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Jump from Unknown to Widely Quoted in One WeekDr. Lynella Grant Start by Being Quotable Its tough to stand out online. With millions of experts and websites on the Internet, what are your chances of getting noticed Long odds, certainly. But thats not your biggest challenge. Most fail to grab attention because what theyre dishing out is dull - rehashing whats already been said, time and again. Content has been over-sold. It is NOT king if its mediocre. Ezine editors and webmasters are selective about what theyll share with their readers. They know that too much of whats being submitted to them isnt worth passing along. First, you must have something worth saying that connects with readers in a fresh, engaging way. People are starved for that - its why they keep looking. Theres less good stuff being written than youd expect, given the vast sea of Web pages. Jettison the bland and run of the mill. Spend sufficient time at this step because heres where many writers drop the ball. Write from your unique vision and real-life experiences. Make your words so interesting and relevant that people remember them. Thats what gets your articles forwarded along and mentioned in passing making you widely quoted. Articles can quickly blanket the Internet with your expertise Writing and posting articles to many websites or newsletters rapidly spreads your message. Systematic submissions soon brand you as a trustworthy expert.
To illustrate the speed that Google responds to posted articles, this is article #2 for my new website. It just went up November 1 - http://www.promotewitharticles.com Two weeks after submitting article #1, I queried Google: "What Posting Articles Online did for my Google Page Rank in 90 Days". Results already showed 673 cites many were repeats, and thats sure to increase. Remember, its a brand-new site, so Google only learned it existed from that article. The fact that youre already reading this one submitted Day 14 demonstrates article marketing is working. People go to the Internet to get information needed to make decisions Reliance on the Internet keeps growing. A Harris Interactive consumer survey 2004 found that 73% of adults are now online - 156 million users. Thats up from 69% eight months before. The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that most Internet users 80% expect that theyll be able to find reliable detailed information online. They will go online first when they need information. Internet users say it matters to them that businesses have a Web presence, even if they intend to make purchases locally. Other studies have found the Web is one of the most trusted sources for making major purchases and decisions - second only to spouses for finding referrals. Your well-placed articles bring you to the attention of people looking for what you have to say wherever they are. Get your article and message widely distributed and read
Better than shouting from the rooftops Your posted articles provide your soapbox - as broad as the Web. So make the most of that exposure, and get you voice heard. Create a ripple of interest which you can continue to build on about yourself, your website, your book, etc. Thats how reputations get made. Discover everything you need at the Article Marketing Academy, http://www.promotewitharticles.com to find in- depth how-to from the experts. You, too can start finding yourself widely quoted in as little as a week. © 2004, Lynella Grant
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I recently became aware that promoting your web site in Search Engines can instantly be double within Google! Thats right, you can instantly promote your site 2 times at once! Search Engines 101 - Search Engines Explained What Are Search Engines How To Use Banner Ads Effectively Its no big secret that banner ads have become less effective than text links over the years. This phenomenon is called "banner blindness". Banners were so ubiquitous in the early years of the Internet that users simply began to ignore them. Not All Links Are Created Equal When it comes to any website promotion campaign, there are two main areas to focus on.The first area to focus on is your internal campaign, which deals with anything you can do to the pages of your website, such as content, meta tags, and titles.This is completely within your control even if you use a Web designer to do any changes for you, as you can dictate what is on your website.The other area to focus on is your external campaign, which largely deals with getting links from other sites � something that is mostly out of your control and is usually a lot more work. E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources Ill be the first to admit it;Im a cheap skate.Im not as bad as many I meet, but if theres a legal, ethical way to get it for cheaper or free, Im there.I love Walmart.I get all of my clothes there.I love buying used cars - no car payments.I bought a nice house in the country for only $55,000 dollars - no house payments. Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Website, NOW We will start with the best, than make our way to the bottom of the list. This article will give you a good ideal where the best ways to promote your site! 30 Minutes Free Report Reveals The Arts Of Link Exchange! Dear Internet Friend, Feed Those Hungry WIIFM Monsters, Get Them To Multiply Everyone packs their website with keywords in order to feed those keyword-hungry search engines spiders. 10 Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To Ezines 1. Youll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box. Maximising Google�s PageRank of your Website to Maximise Traffic Google uses PageRank to rank your pages. To maximize your rank, you must understand how to work with it. "E is for Everything . . ." This article was originally published in three installments in the "Foundry Trade Journal", 2001. ![]() |
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