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Lotus Domino/Notes - Microsoft Great Plains Tandem as ERP with Documents Workflow - Overview for IT
Lotus Domino/Notes ? Microsoft Great Plains tandem as ERP with Documents Workflow ? overview for IT Specialist Microsoft Business Solutions has the whole spectrum of business applications, the good combination seems to be Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft CRM. However we need to admit that Microsoft is relatively new in the CRM market and also for large corporation it could not be a good idea "to put all the eggs into one basket". If you have investment into other platform from CRM side ? such as Lotus Domino/Notes ? we offer you integration with Microsoft Great Plains Why does the company need document workflow system if it has an Accounting/ERP? The benefits of having financial, sales, services, communication, negotiation and other information be tightly linked and exposed to simple reporting and data mining are obvious. Now we are observing the second and I would dare to say successful phase of CRM systems implementation, which is probably final successful marriage in the long history of datawarehousing, document workflow, contact management systems. Some business situations where you see the benefits Reports creation without special knowledge Special skills are required in order to work with complex ERP system. Usually financial specialist has such skills, but top-level managers, who do really need the information, may not be prepared. Also, ERP based reports should be delivered on regular basis. If Lotus Domino/Notes is used as a corporate communication platform, then to resolve the issue, specially designed routines may be used to pull the information from financial systems (Great Plains, Solomon, Navision, Axapta, SAP, SCALA, Accpac, MAS90 to name a few) to Lotus databases on the schedule. In this case users, including top-level managers will work with this information via custom interface. Documents routing One of the competitive advantages of CRM is a workflow. Financial documents are usually subject for approval before posting. Typical accounting/ERP systems do not have (or have very limited) workflow design. Such the workflows could be created on Lotus Domino/Notes platform. Then, through the connection to Microsoft Great Plains or other ERP system you will have document approval workflow. The typical simple workflow would be like this - send notifications to AR to take off the hold from the customer upon the payment receipt. So the approach to integrate accounting system and documents oriented Lotus Domino/Notes seems very interesting for corporate information architecture. Happy designing, customizing and programming! If you want as to do the job ? call as 866-528-0577, help@albaspectrum.com Rafael software developer in Alba Spectrum Technologies (http://www.albaspectrum.com/) - USA nationwide Lotus Domino/Notes, Great Plains, Microsoft CRM, Microsoft RMS customization company, based in Chicago, Arizona, California, Texas, New York, Florida, Minnesota, Washington, Georgia, Canada, UK, Australia and having locations in multiple states and internationally, our Lotus page - http://www.albaspectrum.com/Lotus/OffshoreLotus.htm, Rafael is Principal CLP IBM Lotus Domino 6 Application Developer, Certified Professional E-commerce Concepts Analyst About The Author Rafael Osipov is Principal CLP IBM Lotus Domino 6 Application Developer, Certified Professional E-commerce Concepts Analyst; RafaelO@albaspectrum.com
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DVD Burning Tips CD and DVD replication is a process that works by creating discs from scratch. Not to be confused with duplication (the act of burning information onto readymade, commercially-available blank CD-Rs and DVD-Rs), replication relies on the use of molds to produce actual discs that already contain digital data. It is the preferred and recommended mode of mass production for quantities in excess of 500 units. Microsoft CRM Integration with Microsoft Retail Management System (RMS) ? Overview Microsoft Client Relation Management system (Microsoft CRM) and Microsoft RMS are both Microsoft SQL Server based applications, however historically Microsoft was purchasing industry leading software applications, such as QuickSell which is now Microsoft RMS. So, RMS design fundamentals were minted a long time before Microsoft CRM. But, still integration between the two is straightforward and what you need is consultant, who is familiar with both systems structures and customization scenarios. Microsoft CRM is currently integrated with Microsoft Great Plains and will be integrated with Microsoft Navision in the close future, RMS integration is not planned to our knowledge, so you should seek third party solutions or create your own integration. We see the need for such the integration when you sell on account in RMS and have customer support call center automated with Microsoft CRM. Let us give you highlights: OSI Layers Model Introduction Put Some Pizazz in Your Software Arsenal The software giants don't do everything and don't always produce the result that we want. At least if you're like me, and you're not where you would like to be (profitwise). Blind CC (Bcc): Master Its Use When E-Mailing If you use Microsoft Outlook (or similar applications) for e-mailing, then you are familiar with the fields at the top of a new mail message, right? Of course, in the "To..." field, you enter the name of one or more persons you intend to receive your message. Use the field labeled "Cc..." (for Carbon Copy - remember how they did it back in 1978 BC, "before computers"?) for anyone who needs to view your e-mail but is not the addressee. Microsoft Great Plains Partner Selection: Overview Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Solomon and Axapta are Microsoft Business Solutions ERP applications, serving to the whole spectrum of vertical and horizontal markets. Assuming that you already have one of these systems installed and implemented we would like to give you - IT director, Database Administrator, Programmer, Software Developer, Controller your options in supporting/upgrading Microsoft Great Plains for your company Reloading Windows XP If you have been running Windows XP for a couple of years or more you may find that it is not running quite as quickly and smoothly as it was when you did your first install. I am constantly 'evaluating' software and uninstalling and reinstalling beta software on my computer and have always gradually become more and more disappointed after nine months to a year with the performance of my PC. So I regularly do a backup and reinstall all my software, including Windows. Software: What Suits Me? Almost all new and major brand of PCs come with bundled software packages that can handle both business and personal needs. Microsoft Great Plains Subcontracting ? Overview for Microsoft Business Solutions Partner Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very popular ERP/MRP applications in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, South Africa, Latin America. Considering high number of new Microsoft Great Plains partners and the desire to subcontract occasional customization, integration and reporting projects, we would like to advise you on Microsoft Great Plains subcontracting guidelines, based on our experience in dealing with Great Plains VARs Candidates for subcontracting: Great Plains Bill of Materials Setup & Customization for Process Manufacturing ? Overview Microsoft Great Plains has full-featured Manufacturing suite of modules: Capacity Requirements Planning, Job Costing, Master Production Scheduling, Materials Requirements Planning, etc. However Microsoft Great Manufacturing serves so-called discrete manufacturing market niche. At the same time Great Plains fits to mid-size companies, where manufacturing processes might be categorized as light assembly. One of our clients, mid-size crane trucks manufacturing facility recently outsourced all the parts assembly to overseas partners and concentrated on sales, distribution, leasing and only light final assembly. This small article describes you how you could deploy Microsoft Great Plains Bill or Materials in process manufacturing. We will describe combination of Sales Order Processing (SOP) module to get customer orders, Bill of Materials (BOM) to assembly for the order, Inventory Control (IV) to allocate materials and Purchase Order Processing (POP) to replenish inventory Microsoft CRM Messaging through Lotus Domino eMail Server - Balanced Solution Microsoft CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino seem to be taking completely different paths and if company is Microsoft oriented - we see MS CRM, MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, SharePoint, etc. In the case of Lotus Domino - it is opposite - Lotus is corporate Information Media and could technically play CRM role with internal messaging coming through Lotus Domino server. However realities of modern corporation give us multiple examples when Microsoft CRM and Lotus Domino should coexist in compromise. There are several reasons why corporation doesn't like to stick to one platform: Microsoft Great Plains Middle East - Arabic Language Support Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as in Middle East. Microsoft Business Solutions Partner ? How to Launch New IT Consulting Practice In the new era of internet marketing the problem of severe competition comes into the first position. If you look back into 1990-th you will find high tech companies using traditional sales techniques: purchasing local and regional businesses contact lists, making cold calls and then trying hard sales closing techniques, such as "selling to the top" ? IBM style, selling to VITO (very important top officer), etc. It did work those old days. We would dare to announce that these days are gone and these techniques are now obsolete. Microsoft Office Selecting Secrets Stop the Runaway Mouse The Tools and Features of Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's leading graphics editing programs, developed by Adobe Systems. Available on Mac OS or PC, Photoshop is used as one of the leading image design programs for the World Wide Web. The most recent version of Photoshop, or Photoshop CS2, "bridges" between other Adobe products such as Image Ready, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, and Encore DVD to produce professional videos and DVDs. Photoshop uses a file format called a .PSD or .PDD to store multiple layers of an image. Recently Adobe released a program called Photoshop Elements in order to give a less expensive version of Photoshop with many of the same features. Although Adobe Photoshop is used primarily in doing touch-up for digital photos, it is also used for creating designs for web pages and professional companies. Free Software: How Not To Get More Than You Bargained For! I completed an experiment recently. I wanted to find out exactly what software I could get free on the Internet. My main focus was for software to include utilities and useful home business applications. eStore Advantage ? Extending Microsoft eConnect for MBS Great Plains eStore Advantage allows front-office applications to communicate with back-office business environments. It has a built-in support for electronic payment processing, and serves as a core integration platform for Nodus Technologies front-to-back office connectivity suites including RMS and CRM Advantage. Accounts Payable: A Powerful Document Management and Workflow Solution Accounts payable is just one area of office management where problems arise because of the sheer complexity of transactions, and the vast amount of paperwork that is generated. Crystal Reports for Microsoft Great Plains Microsoft Business Solutions ? Great Plains is designed to meet and extend the needs of small and mid-size organizations for its business success. Its comprehensive accounting and business management applications also provide businesses with capabilities to customize various modules of the Great Plains software to fit to their specific needs. Because of these potentials, Great Plains has been targeted to the whole spectrum of both horizontal and vertical clientele. Is Your Family Protected? When you think about Security, what do you think of? We all have one device or another to assist in keeping us safe. We have pad locks and security systems to safe guard our home, alarm systems to protect the equipment in our cars, parental controls on our cable TV and satellite accesses. We even have ways to protect our loved ones from computer invasions. But are we protected enough, are we using the best devices to combat the unwanted and dangerous intrusions, not to mention keeping our family from stumbling across those out on the internet? Let's face it, without the proper soft ware to protect your computer, you are at risk every time you connect to the internet. There are the viruses, the Trojans and unwanted spam, not to mention the chat rooms where millions fall victim of on-line predators, and let's not forget the #1 problem on the internet, pornography. You may be saying, but I have the best anti- spy ware money can buy and my internet service provides parental controls. Here's the underlying question: How effective are they? Statistics show that 95% of internet users don't have the adequate security to prevent attacks or control the content the computer user can access. The average computer is scanned by online intruders on average of 12 times a day. More and more victims are realizing the importance of these safety devices. The newest trend for identity theft is to steal information and cash out, out side of the country making it impossible to trace and leaving the victims with nothing to replace the funds. What do I do, you ask? Let me begin with the basics. There are four steps to take into consideration. 1. Evaluate- There are diagnostic tools to find and identify dangerous threats to your computer. These tools are as simple as popping into you computer and scanning your hard drive. Threats are then identified with the proper recommended course of action to take. 2. Eliminate- Once the threats have been identified the obvious next step is to eliminate. These security tools help scan, eliminate and block threatening spy ware, annoying ad ware and cookies, damaging worms and Trojan horses. 3. Protect- Set up a barrier around your computer. This will keep intruders out and create a fire wall. This is the most effective way to defend you against hackers and avoid identity theft. 4. Control- This final step will create a peace of mind for you, with the knowledge that you can avoid potentially dangerous web sites. You can block undesirable websites as well as avoid ones that try to download spy ware onto your computer. So what's the next course of action? Find a security device that will cover these four steps and protect you from all of these hazardous things. There are even programs that will do this and automatically update every month to ensure added safety and avoid any new unknown danger. My advice, find them, get them on your computer to avoid any heartache that could happen. The average cost for these programs, to completely cover you computer, vary from $40- $120 depending on the collection of software you use. The products that will automatically update usually run $5 - $10 a month to give you the essential idea of, get it and forget it. Too many times we forget to update our securities and fall victim of these malicious acts. Don't wait, don't become a victim before you take action. What is the price for your safety? ![]() |
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