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Why Arent They Buying?
You've polished your sales page over and over againuntil it's gleaming with benefits. You're gettingplenty of traffic. And still - no sales. What's wrong? It could be the recession (although that's debatable). With thousands of people losing their jobs each week,consumer confidence (and therefore consumer spending)is down. But on the other hand, if thousands of people arelosing their jobs, there is without doubt a growingarmy of people out there who are looking to theInternet to make their living. But let's leave aside the recession, and look at twoother reasons you may not be getting sales: (1) People very rarely buy the first time. You must have heard the statistics - people have tosee your product an average of 7 times before they buyit. When I cast my mind back to the marketing eBooksI've purchased, in each case I saw those booksadvertised for months - on websites, in newsletters -before I bought them. So if you want to make a sale, you must find a way tostay in contact with your visitors - and bring themback. The easiest way to do this is to offer your visitors afree subscription to your newsletter. Another way is to offer your visitors a freeautoresponder course that educates them about theproduct or service you are offering. Create a seriesof 5 emails about your service or product and put themon an autoresponder that provides automated follow-up. Getresponse is a free service that allows you up to 20follow-ups (you specify the intervals between eachmessage): http://www.getresponse.com/ The point here is that if your visitors leave yourwebsite without taking anything away (a free versionof your E-Book, an autoresponder course, yourNewsletter), you've probably lost them for good. (2) Allow people to feel they already own it. If you give your visitors the feeling of what it wouldbe like to own your product or service, they're muchmore likely to buy. Here's a real-life example of this principle (a ratherdisturbing one). It's a well known fact that if a burglar can see intoyour house, they are much more likely to rob you thanif they can't. Why? Because by seeing into your house, the burglar hasalready 'owned' it psychologically. If a burglar can't see into your house, you are muchless likely to be robbed (you can't psychologically'own' what you can't see). Here's another interesting fact. If your house hasbeen burgled, there's a very high probability that thesame burglar will return - 6 or 8 weeks later. Why? Again, it's the same principle. The burglar has seenthe inside of your house - and has psychologically'owned' it. It's because of this same principle that car salesmentry and get potential customers to sit in the new car.Once you've smelt the inside of that new car, you'remuch more likely to buy it. You've imagined owning it. So give your visitors a free download of one or twochapters of your E-Book, or a free trial period ofyour service. Let them imagine what it would be liketo own it. ------------------------------------------------------------
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Gic Number For Writing Sales Letters When I write sales letters for my clients, one rule I always start with is The Rule of 7. Building an Action Plan Going into your workday and waiting for things to happen, and then reacting to them is not a very productive way of doing things. You may as well be going into your workday blind. Do Your Words Betray You? What do the words that you use say about you? What is your basic message? Do your words support that basic message? 5 Ideas for Writing Effective Sales Letters Sales letters, sent via e-mail or snail mail, are an effective and inexpensive way to get your message out. Even if your letter goes out to thousands of people, it can give the feel of a personal communication - IF you write it in a direct and conversational tone. The Anatomy of a Sales Letter When Dr. Frankenstein exclaimed "it's alive... it's alive," he thought he had brought wonderful new life to the world. What he really did was create a monster. He took a bit from here and another piece from there and sewed it altogether. Then he was distressed to see how things turned out. Many marketers create their own monsters in the form of sales letters. They throw everything into them and then are distressed at the response. The Wall of Defensiveness: 7 Ways to Tear It Down Have you ever gotten frustrated when you realize that your prospects keep stereotyping you as a "salesperson"? And because of that, they don't give you the trust and openness that you deserve, and that are essential if you're going to help them solve their problems? Why There Will Always Be High Paying Sales Jobs With the dot.com revolution crushing once solid business models on an almost daily basis, the question surely crosses one's mind "am I next?". Doomed Before You Dial? Several weeks ago, I conducted a "Mastering the Cold Call" seminar for the Printing Industries of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. At the end of the seminar, a participant came up to me and said, "Thank you! I learned so much! I learned 'Don't Take No for an Answer.'" Another participant standing to his side exclaimed, "No! What I learned is, 'Don't Make No Your Answer!'" Whats So Special About You? Defining Your USP Your prospect is in the market for a widget, just like the one you sell. She surfs over to Google (or picks up her Yellow Pages) and looks up "widgets." Six Simple Steps for Getting More Applications When I first started out as a loan officer, one of the things I found to be the toughest, was taking an application over the phone. I just didn't seem to have the skills, nor did I have a plan. I was literally calling people on the phone and saying something to the effect of; Hello, my name is Jay Conners, and this is what I do, and this is why I am calling, would you be interested? No wonder I wasn't having any success. Do Your Customers Buy On Price Alone? Here are four simple things you can do to take price out of the equation! Three Ways to Get More Referrals When you are in the business of sales, among the many key ingredients to your success is receiving referrals from as many sources as possible. I Am A Habit JOHN DI LEMME on "I Am A Habit" How To Improve Your Voice VOICE Nine Keys to Make your Sales Copy Convincing Would you pay $12,500 to discover the keys to great sales copy? Maybe not, but Brian Keith Voiles did. And he put it to use for Fortune 500 Companies. You may not have that kind of promotion money, so here are the nine keys for FREE. Be sure you cover all of them in the right order. EXHIBITORS - Check Your URL How many of you have a corporate web site? Everybody says "Yes". Future Business Key Element In Sales A challenge facing many businesses is how to maintain a constant stream of customers in order to provide a regular cash flow. Needs Based Selling I am sure you are familiar with the phrase, "I could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo." First, allow me to personally congratulate anyone out there who has sold ice cubes to an Eskimo, for I believe this to be quite a difficult task to accomplish. Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter I'm not a baseball fan. Never have been. In fact, I hate the sport. However, I am a Barry Bonds fan. Here's why: Barry Bonds possesses the exact same intangibles every great sales letter possesses. He's loyal, consistent, powerful, and hits a ton of home runs, year after year after year! Those are all things that great sales letters do and have done from the very beginning. 10 Incredible Ways To Sell Your Products Now 1. Make your reader visualize they have already bought your product in your ad. ![]() |
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