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Online Shoppers, Beware of a New Scam
Beware of a New Scam Aimed at Bargain-Hunters Trying to buy something cheap is absolutely natural--and online crooks set traps for unwitting bargain-hunters. On April 6 Panda Software warned Internet users of a new particularly brazen scam aimed at stealing confidential information. Several websites offering cheap airline tickets in fact weren't selling anything; the aim was to cheat users out of credit card details. Of course, these sites have already been identified and disabled, but who knows whether (or better to say when) other ones will appear again, this time offering all kinds of products. The scam is very simple; the thieves simply wait until some unsuspecting user who is searching for airline ticket offers, finds their site offering dirt-cheap airline tickets. Really pleased with himself and looking forward to the trip, the user fills in the form, entering his credit card number, expiry date and verification value (CVV). As soon as these details have been entered, an error page appears; it tells the user that the transaction has been unsuccessful, and offers instructions on how to pay for the ticket by postal money order. So the user may well be fooled twice. He loses his credit card details, putting them right into the hands of cyber-crooks, and then loses money, if decides to buy the ticket by money order. Luis Corrons, the director of PandaLabs, comments on this scam: "This kind of online fraud differs from those witnessed previously. The malicious user does not contact the person interested in buying the product, but it is actually the buyer, in searching for the best prices online, who goes to the fraudulent web page. This creates a false sense of security that can lead users to proceed with the transaction". This makes such a scam very dangerous. It is the user who finds the "bargain"; no spam or pop-up ad is involved-- actually, nobody either forces or tries to persuade the user to buy something. This tactic is bound to be "effective", if such a word is appropriate here. That is why it is extremely likely that there will be other websites and other scams using the same pattern. Too Cheap to be a Bargain? You'd Better Steer Clear How to avoid this kind of fraud? "Users are best advised to treat 'bargains' with suspicion, and only make online purchases from trusted sites. In any event, if in doubt, it is a good idea to search for information about the website in question on the Internet. Users should be able to find opinions and experiences of other users who have used the same service," says Luis Corrons. That's all users can do so far -- to steer clear of suspicious bargains and to check the firm one is going to buy from. Of course, the authorities are informed; these cybercriminals will be tracked, caught and sent to jail. But this entire story gives a strong impression that cybercrooks are becoming more and more shameless. People get cheated when they expect it the least -- just remember bogus appeals to make donations for tsunami victims. Such criminals are impudently taking advantage over majority of people -- over those who remember the Golden rule and expect others to behave the same way. That is why everybody who either falls the victim of this --or any other--scam, or learns about such incidents, should make this information public. This will be a small contribution that may help to curb growing cybercrime. Alexandra Gamanenko currently works at Raytown Corporation, LLC -- an independent software developing company that provides various solutions for information security. Learn more -- visit the company's website http://www.anti-keyloggers.com
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Website Security - Creating a Bulletproof Site in 5 Easy Steps When it comes to a secure website and passwords it is all in your hands to create a password that a hacker simply cannot crack. However, this will require that you be creative and use everything at your fingertips to create the strongest password possible for a secure web site. Secrets On Security: A Gentle Introduction To Cryptography Let us take the example of scrambling an egg. First, crack the shell, pour the contents into a bowl and beat the contents vigorously until you achieved the needed result - well, a scrambled egg. This action of mixing the molecules of the egg is encryption. Since the molecules are mixed-up, we say the egg has achieved a higher state of entropy (state of randomness). To return the scrambled egg to its original form (including uncracking the shell) is decryption. Impossible? Phishing, Fraudulent, and Malicious Websites Whether we like it or not, we are all living in the Information Age. We have nothing left but adapt to rapidly developing information technology, no matter who we are and what we do for living. The Risk Of Electronic Fraud & Identity Theft Electronic Fraud and Identity Theft ----------------------------------- Human beings are pretty sensible when presented with an imminent threat or risk. That is, if it's staring us directly in the face. Many threats and risk are presented in subtle ways, and it is these subtleties we tend to overlook. Protecting Your Home Both Inside and Out If you are a parent, you have probably wondered at one time or another, what more you can do to protect your children and yourself, not only physically but emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc. Today many parents and families are discouraged. They perceive, and even experience first hand a disturbing lack of basic civility and community respect. This disregard of the 'protective virtues' often leads to anxiety and fear. Those who disregard civility and respect demean those who take the time to work hard for their homes and their assets. They also demean those who work hard to maintain elevated ideas and standards within their homes. If you are a parent, don't let negative trends discourage you. Stay proactive and protect your home both inside and out. How Free Scripts Can Create Security Problems With the Internet entering our lives in such an explosive manner, it was inevitable that Internet security issues would follow as well. While credit card frauds are an offline security problem that has been carried over to the Internet as well, spamming and phishing are uniquely Internet security hazards. Hacked: Who Else Is Using Your Computer? A friend called me one day and asked if I would stop by to look at his computer. He said it was running abnormally slow and he had found something on his hard-drive he could not explain. I could almost guess what it was he found. Have I been hacked? 5 Tips For An Unbreakable Password Despite the current wave of identity theft and corporate security breaches it's amazing how very few people treat their passwords with any level of seriousness. Most computers users, both at home and in the office, see passwords as a nuisance and therefore make them as easy to remember as possible. This can be a catastrophic mistake. Wireless Network Security Working from home has its advantages, including no commute, a more flexible work schedule and fresh coffee and home-cooked meals whenever you want. DOS Attacks: Instigation and Mitigation During the release of a new software product specialized to track spam, ACME Software Inc notice that there was not as much traffic as they hoped to receive. During further investigation, they found that they could not view their own website. At that moment, the VP of sales received a call from the company's broker stating that ACME Software Inc stock fell 4 point due to lack of confidence. Several states away, spammers didn't like the idea of lower profit margins do to an easy to install spam blocking software so they thought they would fight back. Earlier that day, they took control of hundreds of compromised computers and used them as DoS zombies to attack ACME Software Inc's Internet servers in a vicious act of cyber assault. During an emergency press conference the next morning, ACME Software Inc's CIO announced his resignation as a result of a several million dollar corporate loss. Lottery Scam, What It is and how to Avoid It? Internet scams and frauds are on the rise! The quantity of scam emails with various fraud schemes any email account receives today is simply overwhelming! There is this infamous Nigerian 419 scam, which is by far the most widely circulated one. I wrote about it in one of our ezine articles not long ago. You can read about it here! And there are many other scams like Lottery, Letter of Credit, money transfer, black money conversion, real estate, fraudulent order and the list goes on and on. Top Spyware Removers Considerations Only the top spyware removers are successful at detecting and removing spyware and adware from your computer. You should look for complete protection against these threats: spyware, adware, keyloggers browser hijackers and Remote Access Trojans. These are the infections that slow your computers performance and expose your confidential information to hackers. Keeping Worms Out of Your Network... No auntie Sookie, not earth worms, computer virus worms that can get to you computer and slowly dig deep into your files and eat them away. Put that eggnog down and I'll tell you some more about these new worms. Whats All This I Hear About Firewalls? At this point, if you've got the whole "turning the computer on" thing down; you are ready to learn about firewalls. Whether you use your computer for business or pleasure, it is important to have a firewall. If you use a high speed Internet connection like Cable modem or DSL, you are at a MUCH greater risk for someone to hack into your computer, ultimately giving them free rein to meddle in your files and your life. Is Spyware Watching You? Imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from a friend who told me he'd been the victim of a "spyware" attack that left him shaking at his loss of privacy. Money Mule Email Scam Hits U.S. Imagine this ? you open up your email box and an international company is offering you a dream job ? you can be an agent for them ? a financial intermediary ? receiving payments for them and transferring money to them, and, naturally, keeping a commission on each transaction. Personal Firewalls - Secure Your Computer There has not been a time in the history of the personal computer that firewalls and anti-virus programs have been more necessary and in-demand. Today, personal computer security is not only threatened by viruses and worms, but also by spyware ? those severely annoying programs that are illegally loaded onto your computer from the internet. Spyware programs can seriously undermine the operating structure of your computer, as well as make you vulnerable to identity theft and other criminal activities. Firewalls, long since a staple in the corporate world for defending large, expensive internal intranets or other networks, has now come into its own as a tool for personal computer owners as well. Your home computer is just as susceptible ? if not more so ? to online attacks, so why should it not be protected? Beware of Imitations! Security, Internet Scams, and the African Real Estate Agenda Fishing on the Internet has come a long way. However, we TechWeb junkies like to call it Phishing. What I am talking about here is not going after your ordinary, everyday catch. Yet a fine catch it indeed may be to those thieving bandits if they can lure you into giving up your personal and private information. Trickery is vast and common on the World Wide Web. Beware, I say, beware! Hacking the Body Via PDA Wireless Device First I would like to stress I am condoning the art of hacking. Nor am I condoning the control and manipulation of the human race by way of frequencies interacting with the biological systems, which run the human body. We all know that the brain runs on chemicals and waves. We know from medicines, vitamins, alcohol, drugs and food intake that we can alter those chemicals. And most of us understand that brain waves are about allow for the process of cognition. The computers we use also run on frequencies which are use to hearing about for instance Pentium Chips running 1.2 GigaHertz. Cell phones run 800 MHz approximately. Also the power supply in a computer runs on a certain cycle creating another set of waves. Internet Shopping - How Safe Is It? Millions of people make purchases online, but many people are still wary. They fear the unknown and have many doubts and questions about who they are dealing with. They are afraid of being scammed, and rightfully so. Online shopping can be a completely safe and rewarding experience provided you are dealing with a legitimate, reputable retailer. But how do you know if they are legitimate??? Here lies the "fear of the unknown." ![]() |
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