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Cisco Certification: Introduction To ISDN, Part III
Configuring PPP PAP Authentication Now we know how the ISDN link comes up (interesting traffic), and some scenarios that might cause the link to stay up, we need to look at ISDN authentication schemes. The two methods Cisco certification candidates must be familiar with are PAP and CHAP. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) sends the username and password over the ISDN link in clear-text. Sending any passwords over any WAN link in clear-text is generally a bad idea, but itâ??s important to know you have this option. Regarding both PAP and CHAP, itâ??s a common misunderstanding that each side must authenticate the other. PAP and CHAP both support bidirectional and unidirectional authentication that is, R1 can authenticate R2 without R2 necessarily authenticating R1. Itâ??s more common to use unidirectional authentication in a lab environment than a production network, but keep in mind that bidirectional authentication is an option, not a requirement. The configurations of PAP and CHAP do have their similarities. For both, youâ??ll configure a username/password combination in global configuration mode. Newcomers to ISDN sometimes put the local router name in for the username remember that the remote router name is the username. The only real advantage of PAP over CHAP comes in the password configuration. Since PAP actually sends the password as a whole over the link, the two routers can send different passwords during authentication. The operation of CHAP requires that both routers use the same password, and weâ??ll see why in tomorrowâ??s article. Under the BRI interface, youâ??ll enter encapsulation ppp and ppp authentication pap. So far, your authentication scheme looks like this: username R2 password CCNA Int bri0 encapsulation ppp ppp authentication pap PAP requires an extra command at this point. The ppp pap sent-username command is required under the interface, indicating the username and password this router will be sending to the remote router. Int bri0 encapsulation ppp ppp authentication pap ppp pap sent-username R1 password CISCO I always encourage CCNA and CCNP candidates to use as many debugs as possible when working in their lab, since these commands show us how things work. For any PPP authentication, always run debug ppp negotiation before sending interesting traffic to trigger the call. Watching exactly how PAP and CHAP work give you a much better understanding of whatâ??s going on â??behind the commandâ??, and makes you a stronger candidate and a stronger networking engineer. Tomorrow, weâ??ll take a look at CHAP, and why routers cannot use the same password on both ends of the link. Keep studying! About The Author: Chris Bryant, CCIE (TM) #12933, has been active in the Cisco certification community for years. He worked his way up from the CCNA to the CCIE, and knows what CCNA and CCNP candidates need to know to be effective on the job and in the exam room. He is the owner of http://www.thebryantadvantage.com, where he teaches CCNA and CCNP courses to small groups of exam candidates, ensuring they each receive the individual attention they deserve. Classes are offered over the Internet and in person in select cities. Chris has custom-written the Study Guide and Lab Workbook used in each course - no third-party training materials or simulators are used. You're invited to visit our site and check out our CCNA and CCNP Courses, Flash Card Books, and to sign up for our weekly newsletter written personally by Chris. Chris is always glad to hear from Cisco certification candidates at chris@thebryantadvantage.com.
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Partitioning, Formatting and Reinstalling in Windows 98 Formatting and reinstalling windows 98 is very easy if you have the right know-how. The True Meaning of Freeware The vast majority of us will have, at some point, had freeware games or applications installed on our systems. If you've played an online Java or Flash based game, you've used freeware. In a very real way the Internet itself is freeware, a massive collections of scripts, information, tools and resources that are, for the most part, totally free. But what is it that motivates so many people to put so much work into a project, and then release it totally free of charge? There are a few misconceptions about freeware that I would like to clear up. Kick-Ass Performance For Your PC? Its Easy Is your PC is slow and wimpy? Then you need some PC steroids - software applications that will cleanse the registry, optimize RAM and make that puppy fly. Here is what you should start with. Microsoft Great Plains Food Processing ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Microsoft Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform to build your own custom solution upon or as the assembly place for the existing modules. Microsoft Great Plains has Inventory Control (IV), Bill of Materials (BM), Manufacturing modules, coming from Microsoft Business Solutions directly, plus it has third party solutions, such as Horizon Light Manufacturing. In Food Processing industry, however the manufacturing itself is so-called process manufacturing, where with variable input you have variable output. It is opposite to discrete manufacturing, where you expect exact number of parts to be assembled into exact number of finished products. In our opinion ? you should first understand your options to automate business processes and if Manufacturing module is absolute must ? only then you should purchase manufacturing and implement it. Let's give you some highlights: Microsoft Great Plains eCommerce: overview for developer Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was designed back in the earlier 1990th as first graphical ERP/accounting system for mid-size businesses. The architects of Great Plains Dexterity ? this is the internal mid-shell, all Great Plains was written on, designed it to be easily transferable between graphical operating systems (MAC, Windows, Solaris ? potentially) and database platforms ? initially Great Plains was available on Ctree (both Mac and PC) and Btrieve, a bit later high end version Dynamics C/S+ was available on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. But the idea was to catch or switch winning/losing database platform ? nobody could predict if MS SQL Server, Oracle or DB 2 become a dominant DB platform, like Windows among OS. All these trade-ins for being potentially cross-platform application make the life of nowadays eCommerce developer difficult. Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Axapta ? Selection Considerations During the years of our consulting practice, which comes back to East Europe in mid 1990th and then continues in the USA, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Oceania, Germany, Canada ? we would like to orient you ? business owner, IT director or software programmer. Selection process can take several months and you may end up with non-Microsoft solution. We will give you our Microsoft Business Solutions products serving point of view. Corporate Accounting System: Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview Corporate ERP/MRP selection might be tough one, especially considering very turbulent ERP world and fierce competition between Microsoft Business Solutions (Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS CRM), Oracle (Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards), IBM (including Lotus Domino), SAP, Microsiga (Brazil, Portugal). We recommend you, IT director of large corporation, make your home work and decide on Microsoft or Java/EJB/J2EE platform (however you should consider vendor dependence minimization, and stake on both with XML streams integration between the two). In this small article we will concentrate on Microsoft Great Plains, former Great Plains Software Dynamics/eEnterprise/Great Plains Accounting Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization ? switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne 1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored Procedure Dexterity was designed as multiplatform technology (primarily Btrieve, Ctree, SQL Server, potentially Oracle). Dexterity data retrieving mechanism is based on Range start, Range End, Get First and Get Next clauses. It is in fact similar, however a little bit slower to cursors in Transact SQL. Long ranges in Dexterity are good candidates for replacement by SQL stored procedures with update clause. For example, consider to replace following Dexterity code: Range clear SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Type' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Number' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Range start table SOP_HDR_WORK. Get first table SOP_HDR_WORK. While errEOF do If 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK = "ERIC" then Edit table SOP_HDR_WORK. Set 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK to "BILL". Save table SOP_HDR_WORK. End if. Get next table SOP_HDR_WORK. End while. With the following SQL code Update SOP10100 set SLPRSNID="BILL" where SLPRSNID="ERIC" Bringing new data into a table in Dexterity is based on change/edit table clauses, in SQL they are equivalent (by performance) to inserting one record at the time. When having long cycle of change/edit table in Dexterity, consider replacement by SQL stored procedure with Insert Into clause. 2. Use Crystal Reports, call them from via VBA in Modified form The easy way to call Crystal Report from your VBA code from your modified form: Const RPT = "D:ClientsTheClientInvoice Status.rpt" Public crwApplication As CRPEAuto.Application Public crwReport As CRPEAuto.Report Private Sub Print_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean) If SalesTransactionInquiryZoo.Type = "Invoice" Then If crwApplication Is Nothing Then Set crwApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application") End If Set crwReport = crwApplication.OpenReport(RPT) crwReport.ParameterFields(1).SetCurrentValue (DocumentNo) crwReport.Preview End If 3. Use Direct .Net Web Publishing from Great Plains Database The easiest and safest way is to use eConnect - SDK with VB samples, created for eCommerce programmers and web designers to call the functionality in Microsoft Great Plains. If your company can not afford eConnect - create your own set of stored procedures to address Great Plains database and go ahead with Visual Studio.Net to do the web publishing. Happy upgrading and customizing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Things You Can Do With Windows XP! Did you ever give a thought to the number of things you can do with Windows XP? Take your own time and think... I hope you remember few basic and easy things if you are not new to Windows family. Check it out the following paragraph. Dig Out That Worm Internet worms. Is your PC infected? Running a Program on a Remote Server Using SSH How do you run a program on a remote server using ssh? netstat - Linux Command to Display Networking Information In linux, one of great commands for finding out information about your network connections is "netstat". It provides you interface information, statistics, connections, and a lot of other really great information about your computer. C++ Function Templates C++ Function templates are those functions which can handle different data types without separate code for each of them. For a similar operation on several kinds of data types, a programmer need not write different versions by overloading a function. It is enough if he writes a C++ template based function. This will take care of all the data types. Microsoft CRM and No-Frills Cadillacs In today's business world it's all but impossible to escape Microsoft. Either you're using MS applications, developing your own, or negotiating your company's acquisition by this techno-behemoth. I must that the company is a daily part of my life (in fact I'm typing this article on MS Word). I've found however, that although Microsoft develops many versatile business software products, the company's 'one size-fits-all mentality goes only so far. I'm referring to the Microsoft CRM system. For you lay-people out there, CRM (customer relationship management) systems are designed to help you gather and interpret customer data in order to anticipate future customer purchasing demands and trends. Microsoft CRM Implementation & Remote Support We would like to give you pluses and minuses of Microsoft CRM. Microsoft Great Plains - Payroll & HR Inexpensive Solution? Not Any More Microsoft Great Plains is main Microsoft Business Solutions accounting package for the US market. You should probably expect some issues when you have software development company to be bought by big player - in this case Great Plains Software was bought by Microsoft (Bill Gates was a friend to Doug Burgum - owner and leader of Great Plains Software - Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise). We certainly have some influence level in Microsoft Business Solutions, but what happened is out of our decision level and this is really sad story. Why Java RDBMS? It is a well known fact that Java as a programming language set off a new paradigm in the software industry. Suddenly, every software programmer worth his salt was amidst software jargons like 'Platform-Independence', 'Cross-Platform-Deployment' and 'The Java Virtual Machine'. In fact, it did not take long for Java to usurp the 'most sought after status' from many software languages, and become the most preferred tool for creating software; especially software for the web. As the recent trends in the industry show, Java is set to achieve an undeniable position as the most preferred software programming language for a long time to come. It is indeed Java's credit that many prominent vendors who tried to emulate the capacities of Java, failed miserably in the endeavor. Five Steps to Rapid Development with TierDeveloper 4.0 Follow the steps below to quickly design, generate, and deploy a great portion of your real-life N-Tier application. Microsoft Great Plains Payroll Module Customization Scenarios It is now common thing when large corporation selects mid-market ERP or so-called standard functionality MRP solution as its corporate accounting system. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very good candidate. As all MBS ERPs it has MS SQL Server 2000/2005 database platform and allows you to deploy customizable and altered solution, serving large corporation HR department. If you use US / Canadian Payroll module as paycheck solution for internal employees ? you probably don't need custom logic. In this small article we'll show you the way of tailored integrated solution for nation-wide placement agency. Introduction To ISDN, Part II In the previous ISDN article, we looked at how and why one router dials another using ISDN. Just as important is knowing what keeps the link up once it is dialed. ![]() |
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