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Create A Killer Product by Writing Your Sales Letter First!
You may not realize this, but when if you are in the early planning stages of developing a product, the best thing you can do is STOP and write the sales letter first! "But wait a minute (you might be thinking)... this sounds totally 'Bass Ackwards' doesn't it?" It sure does but it REALLY works too... And here's why ... When you envision a product, prewriting the sales letter first allows you to place no limitations on it. You can write more freely as the very things you describe are actually helping you design and create your product's features and benefits. Now all of a sudden you have an extended blueprint that can add many bells & whistles some of which will actually end up being part of your final product. You'll also find that much of your original inspiration will also give you many great sales copy components that will also end up in your sales letter too. And, in this mode of no barrier mind-streaming, you'll undoubtedly come up with more creative ideas than the restrictive mind we use when analyzing possibilities... Always use your higher logic to harness your creativity into a final workable solution. But don't inhibit your creative process when initially creating your products... Instead try this... Set out for a dream product state-of-mind that is full of features that can be turned into benefits... What you're doing in essence is conjuring up the most unlimited version of your product. One that defies all confines at this stage. Write it out as if this product was right there in front of you and can performed every detail that you promise... You are in effect reverse-engineering your product which is a catalyst to making the product not only better, but also helps it live up to the high expectations you design into it. What you bring into reality is an out growth from using unlimited creativity to logical harnessing of all ideas fused into a finalized product. Writing the sales letter first adds incredible inspiration into your product ideas. This technique helps dictate new avenues of creation and marketing that can add much leverage to a successful product launch. A good way to get you started in using this principle is consulting a good source on sales copy writing. There are many great ones out there to choose from. I highly recommend, Order Button Triggers. It will help you do this quite effectively as it triggers your sale writing creativity using a unique Trigger Association System not found in any other books on the same subject. You can find it at: http://www.OrderButtonTriggers.com (c) By Michael Nicholas, 2004 Michael Nicholas is the author of, Order Button Triggers. His ground breaking ebook focuses on how to get prospects to click the order button to buy. Featuring over 30 years of Internet marketing experience combined, Michael brought in top marketers to tell how they do it. Click for more info==> http://www.orderbuttontriggers.com
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Schedule Telemarketing Time For More Success Telephone canvassing, or cold calling, is the practice of sitting down with a long list of potential prospects you've never met and telephoning them, one at a time, to learn which of them needs what you sell and then arranging to sell it to them. Value Based Pricing, Not Price Cutting Special Requirements for Reprint: we ask only that you include Paul's name and resource box, and keep all hyperlinks as live links. An Introduction to Store Fixtures Everybody is familiar with the old retail chant, "Location, location, location!" It speaks volumes about making the right decisions from the start to make your retail establishment a success. Once you've decided what it is your store is offering to the general public, the next step you'll take is finding the right location. Once you've found it, the next step is to decide how to dress up your establishment; you'll need to decide what retail store fixtures will properly display your product. At this stage another invaluable cliché applies, "Presentation is everything!" How To Make An Extra $100,000.00 Each Year HOW TO MAKE AN EXTRA $100,000.00 EACH YEAR BY ADDING A FEW LINES OF SCRIPT TO YOUR ONLINE ORDER PAGE Revenue Growth Through Alliances Any company in today's global economy must eventually face the issue that if it is not growing, it will be expiring. For most companies, mergers and acquisitions are too risky to be a revenue growth option. Organic growth, though low risk, may have some considerable limitations. A third option - alliances - just may be the right blend of risk and reward to accelerate your company's revenue engine. Quotations Tell... Proposals Sell! The traditional "Quotation" was originally devised during the Industrial Revolution of the 1850's and has changed little to the present day. It is a totally Dickensian format and absolutely out of date in a situation where supply so completely outstrips demand. We are now 155 years on, and selling through proposals has gone way past this old fashioned legal junk. Continue to include it if the legal eagles insist ( and they will, but then they still wear stupid looking wigs, and bow to "Hizzoner") - but don't expect it to do anything but harm in terms of helping you achieve the sale. Everyones Favorite Topic - 3 Tips for How To I believe that everyone understands that no matter what business you are in- Real Estate, Financial Services, Teaching, Auto Sales any other profession, we are all in the PEOPLE BUSINESS. It's been said that fully 85% of your success in life is directly related to your ability to effectively work with people. So I wanted to pass on a little tip that will make all your dealings with clients or co-workers much more effective. The Damaging Admission - A Persuasive Technique We would all like to think that our product or service is flawless. More importantly, we would like for others to believe that as well. But no matter what you sell, a drawback (sometimes several) will always exist, even if only in the mind of your reader-prospects. Either way, you MUST address the issue up front. In fact, if written properly, "the damaging admission" can actually be used to your advantage. Focus on a Trade - Not a Discount Smart buyers will always ask for a better price. Unfortunately, too many sales people and business owners automatically think that reducing their price is the most effective way to respond to this request. What Not To Do With Your Leads Anyone that works in sales knows just how important it is to have lead sources to keep your pipeline filled. But it is not only how we obtain the leads that is important, it's what we do with them once we get them. Five Keys to Make Your Cold Calls Sizzle Do you clam up on the telephone? An advertising rep called the other day to sell some ad space in a local news magazine. After I said, "Hello," there was nothing but monotone dialog until I interrupted him a minute later. It sounded like he was reading a script... but he wasn't (I asked). The Hands On Approach While living in the technology age where everything is computerized, digitized, and auto-responded, it is very easy to forget where we came from, and how all of this progress has almost completely wiped out the personal touch. 2 ½ Steps to Sales Success You have just walked out of the office of a potential new major customer that you have anxiously been waiting to meet with for weeks and again, you realize you have no idea what is going to happen next as a result of your meeting. Worse yet, you again "spilled all your beans" by telling the potential client how they should solve their problems, hoping that they will LET YOU help them by throwing some business your way. You tell yourself, "I think I'll get some business here because I know they liked me!" Sound familiar? How To Profit From Initial Consultations "I'd love to work with you, but?" Increasing Short and Long Term Profits "I was at your site for all of two minutes before I bought one of your manuals. I'm impressed!" I love to get emails like this one sent by Vicki from Tucson, Arizona. Marketing my business would be easy if every client bought my products within two minutes of seeing my marketing materials, or signed up for my coaching services after a few minutes on the phone with me. The Allure of Antique Store Fixtures They say if you wait long enough, a style you liked in almost any genre will come back. This is as true for retail store fixtures as it is for clothing or styles of music. The look of the 1960s came back strong in the early 90s and now it appears as if the 1970s are enjoying a renaissance. This rule of thumb applies not only to the style and type of merchandise being sold, but also to the look and feel of the retail establishments selling them. A good way for a new retail business to save money on start up expenses is to do some research and find vintage store fixtures which can often be purchased for a fraction of their original cost. You may find yourself in a bidding war, however, as vintage store fixtures maintained in good condition are few and far between. A Stupid Question, but it has to be asked This is a stupid question but it has to be asked. Ten Top Tips for Terminating Telephone Terror 1. Make telephone callsFew things are more terrifying than the unknown. The fear you create for yourself is far worse than the reality of cold calling. Once you start making telephone calls and continue making telephone calls, it gets easier. You overcome fear by doing. Selling -abilities : Part 2 In the last article I talked about different strategies for selling the 'reliability' aspect of your software or hardware. I mentioned how most high tech salespeople love to talk about their "-abilities": Reliability, Upgradeability, Compatibility and Expandability. In this article I want to discuss how to sell upgradeability. When is the right time to sell upgradeability? When do you mention the possibility of future upgrades? How do you position future upgrades to software or hardware with a new or existing customer without selling yourself short? How often should your company release upgrades? These are all great questions when it comes to the art of selling upgrades. Selling Upgradeability So how do you sell upgradeability? Well, lets start with a basic question. What does the word upgradeability bring to mind when a salesperson mentions the word? If you're like myself, I think the product has room for improvement and in the future if I choose, I can upgrade to whatever new capabilities the software or hardware may offer. Microsoft Windows epitomizes the model for selling upgradeability. There are four ways to sell upgradeability: Strategy 1: Ernest Dichter a famous advertisement executive made a statement that talked about how we as sales or marketers must use the techniques of motivational thinking to make people constructively discontent. Dichter knew people would only buy a product when they are discontent with what they currently have. The job of marketing and sales is to make 'people constructively discontent' with what they're currently using. A good example of this is our migration from the audiotape to the compact disc. Marketers reminded us of that annoying 'hiss' sound with tapes and how time consuming it was to rewind or fast-forward to find our favorite song. They went on to promise the delivery of full 'fidelity' with the compact disc along with the ease and convenience of finding your favorite song. Consumers bought the argument and the age of the compact disc was heralded in. When selling upgrades, are you making your customer 'constructively discontent'? Strategy 2: When I hear upgrade in any sales pitch I immediately think of options. The task of the salesman is to give the customer a 'vision' of what could be possible if they chose your product and decide later on to upgrade. Upgradability indicates there are other features that can be purchased without having to absorb the cost for them all at once. A customer likes to know that if they are satisfied with the products performance that they could upgrade at any time to something more sophisticated or advanced. This piece meal approach is especially effective with customers who have limited budgets. Strategy 3: Upgradeability, especially second or third generation indicates to the customer that your company is continually improving on the product (i.e., responding to customer needs and investing in Research & Development). This is key; many customers want to be reassured that the product has not 'peaked in performance' and that you will be improving the product over time. Upgrades should be sold on average once a year. To many upgrades a year can be seen as 'product fixes' or another way of extracting further sales from a customer leading to 'buyer resentment'. Strategy 4: A major mistake made by many salespeople is not taking the time to show or prove to the customer how using your product will increase sales and effectiveness thereby leading to quick return on the buyer's Return On Investment (ROI). Customers want to see hard numbers on how the solution you're offering is going to positively affect the bottom line. Too often salespeople will say things like, "This is going to improve you productivity.", "This will make your employees more effective in their jobs." Or, "This is going save your company a lot of money adding this upgrade." All these statements are qualitative, not quantitative; the latter can be proven, the former is just an assertion. Customers want quantitative proof of how your upgrade is going to improve their profitability either by increasing sales or reducing their cost. Highly trained salespeople go into a customer meeting armed with quantitative proof of how upgrading to the next product level will achieve their profitability goals. Upgrades are a great way to add an additional revenue stream to your company's bottom line. Again, think Microsoft. Every year or so, a new version of Windows comes out and many of us technophiles rush out and buy it. How can you create this type of excitement or anticipation with your company's product upgrades? Victor Gonzalez, All Rights Reserved 2004 Model Dell: The Art of the Affiliate Coupon Along with having an innovative supply chain, there's another reason Dell is the largest computer company in the world. They always offer great coupon codes to online affiliates that let the buyer "in" on deals that they otherwise wouldn't get. ![]() |
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