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Microsoft Small Business Manager eCommerce ? Overview
Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Manager is scaled down Great Plains Dexterity based version of Microsoft Great Plains or former Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise. Small Business Manager first release 7.0 and all the following version was available on MSDE (MS SQL Server 2000 with limited usage and database size ? 2GB maximum). It is nice situation on the market in eCommerce niche ? we see huge number of customers, who have purchased and implemented SBM for their small and mid-size businesses and then realized that customization options for Small Business Manager are very limited: in comparison to Great Plains SBM doesn't have VBA/Modifier, it has very restricted version of Integration Manager. These restrictions lead you, eCommerce developer to direct SQL programming. Again ? being scaled down version of Microsoft Great Plains ? Small Business Manager has a legacy of relatively complex tables structure. tom stored procedures way here: 1. Tables Structure. Small Business Manager has similar to Great Plains structure and similar System DYNAMICS database and the company. As you could see tables structure in Resource description in Great Plains ? so you do in SBM 2. Stored Procs. Yes ? we can go ahead and create stored proc in DYNAMICS and companies databases or Small Business Manager. Now ? there is one issue. Technically Small Business Manager comes with MSDE and MSDE doesn't have lovely tool SQL Server Enterprise Manager with Query Analyzer, etc. So somehow you should deal with this. If you have consulting programmer ? she or he can connect to your MSDE installation, using MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager, installed on consultant's laptop 3. Visual Studio.Net. This is the development tools to use ? because you will need a lot of web-debugging, considering complicated tables structure and records workflow. Some developers might suggest to use VS.Net data designer to link to Great Plains tables ? this idea is rather very difficult to realize, because of the simultaneous population of multiple tables, while creating internet orders: Order Header, Order Lines, Order Comments, Customer Master, Customer Address Master to name a few. So we would recommend sticking to stored proc. 4. SOP. Sales Order Processing. Usually eCommerce solution works around Sales Order Processing tables. The reason is ? it works with Inventoried items and typical eCommerce is ordering specific items off the internet. Look at SOP10100, SOP10200 and other tables with SOP prefix. Also you should know that SOP1XXX ? are so called working tables and you populate mostly these, when orders are transformed to invoices, order record goes to SOP3XXX tables ? these are called historical 5. RM. Receivables Management Module ? When Sales Order Processing Invoices are posted ? they create record in Accounts Receivables or Receivables Management Module. RM has RMXXXX tables and the ones you are interested to know are RM00101 ? customer master and RM00102 ? customer address master 6. Batch Processing. We recommend you consider just order creation via web interface. Then these orders should be processed by operator in Small Business Manager Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-630-961-5918 or 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Andrew is Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies (http://www.albaspectrum.com ) ? USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving clients in Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, New Orleans, Toronto, Montreal and having locations in multiple states and internationally
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In our opinion ? you should first understand your options to automate business processes and if Manufacturing module is absolute must ? only then you should purchase manufacturing and implement it. Let's give you some highlights: Screenplay and Script Writing Software When it comes to screenplay software each screenwriter needs to determine what they need from the program they purchase and pick one that fits their specific needs. Screenwriting software doesn't write the screenplay for you. Why do I say this? I don't want you to be under the impression one software application is "better" or the "best" script writing software. No script writing software should be chosen based on it helping you complete your screenplay "better" or "faster" than another. Spyware - The Internet Devil Of Our Times! Spyware and Adware infest over 90 percent of computers in use today. Internet linked computers has made it easy for spybots, adware, and trojans to infiltrate and compromise online privacy. 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If you are outside of USA/Canada: Mexico, South America, UK, South Africa, France, Australia, New Zealand ? you may have different promotion campaigns and might be not required to be on the service contract. In this article we assume that you are US/Canadian client. Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive/Ctree support ? overview for consultant All of us know that Microsoft bought former Great Plains Software and formed Microsoft (Great Plains) Business Solutions in the earlier 21st century. It was total success for GPS, we guess, but for Great Plains Dynamics / eEnterprise / Dynamics C/S+ clients it was the time of change. First of all ? Great Plains Software, as being independent corporation in 1990th had to stake on certain future predictions. They decided that future should be based on these two basic principles: Microsoft CRM Data Conversion FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions CRM data conversion deserves FAQ type of article, where IT people could get initial directions. Even if it seems as a trivial task, we would suggest you to think about these possible scenarios: objects mapping between your legacy CRM: GoldMine, ACT, Siebel, Lotus Notes Domino. When you think about MS CRM switch over ? do you think just to transfer master records: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, or you are thinking about historical activities: emails, faxes, calls, appointments, etc? These Items Are A Must Before Making The Decision To Purchase Any Off-The-Shelf Software 1. What determines the software price? Is it Per Seat or Per User or Per Processor? The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image? What is Colossus? Top Questions to Ask Before Buying a Help Desk & Asset Management Software #5 All your hardware components like Printers, PCs etc come under various maintenance contracts with different maintenance vendors. Do you know which batch of PCs are under warranty & for what number of PCs is the warranty about to expire (so that you can plan for an AMC)? 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