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Are You Deaf? Dumb? Blind at Trade Shows?
I'm constantly amazed how otherwise smart marketeers become deaf, dumb and blind at a show. I remind clients - You = Your Company - so when the company rep is incompetent, it reflects on everything about the company. DEAF? Not really deaf, but not aware of the gist of the conversation. Interaction at trade shows is quick, maybe with nods and incomplete sentences. There's a tendency to let your ears slide over important words. Often you, as the staff person, are so intent on making the pitch that the words just tumble out, not giving the visitor an opportunity to break in with questions or comments. This is awful! The visitor feels trapped because you've committed the capital sin of Not Listening. First, there should be no pitch, no obvious script that you follow. The words must flow naturally, and you should be speaking less than half of the time. It's your responsibility to draw the questions and concerns from the visitor. Second, visitors have questions. You have answers but you also have literature, materials and quotes you can send for follow-up . When you do all the talking, you aren't listening and your company can't do an accurate and complete follow-up. DUMB? There's a difference between not knowing something and making up an answer. Not everyone knows everything about a company, processes or an industry, so there are times when you just don't know. What to do? Say so. Visitors require honesty. Say - "I don't know, but I'll find out. How should I get the information to you?" Then follow-up to make sure the correct information is sent. BLIND? Not literally blind, but oblivious blind. You're not paying attention to the body language of visitors to see whether they are tentative or genuinely curious about your firm. More important, you're blind to your own body language and the message it sends to everyone. Slouching shoulders, back to the aisle, crossed arms, bored look, talking on the cell phone or huddling with other staffers - all indicate you're more interested in yourself than others. It's a poor message to be sending for your company. Conversely, the aggressive staffer is a visitor's worst nightmare. No one wants to be pounced on, so the "stop-'em-in-the-aisle" technique often backfires, and people avoid your booth. Also, they'll go out of their way to avoid you when they see you outside of the show floor. Trade shows require concentration, great listening skills and a friendly, knowledgeable staff. Make sure you're not deaf, dumb or blind when representing your company. Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - is president of Trade Show Training, inc., a sales and marketing consultancy based in Richmond-VA. TSTi is celebrating its 10th year.
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Qualifying vs closing The art of effective question asking (qualifying) determines the effectiveness and the success of the "close".EXAMPLE: Let's assume you're a candy sales rep. You sell both chocolate and non-chocolate candy. I'm your potential customer. You know nothing about me but you're trying to sell me chocolate candy. You proceed to tell me how great the candy tastes, how exquisite the texture is, how incredible the quality of the chocolate is, and, by the way, how affordable this candy is because your company is doing a promotion on this outstanding chocolate candy. However, you don't sell me a single piece of chocolate candy. WHY?You assumed I liked chocolate candy and I would buy it based on the information you provided. But the most important thing you forgot to identify or ask me is "do you like chocolate candy?".The answer is "no, I hate chocolate candy?". But since you never took the time to understand me as your potential new customer, you lost today's sale and future sales a well. Better Approach: I'm still the customer, you're still the candy sales rep. You're still promoting chocolate candy. The difference is - upon meeting me and establishing a rapport, your first question might be."Do you like chocolate candy?".My response "no, I never eat chocolate candy".Your response "you never eat chocolate candy, why?".My response "because I'm allergic to it". QUESTION: Do you believe it would make any difference to me, the customer, how the chocolate looks, tastes, is processed, or even how affordable it is? Your answer should be "no". However, just because I don't eat chocolate candy doesn't mean I don't know a number of other people who love chocolate candy. Also, you sell hard candy not just chocolate candy, so maybe the next question would be:"Do you eat any kind of candy?".My response "occasionally".Your response "when you say occasionally, how often is that?".My response "2 to 3 times per month".Your response "when you do eat candy, what type of candy do you eat?"My response "hard-type, mint candies".Your response "have you ever tasted our incredible hard, mint candies?".GET THE PICTURE? "Its all about asking, not selling." Once you have identified what's important to me, the customer, you have positioned yourself to sell me what I want - not what you have. How to Use Humor to Increase Sales Using cartoons can help brand your marketing and drive home important messages. Although surprisingly inexpensive to acquire, humor can be one of your most powerful marketing tools. Three Fast, Short, Simple Ways to Escalate Your Sales 1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive product. If people like your inexpensive product, they will be persuaded to buy your expensive one. Be Yourself Here's the thing... you still have to make every marketing and sales message all about the WIIFM* for your target audience. But it's how you do this ? the words you choose and your behavior ? that makes the connection with the marketplace all about you. Sales and Closing Techniques One essential criteria of being a successful salesperson is the ability to be able to close a sale effectively. You don't have to be a salesperson to do this, yet you do need to put at least some of your focus on sales to be successful, whether it is yourself doing the closing or are someone you hire. After you have done the difficult part, which is prospecting, you need to close. This is not really hard but is the singlemost important step. The final close happens when you ask the prospect to make a decision. Selling and marketing, as you may have guessed by now, are actually 2 seperate things completely. TheTop 10 Reasons Why Salespeople Get Outsold In my business, it has been an interesting and very busy two quarters. I've worked with sales managers, marketing executives, professional services practice managers, business development executives, divisional presidents, two dozen sales teams, nine VPs of Sales and directly with 29 CEOs in North America and in Europe. I've seen a lot of deals won and more than a few lost. Resistance Training for Sales People What was the quickest rejection you ever got? 2 minutes into your call? 1 minute? 15 seconds, 3 seconds? How To Give Your Sales Job A Strategic Tune-up In happens every year in June. Four Ways To Increase Your Sales Fast... In 2-4 Weeks? You built a very good web site... How to Maximize Sales by Minimizing Windshield Time During the late 1980's I was a field sales representative for a computer distributor, selling computer systems and peripherals in and around Los Angeles, California. The traffic was horrendous, and the time I wasted driving to and from appointments just drove me crazy (no pun intended). Theres a Referral for Everyone I worked for years as a mortgage loan officer. During this time I worked with two very successful loan officers, however, their styles were polar opposite. These two guys were opposites to the point where they basically didn't like each other, and spent most of the day avoiding one another. Cutting Through Stalls and Objections It's the prospect. If stalls and objections frequently come up in your sales calls, it's a good idea to bring them up before the prospect has the opportunity. If you bring them up first, several good things happen: Customers Do Not Know How To Ask Good Questions ? That Is Your Job Customers will ask you a question and you'll proceed to talk about your product. That is why you are not making more sales. It is your product knowledge that keeps getting in the way. Not that you do not have enough product knowledge ? trust me you have plenty. It is that you are not listening to what your customer is truly asking you. You are taking their questions or statements literally instead of trying to clarify what it is they are truly asking you. Sales Performance and Motivation: How to Get Your Edge Back Performance and motivation are like chocolate & peanut butter; the combination is better than either one alone. Motivation feeds successful sales performance, which in turn generates increased motivation, which encourages performance, and so goes the synergism of our days. Until one day... Sales Skills are Life Skills I love the art of selling. LOVE IT. When I first entered the field of sales, the one thing I quickly grew to appreciate was the fact that anything I did to increase my ability in selling also increased my ability in life. Sales skills are life skills. How A Dancing Horse Can Increase Your Sales "Yeah right!" I thought to myself as I started to turn off the TV after hearing that the show was about a dancing horse. The Art of Backend Selling The art of backend selling Visual Science of Selling Statistics state that 55% of people judgments are made based on what is seen visually, as opposed to 38% based on voice and the message you give. That means what you promote using images is the most important factor in making the right connection. This observation makes the Internet the biggest opportunity to sell. It's been said that information is king, but in the world of the Internet, it's image. Here the visual presentations are the most usual method to promote your product/service. According to web development tools you have at your disposal photos, images, animations, movies to enhance your marketing strategies and create a professional sale system There are thousands of authors out there teaching sales people on how to turn more prospects into customers, how to increase their sales, and convince people to buy. Almost all of their books state that creating an image of your product is the best thing you must do and this is nothing else but to recognize the importance of visual methods in sales process. Here are some 'visual' tips that salespeople may use effectively in selling their products Use images in your website. An image values more than a thousand words. Take care to not overload your web site with high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading web page and distract people away from your offer. Is the Sales Funnel Dead? Think about it. If only it was as easy as "filling a funnel" and having sales fall through the other end. I can make 200 calls a day, but who are they to and what am I doing? Just pounding phone lines and telling the company story isn't selling. Or better yet, when I get the check (the bottom of the funnel) what about implementation or customer service? Dont Close Your Eyes Or Let Deaf Ears Fall Upon You To listen to your customer is important, and to hear your customer is critical. But, to see what actions they take is the lifeline to your business. ![]() |
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