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Microsoft Great Plains: Interest Calculation Example ? Stored Procedure for Crystal Report
This is intermediate level SQL scripting article for DB Administrator, Programmer, IT Specialist Our and Microsoft Business Solutions goal here is to educate database administrator, programmer, software developer to enable them support Microsoft Great Plains for their companies. In our opinion self support is the goal of Microsoft to facilitate implementation of its products: Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, Microsoft CRM. You can do it for your company, appealing to Microsoft Business Solutions Techknowledge database. This will allow you to avoid expensive consultant visits onsite. You only need the help from professional when you plan on complex customization, interface or integration, then you can appeal to somebody who specializes in these tasks and can do inexpensive nation-wide remote support for you. Let's look at interest calculation techniques. Imagine that you are financing institution and have multiple customers in two companies, where you need to predict interest. The following procedure will do the job: CREATE PROCEDURE AST_Interest_Calculation @Company1 varchar(10), --Great Plains SQL database ID @Company2 varchar(10), @Accountfrom varchar(60), @Accountto varchar(60), @Datefrom datetime, @Dateto datetime--, as declare @char39 char --for single quote mark declare @SDatefrom as varchar(50) declare @SDateto as varchar(50) select @SDatefrom = cast(@Datefrom as varchar(50)) select @SDateto = cast(@Dateto as varchar(50)) select @char39=char(39) if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[AST_INTEREST_TABLE]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AST_INTEREST_TABLE] ( [YEAR] [int] NULL , [MONTH] [int] NULL , [COMPANYID] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [ACTNUMST] [char] (129) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [BEGINDATE] [varchar] (19) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [ENDDATE] [varchar] (19) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [YEARDEGBALANCE] [numeric](19, 5) NULL , [BEGBALANCE] [numeric](38, 5) NULL , [ENDBALANCE] [numeric](38, 5) NULL , [INTERESTONBALANCE] [numeric](38, 6) NULL , [INTERESONTRANSACTIONS] [numeric](38, 8) NULL , [INTEREST] [numeric](38, 6) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] exec(" delete AST_INTEREST_TABLE where [YEAR] = year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +") and [MONTH]=month("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +") insert into AST_INTEREST_TABLE select year(X.BEGINDATE) as [YEAR], month(X.BEGINDATE) as [MONTH], X.COMPANYID, X.ACTNUMST, X.BEGINDATE as BEGINDATE, X.ENDDATE as ENDDATE, X.YEARBEGBALANCE as YEARDEGBALANCE, X.YEARBEGBALANCE+X.BEGBALANCE as BEGBALANCE, X.YEARBEGBALANCE+X.ENDBALANCE as ENDBALANCE, X.INTERESTONBALANCE as INTERESTONBALANCE, X.INTERESTONTRANSACTIONS as INTERESONTRANSACTIONS, X.INTERESTONBALANCE+X.INTERESTONTRANSACTIONS as INTEREST --into AST_INTEREST_TABLE from ( select "+ @char39+ @Company1 + @char39+" as COMPANYID, a.ACTNUMST, "+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +" as BEGINDATE, "+ @char39 + @Dateto + @char39 +" as ENDDATE, case when b.PERDBLNC is null then 0 else b.PERDBLNC end as YEARBEGBALANCE, sum ( case when (c.DEBITAMT-c.CRDTAMNT is not null and c.TRXDATE ="+ @char39 + @SDatefrom + @char39 +" and c.TRXDATE =year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +") where a.ACTNUMST>="+@char39+@Accountfrom+@char39 +" and a.ACTNUMST="+ @char39 + @SDatefrom + @char39 +" and c.TRXDATE =year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +") where a.ACTNUMST>="+@char39+@Accountfrom+@char39 +" and a.ACTNUMST |
Microsoft Great Plains e-Commerce ? additional considerations for programmer Microsoft Great Plains, designed back in 1990th as database transferable and graphical platform independent ERP application ? Great Plains Dynamics/Dynamics C/S+/eEnterprise. For eCommerce developer the most important is to understand Great Plains tables structure and business processes in Sales Order Processing, Accounts Receivables, Inventory Control (inventory items allocation, backordering, etc), posting to Bank Reconciliation and General Ledger. And this is where Great Plains structure seems to be not transparent. Let's give you highlights: Software Automation Helps Increase your Bottom Line When you own a small business, time is money. And every time a task that should be automated is handled manually, it wastes your time and your business loses money. To make matters even worse, performing these tasks manually, in front of clients or prospects, projects the wrong image. Causes of ERP Failures ERP is the acronym of Enterprise Resource Planning. Multi-module ERP software integrates business activities across various functional departments, from product planning, parts purchasing, inventory control, product distribution, to order tracking. ERP has transformed the way multi-billion dollar corporations conduct their businesses. Successful implementation of ERP systems could save tens of millions of dollars and increase employee satisfactions, customer satisfactions and sustain competitive advantages in every-changing marketplace. Corporate executives are often perplexed by the stories that how reputable corporations (Hershey Foods, etc.) have failed miserably and lost ten of millions of dollars in their ERP endures. Microsoft Great Plains ? Licensing & Product Versions Current Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has more that 10 years of history. Former Great Plains Software had two lines of Great Plains: Dynamics & Dynamics C/S+, later on renamed into eEnterprise. In this small article we would like to give you first directions when you look into Great Plains purchase and implementation or upgrade your existing product. Also we'll clarify on annual enhancement program reenrollment and getting technical support from Microsoft Business Solutions or third party. We will talk about customization, because it would be outside of the tiny article format. You need to know that Great Plains is written in Great Plains Dexterity and customization is possible in Dexterity, SQL, Extender, Modifier/VBA, Continuum, eConnect. How to Choose the BEST Charting Software I suggest that you do not spend a lot of money on charting software as most perform very similar functions. Often the price is inflated to capitalize on the mentality that expensive is better. A software package under $1000 will perform all of the tasks required by even the most advanced traders. Microsoft CRM ? Typical Customizations Microsoft CRM was designed to be easily customizable. Microsoft CRM Software Development Kit (MS CRM SDK) which you can download from Microsoft website contains descriptions of the objects or classes, exposed for customization. It has sample code in C# and partially in VB.Net. In Visual Studio.Net you can analyze all the classes, used by Microsoft developers to create MS CRM - you will discover that most of them are not documented in MS CRM SDK. Microsoft will not support your customization if you use undocumented class or do direct SQL access to CRM database. Guide to Software Marketing Intro This concise article will tell you in plain English how you can promote your software easily and effectively. Are You Waiting for Microsoft Longhorn Operating System I love new technology. I am still ready to wait long for Longhorn. I have tried almost all operating systems of Windows series. My interest in Longhorn is building up day by day and the reason is..! From beginning Microsoft is very successful to project Longhorn as something mysterious. Many interesting stories are connected with it, which helped Longhorn to gain pre-launch popularity; I would rather say curiosity about this product. I don't know who is the propaganda minister of Microsoft? May be Mr. Brightside or Mr.Lonely. Relax guys I was just kidding. Microsoft CRM Messaging through Lotus Domino eMail Server - Balanced Solution Microsoft CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino seem to be taking completely different paths and if company is Microsoft oriented - we see MS CRM, MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, SharePoint, etc. In the case of Lotus Domino - it is opposite - Lotus is corporate Information Media and could technically play CRM role with internal messaging coming through Lotus Domino server. However realities of modern corporation give us multiple examples when Microsoft CRM and Lotus Domino should coexist in compromise. There are several reasons why corporation doesn't like to stick to one platform: HSphere Control Panel Tips and Tricks - Power At Your Fingertips: Part 1 The other options available in this interface are for the particular e-mail account. An Easy Way to Deal with Email Viruses and Worms If you feel intimidated when someone tries to teach you something new on the computer, this article is for you! Spyware Protection: A Must for Any Home Computer Now that spyware is the single most dangerous threat to home computers connected to the internet today, getting your hands on some sort of spyware and adware protection is critical. Spyware has outpaced computer viruses in its prevalence, and in the kind of damage it can do to your system. Screenshots Vista Windows Features Additionally, Vista will include many other new features. Ukraine IT Myths Dispersed While Ukraine is becoming a new popular IT outsourcing destination, there are still many myths about it and no clear understanding of the opportunities outsourcing to Ukraine can present. Let us look closely at some of those myths and find out whether there is any truth behind them. Microsoft Great Plains Inventory Control ? Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets where it can be easily localized). Great Plains Inventory control is pretty robust and here we would like to give you highlights on standard functionality as well as what could be added to its standard features. Microsoft Great Plains: Offshore Customization & Development ? Overview for Consultant When you visit department stores and see that majority of the apparels are produced in other countries, not US ? you probably do not worry about this fact. About 10 years ago, when Clinton's high tech era was at the inception ? we saw the signs of high tech professionals inflow in the USA from overseas. Nowadays the trend is reversed ? instead of importing high tech people, we are at the beginning of outsourcing to them in their overseas countries the programming workload. In this small article we'll concentrate on the Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains customization specifics: Great Plains Dexterity (IDE and programming language), SQL programming with XML in/out bound, VBA/Modifier/Continuum, Crystal Reports, Web publishing/eCommerce The Bluebird Project The objective for Zandi Digital is to make available clever programs to end-users that want and need something more diverse. Bluebird is the current application being developed by Zandi Digital. Bluebird will have the ability to compress multimedia(image, audio, or video) and text into one single file and later opened for reading or editing with Bluebird on Microsoft Windows® operating systems. A illustration is at Benefits of Integrating Online Chat Software with CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy and processes used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. CRM applications are traditionally developed as client-server software. The proliferation of the Internet and the Web has fueled the rapid growth of Web-based CRM or online CRM applications. Web CRM systems are widely deployed for Web based call center, contact management, trouble ticket, personal information manager and scheduling. As more and more corporations use chat software to provide quality customer support, many CRM vendors have built chat functionality into new generation of Web-based CRM systems. Benefits of Shareware Shareware has been fighting the stigma of being misunderstood for decades. While corporate software giants can no longer ignore the marketing potential of a trial version, small software startups are struggling with new listings and bandwidth costs. Businesses and individual consumers need to take a closer look at the benefits of taking advantage of shareware marketing. The concept of a trial version is not a new one. Consumer expectations, and the need for immediate satisfaction have spurned the industry to realize the need for instant software. The availability of file downloads in the Internet era, is spurning a revolution of purchasers who never leaving their homes or offices. As a result, the Internet has taken the proliferation of shareware to a new level. SyncUp ? A File/Folder Synchronizer For Windows SyncUp, a file synchronizer is designed to assist the home and advanced users. The product has a simple and familiar windows explorer type interface for easy file handling. Further, the Scan Results provides a detailed preview of the files for synchronization. |
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