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Sell Yourself - Sell Anything!
Each of us sells every single day. We are all sales people. How well we sell directly affects our lifestyles, friendships, and family life. Professional sales people spend their entire careers consciously selling products and services. They attend sales trainings and seminars. They listen to motivational tapes and CDs in the cars to stay optimistic in the face of the inevitable continuous stream of 'Nos' every salesperson hears daily. Selling is the world's oldest profession. It is in your blood, and you know how to do it. Follow just a few simple steps and rules to selling, and considerably improve your life and your relationships. My definition of a sale is the connection between a buyer's needs and a seller's benefit. This sounds basic and it is. Using this definition, what is the process for a easy-to-make sale? 1. The seller must know the buyer's needs. 2. The buyer must believe his needs are completely fulfilled by the seller's benefits. In a perfect world, if #1 and #2 are met, there is a sale. Why is it not a perfect world? Here are common problems in a sale. 1. The buyer, much less the seller, truly knows his own needs. He may think he knows, and the seller may believe this erroneous thinking. To sell anything, all sellers must practice the art of questions. Good sales people ask questions until the buyer's pain is discovered. Since all buying is emotional, discovering pain or problems usually also uncovers the buyer's true needs. 2. The seller does not know, and/or does not communicate to the buyer the benefits that answer the needs of the buyer. Unless the buyer clearly understands the benefits of service or product he is purchasing will solve the need, there will always be doubt about the sale. Many times the seller knows the feature of their product or service, but not the benefit. For instance if I were selling a fireman's charity ticket to a friend I would not say "Buy this ticket because the fire department needs your money." I would use a benefit like this; "The money you invest in this ticket will support your fire department. What this means to you is better and faster response times with better paid, more qualified fireman coming to save your house or your life." See how I convert a feature (help the fire department) into a benefit (save your house or life)? Practice this concept every time you want to sell. Take the time to find out the needs of anyone you are trying to sell anything whether it is an idea, a product, or a service. Using your knowledge, match your benefits to the needs, communicate it properly and you have a sale! Your Coach and online friend, Miami Phillips Helping others find their path - and stay on it. http://www.creativemasterminds.com Quotation of the Week - "When one teaches, two learn." --Robert Half About The Author Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at http://www.creativemasterminds.com or send him an email at Coach@creativemasterminds.com
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Failed Salespeople Share Similar Traits We are each responsible for our own success - or failure. Winning at a career in sales is no exception. To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach. Prevention of failure is an important part of that process. If you find yourself saying "I'm not cut out for sales," "I'm not pushy enough," "I hate cold calling," "I can't take the rejection," or "My manager is a jerk"-you are heading down the wrong path. 5 Powerful Tips To Persuasion! Having excellent persuasion skills is one of the most important abilities to possess in today's fast-paced world. We all need the support and cooperation of others in helping us reach our own personal goals. The saying that "no man is an Island" is an undeniable truth. Curiosity and How It Effects Your Business Proposition The first 15 seconds of your approach are the most important seconds of your entire sales presentation. You must instill curiosity in the mind of your prospect. It is a form of interest. As people, we are curious by nature. Curiosity wants to be informed. This state of mind is just where you want your prospect to be in at the beginning of your sales talk. Secrets That Lead To Failure In Sales Let's be realistic nobody really wants to be labeled a failure when it comes to sales, unfortunately many business minded people are just that when it comes to selling their product or service. I have gathered a few tips I'd like to share that can prevent you from succeeding in sales and ultimately cost you your business. Selling Yourself - Its Not About You I recently found myself suffering from a lousy cold; all the coughing, snuffling and sneezing symptoms which send other people running for cover. Sales Predator Or Professional Sales Rep From a customer's perception, it's easy for a salesperson to come across as a predator. If the customer views you as the predator, he probably sees himself as the prey. Your initial impression will greatly influence if there is going to be a lasting relationship. How to Maximize Sales by Minimizing Windshield Time During the late 1980's I was a field sales representative for a computer distributor, selling computer systems and peripherals in and around Los Angeles, California. The traffic was horrendous, and the time I wasted driving to and from appointments just drove me crazy (no pun intended). The ?Finding Common Ground? Sales Technique, Is A Myth! Almost every book, manual, workshop or tape series teaching selling skills, will at one point suggest that you need to find something in com-mon with your prospective customer or client, in order to produce a trusting relationship. The thinking behind this suggestion is that if you find you have something in common with a decision-maker, somehow a bond or trust will be formed from a shared interest or mutual acquaint-ance. It is true that people buy from people like themselves, so on the surface this selling technique seems like a reasonable method to produce positive feelings in a prospect, customer or client. But, finding something in common with a decision-maker just takes too long in today's fast paced selling environment and often is too difficult to uncover to build the trusting relationship that actually produces sales success. Just Ask For the 'big three' automobile sales consultants, the 'employee discount pricing' has made it to easy to sell. It has been great for a change. But... don't let this style of 'short cut selling' sales process continue or you will lose sales! You must deliver a complete, positive, sales process, with NO short cuts, to sell successfully now. Without the hype of the last months you need to deliver a better buying experience to the car shopper or you will walk to many buyers into the open arms of the next salesperson. (As a dealer or sales team leader, schedule a fall Skill Specific Coaching workshop for your sales team to get them back on track. Dave@Automotivator.com ) Closing The Sale So -- you've just gotten off of the phone with a potential client. You've explained what you do and how you can help them -- and they still didn't end up hiring you. Where did you go wrong? You are EXPERIENCED, you are professional -- and yet you seem to have a hard time turning those leads into paying clients. Perhaps you are approaching the situation from the wrong perspective. Maybe you are focusing too much on the sale and not enough on the potential for a RELATIONSHIP with this person. A Simple Sales Strategy: Talk to Yourself! You are about to speak to a potential client, go to a networking meeting or give a presentation. What should you be saying to yourself in those few minutes beforehand? If you spend that time saying what I propose below, you will effortlessly and naturally become very attractive to your potential clients. This approach is very powerful, I promise you. Seven Critical Qualifying Questions Training your salespeople to not waste time working unqualified accounts, or building relationships with the wrong people in qualified companies is imperative to the long the term success of our sales team and your company. Sales Skills for the Non Sales Professional Have you ever wondered how in the heck you're going to do it? You are a lawyer who wants to make partner, an accountant, an engineer or other professional and part of your business plan is that you have to attract business customers? You've always detested selling, and you can't see yourself doing it! As a matter of fact, sales people are a HUGE turn off to you!!! Make More Sales By Creating How To Use It Product Updates Do you have any idea what your customers have experienced from using the products they have purchased from you? Most of the vendors I work with make a sale and move on. They often don't bother investing much time improving the products they sell to their customers, much less develop ways to help them better understand how to use them. A very small minority of vendors have continued to send me unsolicited free bonus 'how to use it' follow-up emails and publications long after I made my purchase from them. And whenever I receive something like this, it almost always compels me to take another look at the product I purchased ? because anything that helps me understand more ways to use what I already own is pretty useful to me. How to Build Rapport in 7 Seconds! I had my first official sales training by a man who believed in being very assertive, almost pushy. At the time this conflicted with my reserved nature, and for the next 6 months didn't even make one sale. Really WINNING Over Customers Three qualities are needed to sell anything in life. They are: 7 Phrases You Cant Say in Sales 7 Phrases You Can't Say in Sales Increase Your Sales Without Spending Another Cent Many home business owners lament they don't have enough cash to pay for online advertising to propel their business forward. Before slipping down this foolhardy slope, make sure you are being the best you can be and doing the best with what you already have. Date Your Customer! Yes, you heard me right; I said "Date your clients!" Just think about it for a moment-what did you do when you first met your significant other? You probably went through a series of questions so you could find out a little bit more about each other. Next you say something like, "We should go do something sometime." They gave an answer that showed they were interested, and you went forward with the dreaded "Do you want to go out Friday night?" question. Putting yourself totally on the line you felt vulnerable and scared to death! When they said "yes" you breathed a sigh of relief, and started to get to know each other to see if a long-lasting relationship was in order. How to Sell a Feeling To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them ? it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody gets it right. What you must always bear in mind when you are selling something is that you are not selling an item or object ? you are selling a feeling. ![]() |
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