything you need to know you can learn from the movies. A friend of mine is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. Over a glass of wine, we were discussing his business and the nature of the beast in Hollywood. He's a boy from Canada who gave up his much-loved Honda, his life savings, and his broadcasting career to move to Los Angeles to attend the American Film Institute. Not an easy feat in your mid-30s. After 8 years of hard work he is now becoming the new discovery of LA. He said the most difficult thing to adjust to was all the talking. ![]() |
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