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Microsoft CRM Customization: Integration with Third Party SQL Application/Database
Microsoft CRM ? Client Relationship Management package from Microsoft Business Solutions was initially designed to be customizable with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net and one of its programming languages ? C#.Net or VB.Net. You can use ADO.Net, Web Service, Transact SQL scripting and stored procedures, deploy such SQL Server tools as Linked Server to all ODBC/OLEDB compliant database, including ORACLE, Sybase, Ingress, DB2, Unidata, Pervasive SQL, Ctree and even Lotus Notes/Domino. In this small article we would like to give you the clue on programming the integration with SQL third party Database. First ? use Microsoft CRM SDK to initiate communication with Microsoft CRM, we have it in C#: String[] arr1 = coll.AllKeys; int loop1, loop2; for (loop1 = 0; loop1 0?1:arr1.Length); loop1++) { String[] arr2 = coll.GetValues(arr1[loop1]); for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < arr2.Length; loop2++) { strAccountId = arr2[loop2].Replace("}",null); strAccountId = strAccountId.Replace("{",null); } } if (Page.IsPostBack==false) { // Server should be set with the name of the platform Web server string Server = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ServerName"]; // VirtualDirectory should be set with the name of the Microsoft // CRM Virtual Directory on the platform Web server string VirtualDirectory = "mscrmservices"; string strDir = "http://" + Server + "/" + VirtualDirectory + "/"; // BizUser proxy object Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser oBizUser = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser (); oBizUser.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; oBizUser.Url = strDir + "BizUser.srf"; // CRMAccount proxy object Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMAccount account = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMAccount (); account.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; account.Url = strDir + "CRMAccount.srf"; Then you use ADO.Net for calling stored procedure with parameters to do the integration job: try { string SQLStatement="ICS_UpdateAccountPrivate '"+ strAccountId +"' , '" + this.TextBoxWorkPerformed.Text + "' , "+doubleEncode(System.Double.Parse(this.TextBoxAnnualRevenue.Text))+" , "+ intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.TextBoxNumberOfEmployees.Text.Replace(",","")))+" , "+ doubleEncode(System.Double.Parse(this.TextBoxAverageGrowthRate.Text))+" , "+ "'"+this.DropDownListOwnership.SelectedItem.Text +"' , "+ intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.RadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Value))+" , "+ intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.TextBoxCredit.Text.Replace(",","")))+" , '"+ this.TextBoxComments.Text+"'"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection tmpConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionStringICS"] ); About The Author Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies ? USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, based in Chicago, California, Texas, Florida, New York, Georgia, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Canada, UK, Australia and having locations in multiple states and internationally (www.albaspectrum.com), he is CMA, Great Plains Certified Master, Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK developer. You can contact Andrew: 1-866-528-0577 andrewk@albaspectrum.com.
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Lotus Domino Implementation and Development: Infrastructure ? Present and Future Domino server is a buffer between the operation system and the application. On the other hand Domino server ? consists of the services which support development processing and executing of dynamic, secure applications for Internet, Intranet, or Extranet. Domino server role is to provide functionality both: within and between Domino-applications. Domino services interpret codes and elements of application and execute them over actual operation system. Each service is specially optimized for its specific role when Domino is activated for effective functioning of the whole application. Instant Messenger Clients If you have been using the Internet for any amount of time you have probably used an instant messenger at some time or another. They allow you to talk to your friends, family and co-workers with the click of a button. There are many great clients out there, as well as many different networks. What You Must Know About Spyware Right Now Spyware is like the new technological nuclear weapon on the internet. Spyware can not only damage the health of your computer but it can also steal your personal identity other personal information. Spyware is software that is hidden inside legitimate downloads that you come across on the internet. An example would be the growing number of file sharing programs and free mobile ring tone advertisements that you come across on the internet. If you have teenagers in your household, it's imperative that they know the dangers of using these programs as what takes 2 minutes to download and listen to, can take a good few hours to remove the damage left behind after being infected with spyware. Crystal Reports - Geterogeneus databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Unidata, Btrieve ? Tips For Developer Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition. Multiple software vendors offer Crystal Reports as the main reporting tool: Microsoft, Best Software, Oracle to name a few. Did You Ever Want to Completely Erase Everything on Your Computer? Did you ever want to erase everything on your computer? This is a program I found that does that for you quickly and easily. Microsoft Great Plains version 8.5: Upgrade, Customization, VBA, Crystal Reports - Highlights Microsoft Great Plains is one of the Microsoft Business Solutions family ERP products: Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, Solomon, Small Business Manager. MBS also has Microsoft CRM - Client Relation Management software and Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS) Microsoft Great Plains eCommerce ? Stored Procedures Approach Since Version 8.0 Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains & Great Plains Standard are available on Microsoft SQL Server and MSDE (which is in fact MS SQL with database size limit of 2GB). As eCommerce designer you should be aware of several options and customization tools in your disposition, when you utilize Microsoft Great Plains 8.5 (June 2005), 8.0, 7.5, Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise 7.0, 6.0, 5.5 or 5.0 Great Plains Dynamics C/S+. When you have old versions (7.5 and prior) we assume that you are on MS SQL Server 2000/7.0, because if you are on Ctree or Pervasive SQL/Btrieve ? you should use ODBC / RDO connection tools, such as MS Access and its queries or use MS SQL Server Linked Server technique with OPENROWSET statements. So, lets assume that you are on MS SQL Server. You have basically two options eConnect (you should pay for the reg key/license and this is SDK) and custom stored procedures. We'll only consider custom stored procedures way here: 10 Things You Can Do With Photoshop CS2 That You Couldnt Do Before Now Is Photoshop CS2 worth the upgrade? You bet it is! Here are just 10 things you can do with this fantastic new version of Photoshop that were impossible (or difficult) to do with previous versions: Looking for an Alternative to Microsoft Office? You Should Be! Now is the time to look at an alternative to Microsoft Office. Microsoft Great Plains implementation: Restaurants Supply Chain Management Example Microsoft Great Plains serves majority of US based horizontal and vertical markets. Being relatively flexible and customizable ? it can fit your specific business requirements with light or deep customization. You can have portion of the system customization done by your in-house developers (such tools as Modifier with VBA, MS SQL Server stored procedures, Crystal Reports do not require unique expertise) and the most critical and difficult part could be subcontracted ? especially Great Plains Dexterity. In this small article we would like to give you good example of customization scenarios, where client needs warehouse management, random weight purchasing and by-pond resale to end clients, barcoding. Microsoft CRM: Implementation, Customization, Support ? Consultant Overview Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is present several years on the US software market plus it makes advances in Europe. We expect substantial number growth of Microsoft CRM implementations across USA. C++ Tutorials: 3, Program Flow (If, Else, While, For) Program Flow is what you think it is. How the program will flow. As you know the compiler will just go down the code. Program flow is what you use to make it run a certain thing a few times, do something based on a variable, etc... There are some basic comands to program flow. The first two are loops: While and For. When you want something to loop for an amount of times based on a variable, use while. If you know how many times you want something to run, use for. If and else statements are pretty self explanable. Dont be afraid, I will go over all the syntaxes and how to do everything! Anti-Virus Software Anti-virus software is used to find, remove or fix files that are infected with computer viruses. Most anti-virus companies release weekly updates of their databases to help keep you safe. Your anti-virus software uses these weekly updates (also known as virus signatures or definitions file) to identify newly discovered viruses. Microsoft CRM Modification ? Overview for IT Specialist Microsoft CRM is now on the scene and it is increasing its market share, due to the Microsoft Business Solutions muscles and marketing strategy. It is tightly integrated with other Microsoft Business Solutions products such as Microsoft Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Linux Vs. Windows This article will not attempt to advocate the use of Linux over Windows or vice versa. I will try to present the differences and similarities between Linux and Windows in a fair manner. Microsoft Great Plains Integrations - Tips for Developer In this short FAQ style article we would like to introduce you - software developer, programmer, database administrator into Microsoft Great Plains Integration tools and options Great Plains Customization ? Programming Auto-apply in Accounts Receivable Microsoft Great Plains is one of three Microsoft Business Solutions mid-market ERP products: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Considering that Great Plains is now very good candidate for integration with POS application, such as Microsoft Retail Management System or RMS and Client Relation Systems, such as Microsoft CRM ? there is common need in Great Plains customizations and integrations, especially on the level of MS SQL Server transact SQL queries and stored procedures. Microsoft Great Plains as ERP and Microsoft CRM as CRM If you have Microsoft Great Plains and support it for your company then you need to know some technical details about Great Plains version upgrade and what is going on behind the scenes, which options do you have in case of Dexterity, VBA, SQL customization, additional complexity comes with migration from ctree/Pervasive to MS SQL/MSDE. eStore Advantage ? Extending Microsoft eConnect for MBS Great Plains eStore Advantage allows front-office applications to communicate with back-office business environments. It has a built-in support for electronic payment processing, and serves as a core integration platform for Nodus Technologies front-to-back office connectivity suites including RMS and CRM Advantage. Programming Language Migration Path While I was preparing some personal background information for a potential client, I was reviewing all the programming languages that I have had experience with. I list languages that I'm most experienced with on my resume. However, it occured to me that if I was to list all the languages that I've worked with, then the client would become overwhelmed with the resume and just write me off as either a total bit head or looney toons. But as I reflected on all these different environments I realized how much fun I've had being involved with the software development industry, and that a lot of that fun has to do with the learning process. I think this is what makes a good programmer. Not just the ability to write code, or come up with a very creative application, but the ability to learn. Lets admit it! If a programmer doesn't have good learning skills, then the programmer is going to have a very short career. ![]() |
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