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Discover How You Can Start Making Your Small Business Dream Come True
As a teenager I worked for my father's small business. At 18 I worked for a small video rental business owned by two partners; there were 4 employees. At 23 I worked for an auto body shop, the owner was from Greece; there were 8 employees. At 25 I became CEO of my family's small business; we have 15 employees. Today, I own a 3-employee automotive repair shop; an online business; a promotional licensing business and I still consult for my family's business. Today working in large firms with hundreds of employees or even 50 employees is rare. Like most people I grew up around small business and worked in small business. The transition to a business of my own seemed a natural progression. The time has never been better to get your feet wet. Small business is booming. Consider these facts from the U.S. Bureau of the Census: · 23 million small businesses in the U.S.; 75% of which have no employees · Small businesses represent 99.7% of all employer firms · Small businesses employ half of all private sector employees · 44.3% of U.S. private payroll is paid by small businesses · 60%-80% of all new job created annually are by small businesses Today, small business is the standard. If you've ever dreamed of owning or starting your own business, clearly the climate has never been better. But making your dream come true takes a few key strategies. First, before starting any endeavor, do your research, education is the single most important factor to a successful new business. If no one wants your product or if no market exists for your service you will spin your wheels trying to survive. Know your market, who are they? Does your product or service exist? If so, how can you make it better? What is your competitive edge? What are your competitors doing? If your service or product doesn't exist, why should it? This is a tough question but if you cannot justify the purpose of your product or service and the need it fills how will you find customers? The next step is planning. What will you need? How will you get started? What is your first step? When I'm looking to start a new endeavor, I jot down the goal and then write down each and every task I can think of that will need to be accomplished in order to achieve the goal. Organize all those items into an Action Plan and then get started, one step at a time. Getting started is probably the most difficult step. We all have fear of the unknown. You need only one ability or skill? courage. Take the step, even if you feel like you're falling from a tall building. I promise once you get started, you'll wonder why you didn't do so before. Execution is where all the research and planning pay off. You've made your marketing plan; now just take it one step at a time. Keep at it. Even if your first marketing tactic works, keep at each and every one. If you send out 100 fliers and start getting customers, do not stop. Follow through on the next mailer or article. You must continue executing your marketing plan; this tactic will ensure long- term success. Clearly it has never been a better time to start a small business. There are millions of small businesses out there; you are not alone. Seek out others for support. Start small to get your feet wet and start accumulating accomplishments. With small businesses creating 50% of the gross domestic product you can't go wrong. Tired of watching others succeed? Discover how to achieve a more prosperous life. Yolanda A. Facio, entreprenuer and author, has created a new ebook that provides a road map for optimum results, every time. Click Here Now => http://www.newrulesforsuccess.com
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Increase Your Profits with a Point of Sale (POS) System Whether you operate a chain of restaurants, a mom-and-pop convenience store, or a medium-sized retail shop, you are in business to make money. And, one of the most critical aspects to your profit and loss is your ability to track information? you need to know which products are making you money, what items need to be re-ordered, who your customers are, and so on. This is where today's point of sale (POS) systems play such a valuable role. How Mastering 5 Essential Money Making Ideas Can Lead Your Business to Longterm Cashflow Essentially there are 5 tremendously powerful methods to make money online. These methods were not always available but have only become available due to the large amount of internet commerce being conducted each and every day online. While it is possible to make money, and lots of it, using other methods, these are in my opinion the best for 3 reasons. First, they are some of the cheapest methods around. Imagine running a business for an entire year where your total cost was less than $1 a day. Secondly, these methods are fast to implement. Some of the methods can have you up and running in hours, if not only a day or two. Lastly, these ideas are simple. When it comes to working online, simpler is better and complex is dead. Secrets of Cleaning Truck Trailers in Your Fleet from a Veteran Truck Washer Cleaning the trailers towed by big trucks is not easy, those big forty-foot to fifty-three foot boxes are quite intimidating up close when you are holding nothing more than a brush and pressure washer gun, looking at a soap bucket. The hardest thing to do is to clean the back doors of trailers because they get really greasy from all the debris and stuff the truck has driven through. When they run through bad weather areas, they get even dirtier. Pay special attention to rear doors on trailers. Sometimes you'll have to brush them twice. You may even have to do them three times until you get them right. Use a harsh soap or degreaser and watch for left over dirt around the tubular bars that act as the door locks and sealing mechanism. Now on the top of the sides of the trailer you'll have lots of soot if you have a tractor that's been leaking or maybe has a small oil leak or an exhaust problem. This leaves this big exhaust stain down the side of the trailer from the exhaust stack on the tractor. This is a problem because it is hard to clean and you need to clean it. So sometimes you will have to stand on top of the tractor and brush downward. This is done because you cannot get enough leverage from the ground. You may need to pour cleaner directly on your brush or you may need to put cleaner directly on the sides of the trailer. You may need to do both. Make sure the brush is really wet and then set the nozzle on the spray bottle for a steady stream. Spray with the wind and shoot the spray up to the top of the trailer and kind of saturate it a little bit. Then brush it. Now it should be able to come clean. Make sure you rinse really well; otherwise you'll have soap streaks running down the sides. These will be black soap streaks because they will have some of the exhaust mixed in with the soap. The PR Commitment to Small Business We're birds of a feather, public relations and small business. Wonderfully compatible and a perfect fit. Usually makes it easy to commit resources to small business success. How to Remove Stress from Owning a Business... Forever! I meet and talk to hundreds and hundreds of business owners every year and do you know what I've discovered? Virtually all of them are regularly suffering from stress. Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association I'll be the first to admit that I went a little nuts when I moved I moved recently in terms of going all-out to participate in a variety of professional associations. I had some experience with most of the groups that I visited in other places I had lived, or had clients who had positive experiences with certain groups. I was so eager to become involved again in professional associations that instead of really paying attention to a group as it exists locally, I made decisions to join groups based on my past experiences and experiences of clients. Tracking Revenue For MORE Profits The revenue history is a vital piece of your power page and you need to record that information. Keeping track of client revenues should not be done in a paper format, it should be recorded electronically. It is too easy to make mistakes when calculating by hand, the results of the data entry can then be recorded into your power page. You need to date these numbers as they can change quite rapidly and you will want to know if there is a growth pattern. You will also be aware of diminishing returns and flat areas. Familiarize yourself with how they report earnings because each company has their own unique way of presenting the information to the public or its employees. You are probably asking yourself why you would bother tracking financial earnings of a company you are doing business with, or even one that is not yet a client. Believe it or not, financial information gives hints as to the success of the sales force, the marketing efforts, and the leadership of the executives. The financials can paint a picture that says more than what you are being told. If you still do not believe me, read through the next example. Blowing Your Own Horn ? A Key Marketing Strategy for Small Business -- Building Credibility Through Success Stories -- Maintaining Your Carpet Extractor in Your Auto Detail Shop Auto Detailing: Maintaining A Commercial Carpet Extractor Why the Over Regulation on the Franchising Model? Franchising is the fastest way to build small businesses, provide jobs, create money flows. Currently the Federal Trade Commission wishes to increase the over regulation on the franchising sector. The way the Federal Trade Commission conducts itself provides little incentive or allows few new entrepreneurial companies to merge from the ashes to become the next Wendy's Hamburger, McDonalds, Duncan Donuts, Century 21, KFC, Dominos Pizza, Midas Muffler, etc. Why? What are we really saying here? More complicated laws slows progress of the species, to move commerce forward. How Is the LEGAL SYSTEM Dishing Out JUSTICE in Your Town? Thankfully, most of us will never find out. That is a GOOD thing! However, if YOU are a small business owner it's something worth knowing before one day you get kicked in the back-side. Make Your Business More Profitable More sales and more profit. Isn't that what you want from your business? It's not hard to achieve if you follow these 4 simple tips. Venus Transit - and Small Business? On June 8, 2004, the world witnessed what no one living today had ever seen... VENUS - the planet of Love, Beauty and Human Unity - transitting across the face of the Sun. How to Increase the Cash Flow in Your Private Practice in 30 Days If you have a busy private practice, chances are you also have pockets of cash lying around available for the plucking. It simply hasn't been collected yet, and may even have been overlooked. Here are 10 ways to increase your cash flow over the next 30 days. Top Ten Tips for Leveraging Conferences for Big SUCCESS! As I am preparing for my attendance to the CoachVille's Third Annual Coaching Conference, I have been considering how I can make the most of my conference attendance. These ten tips will support you in leveraging those conference you will attend in the future and for creating an unforgettable experience! Marketing Your Small Business with Success Stories -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- The Misconceptions of the Value Of Disclosures in Franchising Disclosure laws in franchising are suppose to help the consumer. They don't. The FTC, which over sees franchising has in fact created a rule, which makes 5 lb. Disclosure documents for franchise buyers, which is so huge that no one ever reads it. I know when I personally meet a franchise buyer whose application form is approved and hand them a UFOC, Uniform Franchise Offering Circular with attachments and watch their jaw drop and then their hand drop when they clutch it in their hands (due to the weight of the 155 to 200 pages), I see a blank look. I apologize every time for my unreasonable government and the US legal system for the rules. Two Types Of Business Plan Cover Pages ? Which One Are You Using? This is the tale of two business plans with very different cover pages. They both contain a unique and exciting business opportunity with the potential for high investment returns. Arriving in the morning mail, each neatly bound plan lands on the desk of the same potential business investor. Both plans are competing with hundreds of other documents, worksheets, phone calls, and articles for the investor's attention. And, they compete in time, because each one, seen for a few seconds, is either heeded or passed up and seldom returned to by the investor. Looking for a Business to Run in the New Revitalized Downtown Area? Looking for a place to add a Quick Lube away from your Super Wal-Mart Competitor? Down Town Revitalization, Why You Should Be Part of Such a Committee. Top 10 Record Keeping Mistakes Business Owners Make (and How To Avoid Them) If you interviewed business owners of failed businesses, a majority will tell you that they didn't understand or feel comfortable dealing with the "book work". Your ability to understand and perform day to day accounting tasks in your small business is a critical success factor. Here are some tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes business owners make. ![]() |
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