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Psychological Tricks in Selling
By Stephen Bucaro In this article, I'm revealing six powerful secret You ARE selling something. Whether you are a Real Estate The secret psychological tricks that I am going to reveal You will recognize these tricks being used everywhere in Psychological Selling Trick Number 1: Reciprocity Reciprocity works like this: you give someone something of To use reciprocity as a marketing tool, you give people For example, consider the offer "get a free camera when you Consider the offer,"receive the latest issue of our The trick is to create something that has high perceived Free samples of your product or service is another good The largest Internet Service Provider is well known for Psychological Selling Trick Number 2: Scarcity Scarcity works like this: There is a limited amount of the The effectiveness of the scarcity principle is well For example, when Disney releases a limit edition of one of Note: Manufactured items, especially DVDs and CD-ROMs, One popular incarnation of scarcity is the "going out of Scarcity is a very powerful marketing tool. There are many Psychological Selling Trick Number 3: Commitment Commitment involves getting a prospective customer to take One example of this process is the "two step" method used Another example of using commitment as a marketing tool is Yet another example of using commitment as a marketing tool The most common example of the principle of commitment are To use the psychological power of commitment in your Psychological Selling Trick Number 4: Consensus Consensus involves getting prospective customers to believe Of course you're smart enough to know that everybody CAN be Here are some examples of headlines using the consensus Note: Many people don't think they're having fun unless Fortuately, most people are not independent thinkers. They Psychological Selling Trick Number 5: Authority Authority involves getting prospective customers to believe The bigger the authority, the more powerful the advertising Here's how to use the principle of authority in advertising: Most advertising using the authority principle is taken out I don't recommend that you use a fake organization, a fake Psychological Selling Trick Number 6: Greed Greed involves taking advantage of many peoples belief that Note: I am not recommending that you use the principle of The simplest method of using the principle of greed is the The multi-level or network marketing scheme works similar Another method of using the principle of greed is the Another example of the principle of greed is the business The way to use the principle of greed is to contrive a Never divulge any details of the plan in the ad. The The principle of greed is very powerful. People who have ---------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter visit http://bucarotechelp.com/search/000800.asp
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Casual Networking What comes to mind when you think of networking -- cocktail parties? Shaking hands and exchanging business cards at a Chamber of Commerce events? Endless lines of people anxious to make you a customer? Sweaty palms and panic? Going Back To Get Ahead Have you ever run DOWN an escalator that was going UP? Well, I did at the Tampa Airport last week. Here's what happened: Revenue Growth Through Alliances Any company in today's global economy must eventually face the issue that if it is not growing, it will be expiring. For most companies, mergers and acquisitions are too risky to be a revenue growth option. Organic growth, though low risk, may have some considerable limitations. A third option - alliances - just may be the right blend of risk and reward to accelerate your company's revenue engine. Why Should I Buy From You? Virtually every business you contact has this question in their mind. To truly maximize your revenues you need give people a reason to buy from you versus a competitor. Here are a few strategies that will help you differentiate yourself from your competition. Get The Help You Need With Fund Raising Ideas There are many fund raising ideas on the market today for anyone that is looking for them. Fund raising ideas are easy to come up with and are very successful in some cases. Before you start on fund raising there are a few things to do to make it as good as it can be, such as selecting a good leader. This should be someone who is use to organizing and basically used to telling people what they have to do. When fundraising, make sure you have as many volunteers as you can get in all areas that you will need them such as handling the money, setting up tables, advertising, selling the goods, and the all important clean up. Three Big Ol Tips for Better Sales Letters Growing up in the South, I used the phrase "big ol'" a lot. Big ol' truck. Big ol' house. Big ol' party. The phrase was one we used when the word "big" just wasn't descriptive enough. Closing Sales Is Not A Problem, It?s A Process In my opinion, the most overrated topic in sales training is the subject of closing. In year's past, it seems the object of most sales training courses was to fill the heads of participants with as many closing techniques as possible. The logic was simple, if the "Ben Franklin" close didn't work, you could rummage around in your head for the the "secondary question" technique, the "order-blank" method or the "forced choice" close to tie off your sale. Selling in the old school of training was basically learning 54 or 84 ways to close. Sealing The Deal Over The Business Meal Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. These business meals are essentially business meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is crucial to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners. Too many people jeopardize an opportunity because they fail to use good dining etiquette. Here are a few basic rules to make the experience pleasurable and profitable. Finding a Used Mannequin Many stores on a budget choose to buy a used mannequin. Used mannequins are a good deal for several reasons. Many stores do not see the purpose in buying new mannequins when used ones work just as well. While some used mannequins may have slight damage or need to be repainted, most of them look as good as new. Many places offer used mannequins for rent as well. Winning Sales Proposals Your proposal is selling for you when you're not there, so it must reflect your standards of professionalism. How to Revive a Dead Lead It's easy to spend days, weeks, or months speaking with a prospect, working up to a decision to buy. This is especially true if your prospects are in larger companies. Before You Sell Do The Math This is an important and potentially profitable piece of advice. It goes like this - before you ever attempt to sell any products and services - do the math. Stop Screwing Up Your Sales Letter "Sales Letter"... that's your web site's sales page. The page with the carefully written copy designed to convince a visitor that they will benefit from buying what you are selling. Can Barter Help Increase Cash Sales and Visability for Your Small Business? Barter is becoming an increasingly popular method of commerce. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that 20 to 25% of world trade is now barter. Corporate barter is now a 20 billion dollar industry. It seems as though everyone from the big corporations on the New York Stock Exchange to small home-based businesses are jumping on the barter bandwagon. The Benefits of Metal Store Fixtures Your choice of materials for store fixtures includes wood, metal, plastic and conglomerate materials such as pressed wood and fiberboard. Depending upon your budget, the weight and size of the product being displayed and the style of your retail establishment, one of these raw materials will serve your needs well. Custom metal store fixtures have become quite popular recently due to advances in methods used to improve the look of metal and a serious plunge in its price. Previously thought of as too heavy, too expensive or too limited in style, metal was frequently passed over for other materials more easily altered to suit changing style trends. It used to be that metal was used primarily for industrial-type establishments, but metal is now sought after for modern looking point-of-purchase displays, counters, garment racks and shelving systems. The Struggle to Decide: The Paths Customers Take to Solve Problems Usually my essays discuss the issues that the 'sales' method initiates, methods such as over-long buying cycles, product and brand differentiation problems, price competition, and objections. This article focuses on the buyer: what, precisely, is the real problem they face; and how you lose differentiation/competitive edge/time through your faulty assumption that a sale can be achieved through a clear-cut equation: Forgive All Ebay Sins! And did so in this case. But it would have been customer friendlier for this seller to accept my retraction to be replaced with a bid. He would have gotten repeat business from me and my friends. His "Buy Now" price is 30% over the retail price for this item. Lesson learned by me again - that there are way too many sellers on Ebay out to grab a buck and the hell with fair practice.Lesson learned yet again." BobAnn End quote? The operative phrase here is "repeat business from me and my friends". There is no better endorsement of your product or service than word of mouth advertising. Lack of flexibility on the part of the seller, not only cost them one customer, but also destroyed the possibility for future business. Good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster! As an auction seller, (Ebay auction ID: LevelBest77) I would have accommodated her request right away. And while I have never had anyone use "Buy It Now" by accident, I have had several people over the years ask me to retract bids. The number of people who have made that request can be counted on one hand! Some, did not even understand the process, (bid retracting) and I was more than willing to guide them through it. Breaking Through The Comfort Zone Barrier After completing a workshop on personal productivity or time management, we usually find participants react to the instruction on goal-setting in one of three ways: How To Improve Your Voice VOICE Sex Sells! An attractive woman has a decided advantage as sales representative over her male counterpart. This "selling edge" is primarily due to the existence of the "glass ceiling" found in most business organizations today. The glass ceiling (women are still arbitrarily held back from leadership positions) means that there are many more men in decision-making positions in businesses than women. Therefore, when cold calling, an attractive woman has a better chance of getting an appointment for a sales presentation, than does a man. Women are also given more attention in their presentations and less resistance up to a point, than a male sales representative or service industry professional (accountants, attorneys, consultants, bankers, etc.). This advantage has everything to do with sex and the physical appeal of a woman. It is clear to me as a sales trainer, coaching sales representatives and service industry professionals in the field, that male decision-makers often use a different part of their anatomy than their head to make their buying decisions. ![]() |
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