A Simple Truth - Authentic Sales Tip

A Simple Truth

Do you have the right stuff?

Are you consistent in your business?

Do you build relationships easily?

Are you approachable?

I'm writing this E-letter aboard American Airlines flight # 2005 from Atlanta to Miami, and then on to my final destination Tampa International Airport.

For the last three days I've been attending the National Speakers Association annual convention.

I had the opportunity to be a presenter at this year's meeting, but more importantly, I heard several great speakers talk on a variety of interesting subjects.

I heard something very powerful and wanted to share it with you immediately. Andy Andrews was the speaker and he was fabulous.

What he said, can have an immediate and dramatic impact on your business. That's no B.S.

One of the ideas Andy shared was powerful and yet it wasn't complicated. In fact anyone can and should use it in their business.

It's something most people don't do naturally, I know I don't.

It's something you can use everyday in your personal and professional life.

It's a principle - you might even call it a simple truth. And it might just be the best sales tip you've ever received.

Here it is.

Smile while you're talking. That's it - smile while you're talking.

Think about it.

Try it on for size.

When you smile while you're talking and add an occasional nod, you will get an immediate and positive reaction from your customers and prospects. That's a simple truth!

This really works. I've been smile-talking ever since I heard Andy's speech. It seems like everyone I talk to is smiling at me - and I know why.

The simple truth is most people find people, who are smiling, more attractive and even more irresistible than people who aren't smiling.

Try it! Let me know how it works for you. Send an e-mail to jim@meisenheimer.com.

Make everyday a Masterpiece . . .

Available now! An Inner Circle Coaching Program for Sales Executives. I can't help corn grow this summer but I can help sales executives GROW year-round. See complete details here. http://meisenheimer.com/sales_coaching/individual.shtml

Jim Meisenheimer shows salespeople how to increase sales and earn more money. To sign-up for his FREE No-Brainer Sales Tips E-letter and to receive your copy of Jim's Special Selling Report, "The 12 Dumbest Things Salespeople Do" visit his website now: http://www.meisenheimer.com

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