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Why You MUST Have A My Yahoo! Page
Yahoo! allows you to set up your own front page called 'My Yahoo!'. Even if you don't use Yahoo! as your search engine, you need a My Yahoo! page which you log onto every day. That's because having a My Yahoo! page that is set up correctly can do wonders for your search engine ranking. My Yahoo! is a page which you can set up with your own features so that all the material you want is presented to you in a convenient format. You can have news, weather, your diary, your contact list, your share portfolio and a host of other bits and pieces of content. A nice, handy home page for you. However, a My Yahoo! page can also include something called an RSS Feed. This is a technique called 'Really Simple Syndication' and it allows owners of web sites to push their content to viewers, without them having to go collect it by visiting their web site. It can be set up for any page, but is usually reserved for blogs. If you use blogging software or a system such as Blogger you can simply set up an RSS or XML 'feed' for your page. (XML - eXtended Markup Language - is another system for syndicating content.) People who want to keep up to date with your news can include your RSS feed in their list of interesting web sites and every time your page is updated, their information is updated as well. Hence you can deliver new information to people who might otherwise forget to revisit your site. You can include RSS feeds within your My Yahoo! to help you keep up to date with news you want to receive. But there is an added advantage. Yahoo! itself monitors all the My Yahoo! web pages that are created and indexes their content. This means if your own web site's RSS feed is listed in your My Yahoo! page you get automatic indexing of your web site. If you were to submit your site to Yahoo! you would either have to wait several weeks, or pay a fee to be considered for indexing. With a My Yahoo! page RSS feed, your pages will be indexed within hours. So, here's the process you need to follow. Firstly, set up a My Yahoo! page. All you need to do is visit Yahoo! and click on the My Yahoo! logo at the top right of the page. Then set up your account and choose the kind of layout you want and the features you would like to include. If you are not going to use the My Yahoo! page you create as your main home page, don't worry too much about this. The main purpose is to get your own web site indexed, so the design of your page is not important. Now you want to add your RSS/XML feed. Click on the 'Choose Content' button at the bottom of your My Yahoo! page. Look at the 'Wide Modules' list and you'll see 'RSS Headlines (BETA)' down at the bottom of the list. Don't worry that it is in 'beta' stage - Yahoo! has been using it for well over a year. Select the option and click 'Finished'. You will then have the option to choose your RSS feeds. On the 'Choose your RSS sources' page simply type in the complete URL (web site address) of your feed. One of mine, for instance, is 'http://www.infoselling.com/blog/atom.xml'. Your RSS feed will either be an 'rss' page or an 'xml' page. If you use Blogger and you haven't set up such a feed, you can do so by visiting the 'Settings' page. Click on the 'Search' button and Yahoo! goes off to find your feed. If it finds it successfully you can simply add the selected feed to your page. Click on 'Finished' and you'll be back on your My Yahoo! page. That's it. Whenever you update your blog your My Yahoo! page gets updated - assuming you log into regularly. You can get your My Yahoo! page updated automatically if you submit your blog at Ping-o-Matic. One other thing - make sure your RSS feed page includes a 'sitemap' - a link to a page which includes links to all the pages in your web site. Yahoo! will follow this sitemap link and start looking at all your other pages. Having a My Yahoo! page is a quick and easy way to get your site indexed within Yahoo!. I tested it with one of my sites. I set up an RSS feed, loaded onto My Yahoo!'s RSS feeds and within three days all 287 pages of the web site had been indexed. With another site, I submitted it to the 'Submit your site' option at Yahoo! and several weeks later, still none of those pages have been listed by Yahoo! There is a clear reason to be using RSS feeds and having a My Yahoo! page. Graham Jones is a psychologist who has specialized in the way we use the Internet. He is an expert on information products and runs Infoselling.com where you can get a FREE report on how to sell your own infoproducts.
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The Top 10 Most Ludicrous Things You Can Do on Your Web Site We have a running joke in our office that one day we'll load a page and it will say "You have reached the end of the World Wide Web" and it will be the truth. I've visited so many web sites in my time, it's unreal. There are a few web site features and practices that keep popping up, in spite of their highly detrimental nature. I find myself, day in and day out, advising clients to remove something or other from their web site, as it is stunting their online business potential. But cleaning up the World Wide Web one client at a time isn't very efficient, so I'll share with you the Top 10 most ludicrous things you can do on your web site, and hopefully we'll get this mess cleaned up. Create a Google Sitemap for Your Web Site Google Sitemaps is a simple and fast way for your site to be constantly indexed and updated by Google. How to Set Up Your Own Free Ad-Tracking Links and 7 Reasons Why You Want To! Any time you use a URL in an Article, Web Page, Classified Ad, Pay Per Click ad or anyplace else you should always use Ad = Tracking Links. Not only will this Article show you how to build your own Ad-Tracker in 2 simple steps it will also tells you 7 reasons why you should always use Ad-Trackers Free Web Site Traffic ? 4 Keys to Website Promotion Web site traffic promotion on the cheap is labor intensive but quickly mastered if you know where to start. Free web site traffic doesn't mean massive submission to search engines or traffic exchanges. Carving out a web site promotion strategy following basic guidelines will bring the targeted web site traffic you need to have a successful online business. Freebie Promotions - How Giving Away Free Stuff Can Boost Your Business Everybody Loves A Freebie! A Successful Link Exchange Interested in boosting your link popularity, raising your Google PR, and improving the amount and quality of your traffic? Then discover the ancient secrets of a successful link exchange! Free Exposure and Traffic for Your Website Most new webmasters face the same conundrum: how can I get free exposure (and thereby traffic) to my website? Here are some traditional online and offline methods you can use to achieve this, as well as new ideas that should help kick-start your online business. Website Marketing Mistakes Smart People Make You have invested your time and money into putting up your website. Your prospective customers are out there, somewhere, and you want to make them aware of your site, what you offer and why they would want to visit. Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place. What Can You Do To Beat Your Competition? In many cases when you start a new website you are really starting at the bottom of the barrel. 6 Ways to Keep Them Coming Back It is estimated that it can take the average consumer 5-7 times to see a product they like before purchasing. So with that in mind, how do you get your website visitors to come back to your site so they can see your product again? Website Promotion - The Stakes Are Rising ? And So Is The Cost Over the past couple of months it has been quite noticeable that the amount of time and effort that is going into website promotion is rapidly rising and therefore so is the associated cost of keeping ahead of the competition. Kick-Off Your Web Traffic Virus! Have you noticed lately how savvy webmasters are using simple, content-rich articles to pull-in more targeted *traffic* to their Web Site audience without spending a dime on promotion or advertising? 7 Ways to Promote Your Website Locally Now that you've built your new website you can sit back and let it do all the work, right? Well no. Unlike in "Field of Dreams" if you build it, they won't necessarily come, at least not until you ask them to! That's where web site promotion comes in. Web site promotion provides that vital link between that great site you've built (or had built) and everyone that you want to come see it! Set Your Site on the Right Trajectory by Submitting It to Every Directory Webmasters across the globe are involved in a race to the top of the search engine listings. Everyone has their own set of racing techniques that they swear by, some work well, some not so. However, one thing is certain; if you want to get to the top of the rankings you need inbound links to your site. But how do you get inbound links? Well, you could buy them. That gets pretty expensive. For many keywords the top ranking sites have hundreds if not thousands of inbound links, so unless you have a MEGA promotion budget then you will have to find another way. Writing articles and submitting them to resource sites (such as those listed at www.info-sales.co.uk) is another way to get many inbound links. However, not everyone is an aspiring modern day Shakespeare and not everyone has the time to research, write and then submit articles. Okay, so you don't have Bill Gates' bank balance and therefore cannot buy all the links you need. You lack either the expertise or the time to write articles. What can you do? Don't panic! The secret lies in two words, music to your ears and the answer to your inbound links dilemma... Directory submission. 7 Affiliate Success Steps How to get your business exposed for free! Internet Marketing and Getting Your Site Noticed You may have created and established the best Web site in the world, however if the world does not know it is there, it will not do your business any good. As a result, knowing how to market your site and getting your site noticed is incredibly important to the success of your business and something you will want to concentrate your efforts on. Reciprocal Link versus Value Exchange Most webmasters are familiar with the concept of reciprocal linking. Reciprocal linking is the exchange of links between webmasters with the hope of improving their site ranking with the search engine. However, as more and more webmasters use reciprocal links to increase their site ranking, the search engines are also getting smarter and more demanding. Power Linking 2005 Redefines Web Site Promotion Web site owners are realizing Jack Humphrey's Power Linking isn't just another typical traffic generating program or another seo software application. Unlike most courses that are written in 3 days, Power linking is the culmination of 3 years of the best practices, honest, proven, tested strategies, & hard core results for thousands of customers worldwide. It is pushing the limits of web site owners allotted bandwidth each and every month. Web Site Promotion: 10 Super Charged Secrets To Suck Up Orders Like A Vacuum Cleaner If your website is not generating a lot of sales fast enough, don't give up. ![]() |
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