Success Secrets Of A Famous Vacuum Salesperson

I have to admit, I have an 'addiction'.

Sometimes this addiction keeps me up to 3 am, sometimes it causes me to work 7 days a week.

Many times this addiction is healthy, but I will confess that sometimes it's not.

No, my addiction isn't drugs or alcohol, it's something much more powerful. "Mike, what is it?"

I'm addicted to studying successful people in all areas of life and taking from them things that can help me and my business.

I've had this 'addiction' for a while and I think it's getting worse. :}

There are so many people in hundreds of different industries doing amazing things that we can learn from.

Recently, I started to become fascinated with the 80-year plus master vacuum salesperson David Oreck.

Have you seen his TV commercials or print ads? He and his company are everywhere.

The guy is a master salesperson and entrepreneur.

In doing some research about him, I found many intriguing success principles and I want to share 2 of them with you today:

1) The Importance of a Coach/Mentor - David Oreck gives a ton of credit to the late David Sarnoff who was instrumental in the development of radio and TV.

David Oreck learned a great deal about selling, communication, and having a vision. And he transferred those skills to his own business.

(If you're serious about changing your life quickly, I have set aside 47 more success assessments with one of my top success coaches. These assessments will get you focused and help you quickly reach your dreams, go here: )

2) The Power of Sticking to the Fundamentals - After reading many, many articles about David Oreck, the one point I noticed he kept emphasizing that was instrumental to his success is sticking to the fundamentals.

Ask yourself:

What are the fundamental keys and action steps to succeeding at my line of work?

Pick 1 and start working on it today.

Becoming a huge success isn't necessarily a complex thing; it's taking consistent steps forward, learning from your mistakes, understanding the business you're in?and never giving up.

David Oreck has been living these principles for decades and if you start applying them in your life, you'll SEE huge progress toward your dreams.

Now back to my addiction: I love it. :} But I probably need a bit of moderation at times.

I'm committed to sharing with you tips and strategies that have helped me to live my dreams at 31 years old and my CHALLENGE to you is this: apply 1 new thing you learn each week.

Do one thing today you don't feel like doing, but if you do, it will move you forward.

YOU can do it.

Talk to you soon.

Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman 'a modern day Napoleon Hill' and at the age of 30 he's already shared the stage with well-known speakers such as Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Proctor.

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